The ABC of Weight Loss Habits by Terry Rich - HTML preview

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So what do we change in our diet?


DELETION OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS: prepared meals, low-end restaurants, fried foods, processed products (with a list of extended ingredients), biscuits, fast food, etc.

Deletion of dairy products: UHT milk, cream, cottage cheese. Except, if desired and tolerated, cheeses and butter (raw milk) of animals fed on the grass, preferably by selecting rather goat and sheep rather than a cow.

Deletion of cereal products: bread, pasta, brioches, bread, wheat-based, barley, rye. Except, if desired and tolerated, basmati rice (or camargue rice), oats, quinoa. Note: Buckwheat is not a cereal and can be eaten because it does not have the disadvantages of cereals.

Remove legumes, especially soy, except fermented soybeans (which can be eaten for profit): tempeh, miso soup, and tamari.

These are roughly the changes that can be made to move towards an "ideal" (which I put in quotation marks because there is no universal ideal, each has different needs). In any case, removing these products and focusing on fresh, raw, seasonal and organic quality products is necessarily a good solution.

Raw products include vegetables, fruits, seaweeds, herbs, fish, meat and eggs, oilseeds, vegetable oils, cocoa, spices which can be a little transformed.

In short, I encourage you to consume as much as possible all that is raw, not transformed by the man.