How to Sleep Like a Baby Even if You Have Sleep Deprivation by Ben Wiseman - HTML preview

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Lifestyle Changes

If you sleep on your back, you may develop sleep apnea. Your position in bed may or may not make you feel good.

You can determine the number of times you have experienced obstructive sleep apnea.

It also determines the impact of mild or severe sleep apnea on you. Sometimes it is related to gravity. When you lie on your back, gravity will prevent your throat from getting enough air.

People who sleep on their backs can experience up to 80 apneas per hour.

If they switch and sleep on the left or right side, they can get out of this dilemma.

However, if you are overweight or obese, this may not help much.

You can make some lifestyle changes to treat obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea:

• If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can help. Losing weight can help reduce the restriction of the throat. Eat healthier fruits and vegetables. Exercise more. If you are not sure how to lose weight, consult your doctor.

• Put down sleeping pills and related medications. In addition, do not drink alcohol as a sedative for falling asleep.

76 | H o w t o S l e e p L i k e a B a b y E v e n i f Y o u H a v e S l e e p D e p r i v a t i o n

• The nasal passages should not be blocked. If you cannot open them, use a nasal spray or nasal patch. You can also use decongestants, but not long-term use.

• If you are used to sleeping on your back, that may be a problem. Try sleeping on your side or on your stomach. If you sleep on your back, the soft palate of your tongue and throat will rest on your back. This can cause blockage of the airway in the throat. A unique idea is to tie something similar to a small back on the back of pajamas or pajamas.

• Raise the head of the bed to increase the level of oxygen you breathe in.

• If you smoke, you need to get rid of this habit as soon as possible.

Alternative medicine therapies, such as acupuncture, have been used to treat sleep apnea, but more research needs to be done.

Therefore, do not use this method as a means to get rid of this situation. Consult your doctor before considering any alternative treatments for sleep apnea.