Chamomile Tea by Anthony Loggia - HTML preview

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What is chamomile?

Chamomile is a small flowering plant and a member of the Asteraceae family.

This is the same family as daisies and chamomile looks similar to a daisy with a yellow center and white petals.

The flower is popular as a tisane because of its delicate taste and light flavour.

The health benefits of drinking chamomile mean it is regularly drunk by people around the world.

Is there caffeine in chamomile?

No. Chamomile is technically a tisane as it uses the flower of the plant, not the leaves.

There is absolutely no caffeine in the chamomile flower and therefore non in the tea.

However, because it can help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, you may find that drinking chamomile does give you with more energy.

This is because it helps your body function properly rather than stimulating it like caffeine, which can cause you to crash when the caffeine wears off.

Is chamomile the opposite of caffeine?

In a way, yes. Chamomile is not chemically related to caffeine and is therefore not the opposite of it.

However, it does have the opposite effect and can make you feel sleepy and relaxed.

The chemical compounds in chamomile block certain receptors in your brain from firing, thereby enabling you to feel relaxed.

However, you can’t use chamomile to directly counteract any caffeine consumed – the caffeine is a potent stimulant.

Does chamomile make you sleepy?

Yes! Chamomile tea can definitely make you sleepy and give good rest.

It is full of naturally-occurring compounds that help to relieve stress and depression and encourage a healthy tiredness.

As well as helping you fall asleep faster, chamomile can help you sleep deeper and for longer.

The better the quality of your sleep, the more rested you will feel.

Chamomile helps stop muscle cramping, so you feel less tense and it also blocks nerves in your brain responsible for stress, so you won’t lie awake all night.

Can I drink chamomile tea while pregnant?

Check with your doctor.

While there isn’t a vast amount of evidence suggesting it is a bad idea, it is recommended to seek a professional practitioner’s advice first.

Remember too that there are plenty of other teas that have been proven to be effective at aiding pregnancy, such as raspberry tea.

Will chamomile actually help my PMS cramps?

Yes! Chamomile is excellent for preventing spasming muscles, soothing cramps, and alleviating pain.

Chamomile effectively blocks certain nerve receptors in the brain, which means you don’t feel as much pain.

The antispasmodic compounds will also mean fewer cramps, and any cramps you do have will be less intense.

Because chamomile is so soothing, it will also help control your mood swings and stabilise them so you don’t feel so negative and stressed.

Is chamomile tea good for depression?

Chamomile is very good for treating mild cases of anxiety and depression because it contains a compound that blocks certain specific neuro transmitters in the brain and prevents them from over-firing.

This minimises feelings of stress, general anxiety, and depression.

Since depression and anxiety usually occur together, and at the same places in the brain, chamomile has shown to be effective against both.

Additionally, the tea has antispasmodic properties that help your muscles relax and help you feel less tense.

The plant’s anxiolytic properties can also be used to assist with mild effects   of experiencing PTSD, panic attacks, and stress disorders.

However, you are consuming a tea brew of chamomile; it does not have a strong impact, unlike synthetic medication created for the direct purpose of treating serious conditions.

If you are experiencing intense feelings of depression or anxiety, it is  recommended not to solely rely on chamomile and of course a medical practitioner should be consulted.

Can I drink chamomile tea every day?

Yes, you can drink Chamomile every day.

Chamomile is very gentle, natural, and non-toxic, meaning it can be consumed every day.

Two cups per day are enough to see health benefits and remember drinking it in concentrated excess could induce vomiting.

Is chamomile antibacterial or antimicrobial?

Chamomile is both! Chamomile tea contains and an active compound called chamazulene.

This has strong antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

It can help fight mild internal infections and give your immune system a boost by killing harmful bacteria.

Chamomile extract can even be applied topically using an extract cream for small bug bites, stings, cuts, or scrapes.

The antibacterial properties help keep the open wound clean and aids with healing.

While chamomile extract will help fight small infections, it isn’t strong enough to tackle more severe cases.

It isn’t a strong antibacterial agent and therefore another substance would be more appropriate in a case of serious infection.

Is Chamomile good for an upset stomach?

Yes. Chamomile is commonly used to help relieve indigestion, heartburn, vomiting, digestion pains, cramps, and bloating.

The plant’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help your gut digest food quickly and easily.

If you regularly experience discomfort after eating a large meal, chamomile may help soothe the pain.

It is also antispasmodic, so it will stop cramps as well as preventing bloating.

The carminative properties aid digestion and reduce gas.

Will chamomile really help my blood pressure?

While Chamomile is less effective than some synthetic medicines, it can impact your blood pressure – in a good way!

Herbal teas like Chamomile contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals, lower blood pressure, and reduce your risk of contracting heart disease.

In turn, this lessens your chance of having a heart attack. Studies show that drinking chamomile tea every day can lower the amount of bad cholesterol and sugars in your blood.

It does this by keeping your pancreas healthy, which then helps keep your heart and nervous system healthy.

The flavones in the tea also help by attacking bad cholesterol, preventing blockages and a build-up in your bloodstream.

What does Chamomile taste like?

Chamomile tea is so popular because of its light, floral flavour.

Chamomile is described as having a delicate flavour that reminds drinkers of sweet hay, honey, and apple.

As such, the tea is often paired with these flavours, which compliment and enhance the experience.

It smells fresh and similar to sweet hay or grass.

The longer the tea is steeped, the bolder the taste will become. If you are drinking this tea with added honey, mint, or apple, you will need a strong chamomile flavour, so it is balanced nicely and isn’t overpowered.

Chamomile should be steeped for around five minutes, the longer the time the more robust the taste becomes.

If brewed for too long however, it can become bitter.

The tea should be a bright sunshine yellow colour.