The ABC of Weight Loss Habits by Terry Rich - HTML preview

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Energize Your Mind, Not Your Body


You don’t need to change the world, just change your mind about it

-Jade Inspiration



A DIET IS COMPARABLE TO A MARATHON: to put all the chances on your side, it is necessary to prepare yourself as well from the practical point of view as psychological. Realism is the key to success. Set a reasonable goal for weight loss: if you've always been a little round, chances are you'll never get a mannequin silhouette. When dieting, it takes a reasonable goal: if you have always been a little round, you cannot reach then keep a silhouette of Barbie at the cost of immense effort.

If we know all the rules of the game, if we have all the necessary equipment, if we are well supported and advised and most importantly, if we have the right mindset, there is no reason to fail. As in any sporting event, the psychological factor is paramount. It is from it that motivation, commitment and perseverance depend. There is no point in starting a diet if you are depressed or anxious!

Ask yourself first how many pounds you want to lose precisely. The goal must be clear: 5 kilos, 7 kilos, 10 kilos. Write this goal in a notebook. Note any other personal project important to you even if it has nothing to do with your wish to lose weight. Since you have tackled the extra pounds, take advantage of this opportunity to tidy up or improve other aspects of your life.

Also note a deadline to reach your goal. This must have a concrete meaning for you: the next holidays, a wedding, a birthday... be realistic!

Your goals must be measurable but also attainable. Realism is the key to success. Set a reasonable goal in terms of weight loss: if you have always been a little round, it is likely that you never had a model figure! Give yourself enough time to lose weight without hurting yourself. Why not proceed step by step?

Concentrate on the goals you have set for yourself each day. For example, write them on small papers or "Post-It" and post them everywhere: on the fridge, on the mirror of the bathroom, on the computer screen or on the dashboard of the car. Write them in your diary and on your kitchen calendar. In short, make sure you keep them in mind all the time.

Commit yourself to meeting these goals. Tell yourself constantly, especially in the moments when discouragement awaits you, that you can get there because if others have succeeded, you can too!