Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot Book 2 by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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                                            The Fourth Dark Step Downward



                                                                Milton: Paradise Lost


                                                 The mind is its own place, and in itself

                                              Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n.


   In order to facilitate the coming American styled Fascist order, what is needed most is the emergence of an absolute corporate backed mono-authority, with the blessing of the clandestine central bank who virtually owns those corporations. The problem for such authority ever being manifested is that the American Constitution stands in the way, as does the entire history of America in combination with the general national character of the people, from a traditionalist point of view. The other additional problem that falls in line with those already stated, is that the American people are among the best armed civilian population on the face of the entire earth! Other than the shear grace of God Almighty, probably the sole reason that America has not had a major war on it's soil for a hundred and fifty years, is due to the fact that the entire population of America is very well armed. The people of America are among the very few on earth who fall into the category of having lasting, nationwide peace inside it's own boarders for a time exceeding the human lifespan. There have been a few minor insurgency insurrections during that time, but no major national or sectional conflict.

   What is being described in brief above is a system of checks seeking to prevent the emergence of an absolute authority from ever occurring. The entire US congress is divided up into Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches. The idea is that bills must be proposed by senators and even the President himself, passed around for review from the other congressmen, then a majority vote issued to declare acceptance or a rejection in the form of Veto. By use of mediated decision, no single authority endorses any law or mandate that compels the American people into blind obedience. In the beginning the individual States themselves could have also chosen to either accept or reject an order of law, if it was deemed to contradict the wishes of a majority inside a State population or the national Constitution itself. We may recall at this point in the information, that this check had been removed almost immediately following Lee's surrender at Appomattox Virginia, in 1865, by a virtual rewriting of the tenth amendment to insure that the Federal Government delegates authority down to the States, and the States to the people, rather than the other way around.

   In addition we may hold in mind that the Representative body supporting any individual concerns of plebeian people at large had also been exterminated from the halls of congress at the same time. Thus, all that individual American people have remaining to insure their own concerns, are their own force of arms and the brute might of shear numbers found collectively inside the US citizen base. The last population count at the time of this writing was three hundred million and growing; indeed one hell of a terrifying army to behold, for any enemy of the people within or without, seeking to do the nation and it's population real harm!

    Indeed, what would finalize this pinnacle of horror for the corporate elitist cartel running the nation of America, is for a truly anointed dynamic leader of the freeborn people to emerge, transposed forth from the vast masses within, who stands with his right hand extended back down to the rank and file American citizen, the left hand clutching the sacred Bill Of rights, his right foot standing solid on the rock of the nation's eternal Constitution, and his left foot stepping toward the dawning new glory of personal and economic liberty radiating forth on an immaculate, purple horizon just beyond! The only barrier standing between him and his ascent would be the interests of corporations, the financial might of the centralized bank, and the international influence of the Representative body who backs them. Make no mistake about the situation, this insolent might of the banking cartel and it's collusion inside the halls of US Congress, would be a colossal strength aimed directly into the face of any individual leader of America's plebeian masses, that the forces of circumstance and reality would compel him into dealing with, as he designs his policy for facilitating a continuation of unsuppressed individual freedom and enterprise.

    As was intimated much earlier, such reality is the only fact that truly does bring real terror to the banking cartel. Proof of this statement is found in the historical realization that this walk down the stairway to tyranny has taken some sixty one years, if we minus the time lag between the first step and the second step. Thus, here we may observe that the negative progress was taken slowly, so as to keep from alarming those masses of the population base who still believed from the pit of their very being, that they remained living as freeborn individual men and women, forever proud to sing that they haled from America's blessedly anointed shores.

    Certain new realities facilitated the US government's ability to take the second step down the stairway to tyrannical purgatory, as we all should well recall. The first reality is that by nineteen forty eight the democratic party had begun the process of embracing Socialism. This development was manifested with the merger of The Democratic Party Of America and the official Democratic Party by nineteen fifty one. Before nineteen forty eight the official Democratic Party had been primarily relegated into being only a State based organization that was impotent on a national level, since it's reemergence in 1875 to 1880. As far as this author can determine, from Presidency of Lincoln until 1950, there had only been four Democratic elected presidents!

   The DPOA was Socialist organization, as we may recall, so the platform of Socialism found in the merger gave the official DP a new national relevance. We know from our study of American history thus far, that beginning with the last year of World War Two being fought, ex-German Fascists were being absorbed into the occupied areas of Germany for the officially notated purpose of fleecing indepth knowledge of the Nazi war machine, so that the extent of their war crimes might be evaluated and the length of their punitive suffering be determined. It is the contention of this author, however, that much more was going on than simply just that found inside the official statement. At the beginning stage during the last year of the war, knowledge was being extracted concerning the actual depth of the Fascist system in contrast to the stated future goals of the Fascist state, where an elitist few would reign supreme over the land, it's resources and it's people, who themselves were destined to be relegated into the level of a resource for exploitation.

   Immediately following the wars end, not only was this specific branch of knowledge being extracted, but actual how-to specifics were being determined and codified into branches that could be erected into the government of America. As we have studied previously, the land of America already possessed an American styled Fascist order that had been up and running since 1880. The similarities found in American styled Fascism and German Fascism are truly staggering.

    Matter of fact, the German's themselves claimed that their ideas for removal and containment of the population in lieu of corporate advancement,  had been garnished from a study of American history and the process used by corporate interests in conjunction with it's supporting government concerning the manner of treatment involving the natives of the land during the late 1800's. The only exception that we find is with a complete absorption of the nation found in German Fascism and the depth that the process was allowed to descend into, as it related back down to the people on the ground.

   Within five years we may observe that this instruction concerning the methodology of erecting an American styled Fascist order into new levels, was being put into action with the merger of the official Democratic Party with The Democratic Party Of America, which was a blatantly Socialist party, as we may recall.

   To facilitate this new emergence seeking to dictate American policy and control the population, a distraction to the people was made in a number of forms. The first form of distraction we may find in the official account of the Cold War. In this record we may discover a magnification of events intending to push the idea of US government being anti-Communist, and that the citizens of the US being threatened by an evil villain from afar seeking to dominate all of planet earth, even if it meant that the entire US population base must suffer nuclear extermination. Such feelings of looming alien threat would not only cause the population to gaze into a direction opposite of the true threat, but would engender a feeling of unity and nationalism against this mythologized external threat.

   With the emergence of McCarthyism  {504} we may observe the idea being inserted into the psyche of Americans that the threat was not just from afar, but directly on US shores among the people of the land themselves; thus any individual who spoke against US policy might be condemned as unpatriotic and assumed as being in collaboration with the enemy. The general feeling transcended back to the people was one of urgency and need to address the situation, before the specter of evil radiates across the land seeking to purloin and control, with a fist of iron.

   By the mid nineteen fifties we observe that the Vietnam War {505} had initiated, increasing in it's intensification with each passing year. There again, the idea inserted into the American mind of the day was one of Vietnam being overran by Communists, so the suggestion put forth back down to the citizens was one of reasoning that by America moving against the Communists, then surly her government must be anti-Communist. Rather than have a shock effect of war on American soil, as we did with the Civil War, and be forced to deal with the death and devastation wrought; the reality of war in Vietnam provided the same effect by Americans being allowed to view battlefield situations on their living room television screens, as well as seeing their youth coming home as amputee casualties and reduced to fragments inside body bags, on a daily basis. Any parent or community viewing their sons and daughters arriving home in either circumstance would come to care less about occurrences in the halls of US government, thereby never noticing or caring when US government embraced an ideology of Socialized Communism inside it's own national shores.

   We find other distractions in the officially recognized events of the Civil Rights Movement. {506} While it is acceptable that certain specific problems in society regarding it's negative treatment of various specific demographic groups needed addressing, why was it necessary for the correction to be married with an economic and societal program of socialization? Obviously the package of erecting a Socialist government was sold for acceptance to the people underneath the issue of correcting societal wrongs magnified for making an appeal unto the human sense of justification, back down to the masses on the ground. While the masses had their backs turned,  the US government imposed it's new order of Socialized Communism upon the people of America.

    Approximately twenty years later with the emergence of Ronald Reagan {507}{508} as US President, a second phase in the program for total conquest of the American masses was initiated. This facilitation of marriage between government and corporation occurred with the presence of Representatives and ex Representatives sitting on the boards in some of America’s largest corporations. Not only was control shared between corporation and government, this marriage also accommodated a general fleecing of plebeian America that continues on, even to this very day. The fleecing occurred in the wake of Reagan's deregulation policies. As was discussed in earlier sections, it had taken plebeian America decades of struggle, bloodshed and even death on a field of battle to have solid checks erected into place between employees and management inside the largest corporations. In a mere eight years more checks would be dismantled through Reagan's policy of deregulation, than what it took fifty years of blood and struggle to stand strong as a barrier to hold corporate greed at bay, from purloining all fruits of plebeian labor.

    With a huge majority of checks dismantled between corporate desires and plebeian interests, the next phase in the program of total citizen conquest would be to allow the general fleecing of plebeian wealth. The highest paying employment opportunities were outsourced by corporations to lands intending to utilize near slave labor, if not outright labor in perpetual bondage, and in-sourced to skilled foreigners for a mere fraction of the standard American rate of pay. Corporations were allowed to simply close their doors, while claiming that they had invested workers retirement savings into stock or bond funds that suddenly went broke, if the corporation did not simply declare bankruptcy so that it would not be held to making payment from the fund back down to the worker. The few employment opportunities that were replacing the high paying opportunities, were to be found among the services.


    To put the matter in simple terms, the middle class in America was being starved out, so that only the lowest economic class of citizenry would constitute the largest majority of United States citizens. We may rightfully presume that with the manifestation of these realities, the suggestion bearing back down to us is that by virtually impoverishing a huge majority of American citizens, relegating them into third world living status, the same overwhelming majority would be receptive to any ideology that offered the appearance of alleviating the situation of grinding poverty; including a socialized ideology where plebeians owned no accumulative economic assets or received a wage, yet had their most basic biological needs accommodated.

   To farther facilitate this action of forcing American masses to accept poverty, the anticipation was made that Americans of colonial and Constitutional heritage would balk at changes proposed to the Constitutional document designed for the purpose of accommodating this massive transformation in wealth. Millions of immigrants were allowed to simply invade America’s shores, to call the freeborn nation their own home; the authoritarians knowing well that people who hale from areas where pay is a dollar a day would feel that they had truly found great wealth getting three dollars an hour, five, and now 7.20 dollars an hour and plenty of opportunity to acquire this newly found wealth, with virtually the entire employment base gradually converting over to the minimum wage. The government response was to feign the appearance of controlling the invasion, while they still continued in allowing it to occur virtually unabated. We can well understand that the attempt in regard to controlling the invasion is a masquerade intending to deceive the masses, when we well comprehend the efforts utilized to halt military invasions are not being applied to this situation of criminal invasion onto American shores. Therefore we are forced to conclude in lieu of stated facts, that any claim of impossibility in halting this invasion, is a blatant lie! {509}

    Allowing this influx, while bearing the appearance of checking these huge movements of people {510} back down to America's citizen base, accomplished two purposes: The first purpose was to raise the numbers of those inside the citizen base who were willing to labor for a minimum/reduced wage, to the extent that they outnumbered those that would not. Another additional purpose was to build a huge percentage of US citizens and residents who would speak positively of their new home and it's great opportunity base, in the light of Americans who had been onshore long enough that the truth of the population being fleeced was readily apparent to those who knew of the once splendid paradise, now lost for many years beyond the foreseeable future.

    All that the listener was silently requested to do was to ignore the fact that an overwhelming majority of these illegal immigrants originated in areas where everything that they had to hope for in life was five dollars a day as a living wage, a mule to ride and a bamboo lean-to for a home. {511}  No wonder it was that he thought moving to hard knock minimum wage America was such a huge improvement! The well educated from these areas knew better than to try living where their business interests would be repressed, and taxes would absorb nearly fifty percent of their earnings. {512}  Most chose, and still choose, to remain inside their own home countries, except to visit on a temporary occasion.

   The additional purpose of allowing this huge influx of illegal aliens is to displace those citizens of colonial heritage who possessed a thorough comprehension of Constitution, Constitutional rights and individual liberty; with those who held no concept of the ideal, believing only in blind submission to authority, especially to a corporate employer authority. All that must be accomplished by the government authority would be to simply placate the greater demographic with gifts given in the light of some allegorical wrong committed by any who dared point out the authoritarian assault on the US Constitution, appealing to their self-serving interests at the expense of those labeled in the category of allegorical villain, who were presented as somehow clandestinely seeking to do them all harm. In this manner the American majority would be destined to turn on the sacred Constitutional document and all of those who supported it, that in truth would have served them most in any pursuit of their own interest.

     Let it be said here in this work for the very first time ever, that there exist no doubt in the mind of this author, that mass psychologists have been employed by the US Government  {513} for the purpose of determining the proper method of presenting government policy back down to the American people, at least since the time of the US Civil War. Their success in manipulating the American people to accept a system of virtual corporate and government servitude, while retaining the psychological notion that one remains free as his Constitution endows, should be notated as the most outstanding propagandist accomplishment of all time. Truly no other government on earth, past or present, has bamboozled it's own population to such a degree or ever has accomplished as much in the line of propaganda designed to sell it's own manipulating agenda back down to it's citizens more effectively, at the time of this writing.

    What astounds this author more with each passing day are the numbers of people who never even flinch at the prospect of some near future US President declaring the present Constitution invalid, while proposing to write another {514} that we as freeborn American citizens are presumed to accept without question, as being it's valid replacement. When the issue of the second amendment being abolished is mentioned, {515} primarily only hunters and outdoors-men balk. If the issue of historical tyranny and it's direct relationship with strict gun control is mentioned, the blank stares glaring back suggest the mindset that any possibility for the same situation appearing on American shores is rendered into the waste bin of impossibilities. It appears from examining written material in numerous places scattered throughout the land, that any person who attempts to point out specific details suggesting an eminent emergence of tyranny, is labeled by the American public at large as some sort of conspiracy possessed radical. {516} We may also judge this conclusion by the reaction among the majority when these subjects arise in casual conversation.

    The reality that pushes this belief of tyranny on American shores being impossible, is the outdated, misguided notion that the US Government possess checks that serve to prevent such possibilities from ever occurring. The very fact that few plebeian Americans actually research the topic of possibility for such, breeds ignorance of the concern, leading the public as a majority to accept outdated conclusions. Once upon a time US government did possess solid checks to prevent tyrannical take over, {517}  although as we saw in the presidency of Lincoln, such was still allowed to occur, since the nation of America truly did have national emergency at hand during the day and time of the Civil War. Allowances were made for such an authoritative address by the founding fathers,  who firmly realized that times would exist in the future course of events that serious situations among the people of the new nation were certain to occur. Therefore, the US President was allowed those powers of authority that he otherwise would never possess.

   What readers of this work must come to understand is the reality that US Congress and government at large during the time immediately preceding the Presidency of Lincoln, well understood the fact of these authoritative allowances granted by Constitution to the US Presidency during times of national duress and emergency. Once the opposing Representative body had been effectively removed, then that knowledge of these authoritative allowances could play their own part in the plan for future plebeian conquest.

   As we shall recall, President Buckanon had struck a deal with Governor Pickens of South Carolina. The bargain was that if the Federal government would remain out of South Carolina boarders, then South Carolina would forbear firing on Federal vessels. With the passing of time, the State of South Carolina would reconsider concessions for merging back into the Union. The steamer, The Star Of The West, had sailed the same gold run from California to the banks of New York, as did the SS Central America. Her captain obviously held a different set of orders from people that he feared more than US President himself. In lieu of this second set of orders, he moved full steam ahead. The forthcoming response was initiated as it was presumed to, for the purpose of facilitating the plan of justifying war against a nation formed with the intent of insuring plebeian economic liberty for all time to come.     As we shall recall, Lincoln, upon taking office, immediately ordered a series of ships to secure Fort Sumpter with both supplies and man power; there again, doing so in direct violation of the deal struck between Buchannan and Governor Pickens. The response from South Carolina soldiers stationed at Fort Maultrie across the harbor was to shell Fort Sumpter, it's Confederated forces eventually driving Federal forces away and capturing the entire Fort. Thus, the war to conquer America's freeborn citizenry was on. In lieu of the declaration for war against the Confederacy, full authoritarian powers were granted to Lincoln in the context so stated by the US Constitution during situations of national emergency, as it was analytically presumed to occur by those contemplating dark designs inside US Government, against the land of plebeian liberty situated immediately next door.

    In the writing above we may observe the earliest representation in American history of a manufactured occasion where suspension of the Constitution from it's normal effect was calculated to occur in lieu of action taken for the purpose of prompting it. Possession of the power acquired accommodated the tyranny seizing upon it's advantage. The problem that occurred to quash the tyrants push for the ultimate rule in America, was an underestimation of the might found within the raw boned determination of it's plebeian masses. Unfortunately for the freeborn citizenry of America, the forces of the banking cartel eventually came out victorious.

    Since the resiliency of America's freeborn plebeian people held for a time vastly longer than the US Federal Government had estimated in the initiative, when the cartel's day of victory finally arrived, the US Treasury was nearly bankrupted, down to only six months worth of funds remaining. A series of near back to back historical catastrophes, including a virtual thirty eight year depression on the ground, the Spanish American War, the Great Depression and two World Wars, assisted in keeping the US Federal government occupied from fulfilling the cartel's objective for complete conquest of America, it's land resources and the people who dwell thereon. The concluding result was that the might and personal sacrifice of the Southern army, in combination with a series of near back to back historical catastrophes, allowed the entire citizen base of America to enjoy liberty for another ninety years.

     The original intent of the cartel to totally dominate the land and the people of America never waned. We observe a resurrection of this intent immediately following World War Two. The nation of Germany exemplified a perfected system for reducing the land and it's resource base into an elitist possession. More than that, the resources of private individuals were rendered underneath government possession, and most importantly since it proved to be of much greater value to the cartel, the people of the land themselves were reduced down into the level of an expendable resource.

   As we may recall, ex-Fascist were smuggled into the nation of America by the thousands. Within five years the forces of Socialism, the first leg of any Fascist system, had merged with an official US political party. In essence, the official Democratic Party transformed into the Party Of Socialism, heavily influencing government policy within the next decade. The use of distraction found in the Cold War, the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement, accommodated the erection of this Socialist leg in American government policy by serving to displace the attention of America's citizen masses.

   A mere twenty years later from 1961, the year US government first embraced Socialist ideology with wide open arms, a dismantling of corporate checks and balances was facilitated in the Presidency of Ronald Reagan. By the close of Reagan's second term in office, US government had virtually transformed into that of a Fascist collective, rather than a capitalist individual enterprise system. The two US political parties by this time, were one of the Socialist and the other of the unchecked corporatist. We may clearly observe here that the middle class possess no political party of affiliation or representation in the halls of US Congress

   With the middle class no longer having any political representation in the halls of US Congress, here we may make two presumptions. Either the middle class was destined to be fleeced until it was rendered into the standing as a slave class for this new Fascist collective system of US government, the middle class was destined to be absorbed by the Socialist realm of US government, or both occurring in the order so stated. Here standing inside the year 2016 we are forced to conclude by the occurrence of events on the ground, that the truth for future reality lies in the later statement. The future reality is that first the plan is to fleece the wealth of the entire middle class, soon to be followed by some type of complete program embracing mass socialization, yet with the corporation still being allowed to turn massive profits. How might this reality occur? What will the American landscape of the dawning future appear as to any observer on the ground in this new time of coming strife?

   As we should recall, by 1880 isolated pockets throughout America revealed the scene of American styled Fascism. We may find examples of this scene in the corporate owned towns and even entire counties of the time. {518} Since the corporate entity bore no checks, then examples of plebeian abuse are innumerable. Use of cash inside the confides of the corporate owned entities was banned in exchange for company script. {519} Travelers passing through the town may pause at the local exchange and trade hard cash for company script to spend, at a dollars worth of hard cash on a seventy cents value of script. One was forced to sign up for a ninety day supply of company script upon being hired on by the corporate entity, who owned the entire town and the surrounding panoramic landscape. Since the script was subtracted from the employee's pay voucher in the form of a monthly bill plus interest, in fairly short order his debt margin was greater than his pay check, indenturing him into a type of bondage with the corporate owned estate.

   Company script was necessary to access housing owned by the corporation, food from company owned supply stores, supplies and all necessities of life, up to and including entertainment. The individual person owned or controlled nothing, nor was he allowed to. His complete life was only an environment of the corporation. We may observe in this notation the manner in which corporations took over services once owned and dominated by enterprising individuals, who had labored upward on the golden ladder of success before the time of the American Civil War. Since the right for individuals to accomplish this upward climb into the wealth of aristocracy had been abolished, only the corporations now held the unchallenged liberty to do business and thrive into an unsuppressed abundance from doing so.

   As we shall recall, rights of the employee were held in complete disregard, in absence of any check to prevent the sit