Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot Book 2 by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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                                                   The Fifth Step Downward


                                      When We All Shall Stand At The Gates Of Purgatory


    The eminent day of atonement for America's sin of complacency {551} shall be ushered in by a number of heralding events. Some of these events have already been initiated into active progress, even in the moment that these words are being written, as we have already examined. What we must come to realize is that this process of initiation shall quicken, as we have already witnessed with the The Patriot Act transforming into The Freedom Act, only a more rigid repressing form of the original, as we shall recall.

   Always as time moves forward, we must remain acutely aware of intentional deception, just as the Nazi did to the citizens inside all lands underneath their control, as their repressive system unfolded on the ground, even in the people's very midst. We find this intended deception inside those very labels of The Patriot Act and The Freedom Act. The false suggestion found inside these labels being one of liberty and preservation of individual choice, when the true intention is to repress all forms of plebeian liberty underneath the feigned pretense of an outside deadly threat, in the same light as were the Russians to the citizens of America, during the Cold War back in the 1950's.


                                                              Behold The First Herald


   When we examine the past we shall observe the truth that the US government and economic system has been Socialized on the bottom level, with checks and balances removed to accommodate those in the upper economic echelon, primarily upper management in the corporate world and it's CEO executive branches on whose boards also sit growing numbers of US government officials, though the attempt to deceive appears from the observation that a majority are retired from government duty upon service to the corporation. As always, however, allow the fact to reveal where it is that the true goals and intentions of these officials lay as they most certainly did during their tenure in government, and they obviously do not lay with the plebeian citizens of the nation and the general concerns of the American masses.

   On the ground the US public school system, financed by a yearly tax on residential real-estate in disregard for the Constitutional right of Plebeians to own property, since this annual term tax robs individuals of that right, especially when it disregards any economic circumstances that property owners may find themselves thrust into due to the irrespective decisions of both State and national leaders, giving intensely dedicated labor for the corporate State and sustenance of their own insatiable purse; robs tax paying citizens of their freedom to choose specifically where it is that their children shall attend school and among whom it is that their offspring may associate with, another basic US Constitutional right and freedom of choice {552} found inside most other nations of the world.    The authoritarian justification for holding this basic Constitutional right to choose where their children may attend school in complete disregard, is in fulfillment of an all-inclusive socialized political objective. The sin of the American public is to simply bow down in acceptance, in lieu of the appeal to emotion and sympathy, even when the entire system has been professionally notated as being grossly inadequate, in the quality of it's end product. {553} The sad truth is that huge majority numbers of potential students do not even know how to conduct themselves in a professional manner, {554} since professional habits must be taught at home, and the negative habits among those in surrounding only serve to taint those whom are well educated in the home, eventually serving only to taint the entire body of population at large. Thus, we are called on to understand specifically why it is that the end result is a manufactured uncivilized sub-human, {555} lacking all forms of positive interactive mannerism or the educated decency to offer any measure of respect toward those around him or even himself;  who in-fact may possess a certificate of diploma, {556} but possess no level of skill to support the contention for it, including the most basic skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, and in our day and age, computer acclamation skills. {557}

   The most basic, yet most obvious first question that we should ask in lieu of this observation is why, why has the US educational system been allowed to generate such a poor quality end product, and to do so without end for nearly two generations? In what manner does this notation correlate with the material found inside this volume of work? How is it evidenced when we perceive the simple solution that should be obtrusively obvious and practically speaking, utilized all over the world, except on US shores? {558}

   In our earlier study we may observe the situation of at least two vastly different cultures that bore entirely different value systems, being literally forced by might of arms to interact. {559} This authoritarian compulsion to interact generated an atmosphere of tension that on more than one occasion, exploded into violence throughout the passing of years, future from the time of the original mandate. This mandated compulsion was forced in complete disregard for any measure of skill level, as it related to the prevailing majority already established inside the targeted institution, social strata level, developmental levels of professional habits, notions of morality or religion, value systems in general, and so on.

    Rather than a transformation of the negative found inside those who possessed no measure of development along these mentioned lines, into a positive, the negative destroyed the positive by degrading the universal value systems of the entire collective group. At best we may measure the line of development at half-way between that of the undeveloped, and those among the highly skilled. A far more accurate measurement would be two thirds of the way from developed into the undeveloped, according to nationwide observations of this author and the body of literature based on professional calculations of the specifics. We may observe revelation of these fore-stated conclusions in the notated fact that according to international studies, today's US level of scholastic achievement ranks last among the developed nations of the earth. {560} The question that looms heavily in lieu of the examination is one of why, why has this continuing deterioration been so allowed for fifty years now?

   As was intimated in earlier sections, the intent of the central bank and the corporations that grew up around it, was to totally dominate the resource base and the very lives of the people on the land that was conquered by their fore-fathers. By forcing people of totally opposite economic, completely alien cultures,  social and political views to interact, the tension that resulted served as a huge public distraction. This massive distraction served to conceal the erection of a Socialist/Communist or Fascist system of rule, while bearing the appearance of being justified through it's appeal to sympathy for some exaggerated allegorical past wrong committed by the prevailing majority, in one context or another.    As time continued to move forward and the general quality of education continued to plummet due to the effects of socialism imposed into educational agenda, {561} we are forced to conclude that the design from the very beginning was to intentionally cause a dramatic drop in both the quality and level of public education in the United States. In other words, from the very moment of the authoritarian compulsion for alien cultures to interact, the calculated knowledge was there from the beginning that the quality level of the end product would plummet dramatically while the mandated Socialist political agenda gained a solid foothold, as is so evidenced by the facts of our day. What we observe inside the realm of modern day US public education, is that basic studies such as math, history, writing especially handwriting, {562} English, grammar and pronunciation, are barely even taught at all. {563} We may deduce from the historical record that these skills have not been so taught for more than a decade, and in a state of gradual decline for some forty years into the past. So after all of this time we are left only with the most obvious question; where stands the valid hardline address to correct the situation?

   In lieu of a continuing absence of answer to the question begged, we are left only with a troubling realization. This realization is that the intention from the very beginning was never to provide a solution to the problem, because the prevalent problem was a part of the manufactured process to dominate the privately held resource base, indenturing the lives of plebeian masses into a life of endless bondage and perpetual servitude to the corporate nation and the Socialist State!

   Allow the wisdom of the ages to be repeated inside this work, individuals who are well educated in subjects such as mathematics, history, reading and writing, may observe facts developing on the ground, correlate those facts with the facts of history, and anticipate any designed move of government, centralized bank and corporation against the people. With both a solid knowledge of historical fact and mathematics, one would possess the ability to devise his own plan of resistance, knowing well how to calculate manpower and supply correlations with terrain and distance covered,  in unison with others of a like mind.

   On the other hand, ignorant people tend to be a very docile crowd and very easily swayed from an obvious prevailing truth, if only the information is presented in the proper format {564}, tactfully designed for them to accept. Thus, what is revealed here is the need for the skills of a master propagandist, which officials at the highest levels in US government are most obviously in no short supply of.    Should the oppressed ignorant ever choose to resist, this resistance would be in all probability, unorganized, and destined to wane in the face of any well organized, highly disciplined opposition, who bears the technology to witness it's rise in the initiative, then the ability to quash the movement before it even begins to shine. We may conclude in our observation of the inadequacy found inside the US educational system, that the poor quality of it's end result is intentional by design, serving thus as the first herald of the coming American holocaust.


                                                              Behold The Second Herald


   According to the presumed endowment of our cherished Constitution, we are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, as judged by peers of equal standing. {565} To decipher this statement into comprehensive terminology, all claims are to be substantiated by a valid premise, including a set of verifiable facts that support the conclusion of the accused being guilty, otherwise the so accused is deemed innocent.  A negative situation occurs when both the premise and the factual verification are held in disregard, and the accused is condemned solely on basis of the claim alone, then what we are witnessing is the reality of an emerging inquisition.

   Inquisitions may assume only two forms, political or religious. In present day America the most likely scenario would be for the presence of an extortionist political inquisition, although situations inside America and the West at large, {566} are becoming increasingly more conducive to religious inquisition, here in our present day and age.

   In American history, one of the very best examples of religious inquisition may be found in the example of the Salem Witch Trials. 598 What is evident in the historical record, is that something else was at steak other than the situation of witchcraft and people casting spells. From our best indications it appears that a situation existed of penniless individuals who lacked solid political contacts or influence, yet were in possession of potentially valuable, highly coveted land. Individuals who did possess political and economic clout, coveted these land holdings. Behind closed doors, on these grounds it was that the first condemning accusation was made. Since the law allowed for accused witches to suffer property confiscation, then the judges and the officials in high court were immediately in possession of the property, in complete absence of any type of trade exchange.

   As we may recall from the historical record, the first accusation incited fear and quite possibly a retaliatory response from the masses, many of whom were penniless land owners in the identical situation of possessing coveted lands and/or personal enemies of original claimants. Others among the accused were simply drifting penniless elements who were only impediments to the self-serving goals of the elites, either by speaking out against them and their perceived goals of self-gratification or by some sort of clandestine intimate relationship, {567} {568} where a cloud of blackmail designing to manipulate was held over-head. Out of the fear from one angle or another came a host of accusation, with each attempting to lay blame upon the other for his or her accused actions, leading to a blanketed condemning charge of witchcraft.

    In the end, public officials were at liberty to manipulate the tangled web of charges, condemn those among whom it was that they sought to wrest property and purge the community of it's impeding, nonproductive elements at the same time; as well as to keep revealing, yet legally condemning possibilities for any sort of illicit personal relationships, an enduring secret. When the dust of the masquerade finally settled, nineteen people swung from the gallows, one more lay dead from being pressed beneath a stack of stones and at least two to thirteen more were serving life inside some long forgotten dungeon. On the graves of the dead their last notated claim to innocence may still bring forth tears of sympathy, from those who comprehend the reality of what was truly occurring at that time, and the compromising, very uncomfortable position of those so condemned, as they stoically faced death with the coming rise of the peach sun.

   In the situation of tyranny, the first element to go is legitimate rule of law, thus rule of law is replaced by inquisition. Through use of inquisition, any who stand to oppose the new dawning extortionist order commanded by the tyrant in change, may be prosecuted and condemned to serving life in a situation of forced labor or death, {569} which ever option lies inside the realm of choice available for the tyrant to execute and in his best interest to do so. Inside this notation we may observe a disturbingly graduated development of the US court system calculatingly transforming from legitimate rule of law, into an extortionist political inquisition. {570}  {571} If the court system itself does not directly condemn those so charged in disregard of facts, then the victims may be condemned into a type of de-facto death by employers and other elements within the societal complex. {572} Through our observation of facts we may view the dawning inquisition erecting itself into place, with the intended design of keeping the prisons and labor camps {573} of the ever nearing future filled to meet any sort of anticipated forth-coming demand.

   Any observation of inquisition being erected must be met with the inclusion of broad, open-ended claims being allowed, where the court condemns based on raw assumption of guilt. Virtually speaking, the only hope of salvation for the accused to to hire a very high priced, yet effective lawyer, who knows the system and possess the ability to negotiate an arrangement, where the accused may redeem both his reputation and his positive legal standing. Critics may view this notation and say that the system was designed by lawyers who were searching to create their own opportunity at the expense of the broad population, in lieu of some type of political concern, but the truth is found only in that notation alone. The strongly suggestive question that we are left with is why, when it is up to the accuser to prove guilt of the so accused, according to Constitutional law and the presumption of innocence?

   As we we are called upon to comprehend, open ended claims stand as any claim of guilt that cannot be proven or dis-proven. Thus, the claim either sits in limbo, held in disregard or acted on directly in an effort to condemn the so accused. When political agenda is forwarded to allow a specific claim in an appeal to loyalty from some sort of demographic/political constituency, consequently removing the check against the court accepting it in absence of supporting evidence and in political favoritism of the accuser, then the court feels at liberty to assume guilt based on the assumption that the accusation would have never been made, unless some level of guilt was present. The fact still remains however, that condemnation in lieu of claims made in absence of evidence, runs counter to the US Constitution, no matter how it is that the appeal for justification from the masses is presented.

   In the beginning, examples of open ended claims were narrow, but as time continues to move forward, we may observe growing instances of this damning phenomenon. There again, critics may claim that the intent is only to provide opportunity for lawyers, the legal system and the prison system, but there lies the sole limitation of the intent. Were it not for the history that precedes this notation, this author might agree with the fore-stated conclusion, but in lieu of America's already notated history, this author detects that much more is at steak here.

   As the erection of an accompanying political inquisition to the rising Fascist State initiated, the first primary realm of open-ended claims lay inside incidences of citizen tax evasion. Justification was made in lieu of an appeal to the collective sense of citizen patriot duty, though the majority never questioned the reality of what was going on. In the initiative, income tax and tax in general was held at an acceptable level, total tax being well within the realm of 10% to 12% of any total income taken in by the individual US citizen.

   In the 1950s and on back through historical time, home mortgages were only five to ten years in a majority of cases, as they still are to this day offshore in many nations. {574} With the passage of time, these mortgages increased dramatically, not only raising the tax level, but also raising the bank's profit margin. {575} The problem is that it enslaved the citizens to a life time of bondage first to the bank, and later on to the insurance corporations and government. On top of that, his Constitutional right to actually own the property had been stolen out from underneath him, since that tax and the insurance was commanded to be paid at regular indefinite intervals, rather than on a single occasion upon purchase, for example

   Other problems for plebeians arose with a graduated increase in the demand for income tax. As the demand increased, so did the need for more regulations designed to guarantee the extortion from individual funds. In all of these situations, the natural response of an individual who is laboring for his own economic progress, is to skirt these extortionist demands utilizing any method possible, including the effort in justifying the skirt by moving through notated legal loopholes. What else may one expect, when it is he who is compelled to execute the labor that preceded the profit, and he observes no advantage to himself in submitting to the extortionist authority demanding it?

    If the clandestine central banking system was in possession of a barrier between it's own financing potential and US government officials, who would safe guard plebeian concerns, then plebeians would bear no right, legally or morally, to ever question the system at large in regard to taxes; except when the demand surpassed the realm of legitimate tax rates in total of ten to twelve percent, into the realm of wrought extortion. The sad truth, however is that no such barrier stands in existence and has not done so since the time of the US Civil War, as we have already covered in the first two chapters of this work. This reality means that the any top end government individual {576} either directly or indirectly, in service to some sort of business associate or one of legislative camaraderie, may appeal to the lords of the clandestine central bank in request for any desired loan amount, {577}  and for any reason; then the yearly bill for that loan is forced back down upon the entire citizen mass of America, plus any interest amount demanded by the clandestine central bank. {578} For all practical purposes, the individual's only option is to pay the extortionist tend and to do so stoically in complete silence, without ne'er a single question. When individuals manage to skirt this extortion by using legal loopholes or by any other means, these loan payments are still due. Thus, the system allows appointed commando styled agents of the extortionist/IRS to assume any broad amount, {579} with the court system forcing the burden of proof back down upon the so accused individual plebeian citizen, per the sixteenth amendment imposed with no solid body of any type supporting plebeian interests or shielding him from the strong potential for  authoritarian abuse.

   The second large category of open ended claims include those made of a sexual nature. Allowance for these claims is justified by the politicized systemic need in offering protection to women and children, from predatory men;  {580} although in regard to children, women may be implicated as well, and to a much lesser notated degree, in relation to men. As the situation applies to women and children, the appeal for mass acceptance in regard to an assumption of guilt is very powerful and all resistance to it exceptionally weak, since every individual man or woman desires for family to be protected, especially children from any perceived predator who lurks somewhere inside the misty shadows of the moon beyond. The problems arise in lieu of the assumption that perceived victims never falsely accuse in regard to such matters. {581}

    Lawyers on the other hand, profit handsomely when accused victims make a determined stand to fight the accusation with every element of strength in their being. Police pay their keep when they are called upon to make arrests. Investigators profit in search for an admission of guilt.  Court systems profit when judges try the cases, and correctional officers have job security when inmates are placed behind bars, then parole officers profit when he finally does exit the system, if he ever does. As always, the only loser here is the rank and file plebeian citizen who has been falsely accused and forced by shear circumstance to make a final for dear life.

    It is a known fact of life, reason and logic, that when a supporting premise to a claim is held in disregard, and the intent bears down on condemning the accused, innocent people can be forced to endure severely punitive actions, up to and including years in prison. In addition to the stated notation, should the person be released from the effects of this punitive action, the society in which he lives and the system that governs his life choices may well continue on in it's condemnation, with manifested effects {582} at times closely resembling to an astonishment, those from an era of witch trials, three hundred years or more ago. {583}

   The potential for an abuse of the allowance exists even inside the work place, due to the situation of other open-ended claims of the same types. In this case the claim may be one of sexual harassment, a notation that is very broad, in and of itself. To the best that may be understood from information garnished in seminars on the subject, aside from base actions that would obviously fall into the category of SH, virtually any act found inside the general socialized atmosphere, bears the potential for being interpreted as sexual harassment. If the claim is made of SH, in lieu of a merely a flagrant assumption of guilt, a punitive action is almost certain to follow, primarily being that one is terminated from his hard won position of employment; but may well include legal penalties, if we are to understand the intentionally vague information right. When questions are asked at these seminars in lieu of the possibility for false accusation being made, all that one receives are hard glares, with ne'er even as much as an attempt at an answer being offered. Thus, we may presume the condemnation of guilt, based on a raw assumption of guilt, should the individual find himself in the position of being victimized. {584}

    The third primary category of open ended claims, and the most recent, is that of terrorist. From a mere glance we may perceive that the label of terrorist is a very broad label. According to the information that we may garnish from the web, newspaper articles, and other sources, the categories that may be labeled as terrorist are vast and virtually endless, thus we may perceive where future government action may fit any specific individual underneath the label of terrorist that it so desires {585} and give a twisted form of justification to the label, without ever being required to offer solid legal justification to the choice of action taken. Not only that, we may observe that individuals who fall beneath the label of terrorist do not even possess the right to trial by law, a direct violation of the US Constitution if we are speaking of American citizens.

    In the above notation alone we may perceive the clearest herald for an eminent persecution, since to this very day no legal check exists to give the label of terrorist clear definition. In addition, what reveals itself as being all too obvious is that in regard to incidences of individuals who dare to resist the coming move of government against the citizens of America, the response may well be one in persecution on an individual basis, with the rebel easily fitting underneath the convenient label of terrorist. Individuals who even dare to speak out may be effectively categorized into any one of the other labels, thus we comprehend methods by which the observant may be effectively silenced and intimidated.

    For quite some time now we have lived with the issue of circumstantial evidence prevailing the situation of courtroom condemnation. Circumstantial evidence involves the issue of events lining up to suggest possibility of guilt, but in absence of hard facts necessary to make a conclusive condemnation. {586} Thus innocent people have been condemned to a life behind bars and even death, along with other lesser notated punitive condemnations. The problem with the condemnation is that it runs counter to Constitutional law when it is applied to American citizens within national boarders, or committed by agents of the American government toward American citizens on foreign soil. Be aware that there was a day when the right for the court system to use circumstantial evidence was not allowed. {587} The question that we are forced to ask in lieu of this notation is why, why was it ever allowed in the first place? A person is either guilty or he is innocent. Allow hard facts to dictate the nature of his condemnation in the land of the free!

   Upon consideration of possibilities we are forced to examine the fact that smart phones, smart televisions, the latest computers and I-pads, even the latest vehicles, are in possession of apps that are cleverly designed to listen in on private conversations and visually monitor even the most intimate of activities. {588}  {589} When the time of persecution arrives, ones doors may be suddenly kicked in during the middle of the night, and the entire family summarily arrested under a presumption of possible terrorist activity or association, or under any one of the other defining broad labels. {590} Huge groups and even entire communities could potentially be rounded up in lieu of a mass protest against an extortionist government mandate,