Get Out of Depression, Discover the Ways to a Happy Life - Natural Remedies for Depression by Esther Monica - HTML preview

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Dealing with Childhood Depression


Depression during childhood may not be a very common thing, but it does take place and when it does, your child is not in a childish tantrum. The feeling is much more serious. This is the reason why you need to pay attention to the differences and recognize the symptoms of depression in your child. Studies show that 5% of children experience debilitating conditions of depression and have a difficult time coping with the problem.


I have already mentioned the symptoms of child depression, in this section, I will explain how you can help your child if they are going through the degenerative condition.


You Need to be Involved


This may sound like a generalized comment to you, but research confirms the fact that children who grow up in a healthy environment, where parents are involved in their day to day life, are more likely to be happy and successful in their adulthood.


Likewise, if there is an adult in the house who is depressed or going through some issues, it would mean that the child will automatically be influenced by the sense of negativity. And if this habit develops in infants, of keeping their emotions to themselves and not responding to pleasurable acts, then it will only escalate in the future. But the immediate family is not the only one who has an influence on the child. Studies show that children who have good relationships with their extended family members are more prone to be sociable and peaceful.


Step in Time of Need


You can’t just provide for your child financially and expect them to turn into complete and happy adults. Your kids need you to be there for them through all the good and bad times, school life and each and everything they  go through. This is why you have to pay special attention to how you raise them. Other than paying attention to their everyday life, if you notice that the child is persistently withdrawn or sad and is becoming slow physically, then it is time to have a talk with them and see what is on their mind.


Ask them what is wrong and if there is something particular that is bothering them. Try and sort out whatever it is that is bugging them. If it is something at school, go and check it out. Now is not the time to advise your child to toughen up and handle things on their own. If they are admitting their worries to you, then something must seriously be wrong.


Get the Family Together


If you have more than one child, then ask the sibling of the depressed child to participate in helping their  brother/sister deal with depression. Similarly, both you and your spouse should