How To Be Healthy During A Pandemic by Kevin Nnochiri - HTML preview

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In previous chapters, it was discovered that eating without exercising leads to unwanted fats being stored in the body. When people eat and live a lifestyle that is void of exercise, they put their health in danger. Exercise is vital for weight loss. The body needs to be stretched. Going about your normal day without exercise is what puts you at a greater risk of developing certain diseases.

Studies have shown that lack of exercise is the main cause of heart disease in most persons. Constant feasting without working overworks the organ. Exercise helps to strike a balance between eating and also being healthy. Recently, statistics have shown that the possibility of people developing heart- related concerns has increased because of the lifestyle and diet. Most of what we eat are processed foods with high calories, and sometimes, people do not take into account that the body needs to release some of these stored up calories. Exercise can prevent or even reverse the effects of certain diseases. Exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, which may prevent a heart attack.

Exercise not only helps in losing weight, it also helps in staying in shape. Those who maintain a consistent life of exercise reduce the risks of developing colon and breast cancer.

During a lockdown

One thing that highlights a lockdown is that businesses and social centres are shut down except for a few places considered to offer essential services. In countries where the lockdown measures are enforced with maximum strictness, people can barely go out for a drive or a run or even stroll with their dog. The gym is not available; your buddies are not there to motivate you, so there is every opportunity and excuse to think that it is impossible to exercise and stay fit during such time.

Even without going for a walk or a run or even visiting the gym, there are indoor exercise routines that can help keep the body in shape added to your healthy dieting. Exercising during the lockdown is easy and simple.

Have a routine

For a start, you will not want to feel overwhelmed by doing it every day. You can decide to spend a specific amount of time, a certain number of days a week. For instance, twenty minutes of exercise three times a week is good enough for a start. You can lose so much weight if you stay consistent. Of course, the longer you work out, the better for your weight loss journey. So instead of waking up in the morning and eating a heavy meal, you can take the first thirty minutes to exercise your body. You do not need to go to a gym to stay fit during a lockdown. You can be as healthy as possible just by having an exercise routine. After a while, you can increase the timing from twenty to forty-five minutes or even an hour.

You can utilize the aid of social media to know exactly what to do. If you have internet access, you can go on your YouTube and access a whole lot of exercise routines from different coaches and trainers. If you look around your house, you will see things that can be used for exercises, such as your staircase, a bag of flour or wood or even a rope for skipping. Bring out your innovative best and get yourself in shape. You can do other exercises with your own bodyweight without needing any extra help or material.

Things you can do at home.

Planks: Create a little space in the corner of your house and if you have a yoga mat, set it up there. Even if you don't have a mat or a carpet, you can position a towel to protect your arms. Get into position: lie on your front with your forearms on the floor (parallel to each other), toes tucked under, then push up your body weight, so you are resting on your forearms and your feet. Keep your body in a straight line and endure a bit. You can set a timer for a minute if you can last that long or half a minute. You will be building your muscles this way.

Step-ups: You can use a low chair or bench for this. You need to get something that won't meet but can carry your full weight. Stand in front of the chair, step up with one foot, bring the other up, stand up on the step. Step backward using the same leg. Repeat on the other side. Set a specific number of times you want to do that and observe how your body reacts to it.

Weights: If you have dumbbells at home, that's a huge plus, but if you do not, you can improvise. Get some heavy stuff like bags or irons and lift them. You can fill up a container with sand and lift it. This will help keep your muscles fit and sharp.

Skipping: Probably the easiest. All you need is a rope long enough for you to jump. This will help your heartbeat and also cause you to sweat and burn off some fat.

You can also join some virtual exercise classes and team up with other people who are trying to lose weight or stay fit. The association is healthy for you and provides you the opportunity to make new friends, though online.

There are some apps that can help you stay fit. This is the 21st century. Almost everything is digital. Utilize your phone and get some new ways of staying healthy.

Remember, it is possible to be healthy in a lockdown. All you need is to eat right; exercise and you will live better.