Get Out of Depression, Discover the Ways to a Happy Life - Natural Remedies for Depression by Esther Monica - HTML preview

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Lifestyle Changes to Keep it Permanently Off


You cannot expect to live the same life and expect the depression to disappear. Consider this, the fact that you dont meet your parents anymore and hate your current job are the reasons why you have become depressed.  If you continue going to the same job and ignoring your parents, then that means the depression continues on. You aren’t overcoming the triggers and changing the causes of depression. Understand this once and for all, depression will only stop bothering you when and if you take the steps to stay away from things or people who depress you.


If you hate your job, quit it and find something else to do. If you have not been talking to your parents, sort out the difference and allow yourself some peace. Only when you face and handle the stuff that has been bothering you, will you be able to get over it.


I am suggesting some easy lifestyle changes that will help you avoid thinking negative thoughts and handle any problem that might start the onset of depression. Try incorporating them in your life and see how well they work for you.


Take Control


This is one of the most important things that you need to do. Believe, accept and take control. You  are the only  one who is in control of your life and nobody and nothing can tell you otherwise. It is up to you how you decide to live, whether you give in to the negativity or rise above it. You are your best friend and your strongest supporter and if you believe this then nothing can come in your way.


By taking control, what I mean is list down all the things that upset you or generally make your life unhappy. Once you have the list, you can start cutting those things off one by one. If you dont like the place you live, start searching for another option. Remember, you always have a choice about what you do and how you do it. Once you take control of one aspect of your life, you will become energized, motivated and confident enough to take control of everything that goes on in your life.


Face the Fear


Until you confront the things that are threatening to overwhelm you, they will continue to simmer beneath the surface. Avoiding or escaping a situation is never the solution and the sooner you accept this reality, the better. So how can you face the fear? Here are some easy tips:


Take the time to think: By thinking about whatever it is that is upsetting, you will come to see that there is a way out. Take out some time and relax in a chair. Then think about all the things that have been on your mind and lead to depression. Just calmly confront the situation and think of all the things that can be done to get out.


Anticipate and welcome the worst case: