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part-time community classes for beginners

amassed watches and other objects characterized

through advanced students.

as appropriate for male collectors.

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the Proctors’ paintings, prints and decorative

furnishings, which became the nucleus of the

original permanent collection.

In 1941 the art institute was granted the

power to “provide instruction in higher

education at the college level in the field of fine

arts with authority to confer the degree of

Bachelor of Fine Arts.” This milestone marked

the establishment of the School of Art, which

has flourished for more than seven decades and

continues to offer courses in art to all ages.

The collection of the Museum of Art expanded

in the post-war years, necessitating the need for

more exhibition space. Acclaimed architect Philip

Johnson was selected to design a new art museum,

which opened in 1960. This historical landmark

stands today in distinction and grandeur as the

MWPAI Museum of Art. With the construction of

the Johnson building, a decision was made to

After Rachel’s death in 1915, the three

renovate and refurbish Fountain Elms as a

remaining family members—Maria, Thomas and

Victorian house-museum. An education wing to

Above: A reception held at

Frederick—developed the concept of a

unite the two buildings was constructed in 1995.

the Institute.

community cultural organization. In 1919 the

As a New York State Governor’s Arts Award

art institute was chartered as “an artistic,

recipient, MWPAI remains a celebrated venue

musical and social center.” A few months after

for art, music, performance and education for

Maria’s death in 1936, Munson-Williams-Proctor

people of every age and background.

Institute opened to the public. Fountain Elms,

For more information about the Munson

the home built for the Williams family, was

Williams Proctor Arts Institute, please visit

maintained as the museum, exhibiting many of

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Known as Utica’s Technology Company™,

operations and support personnel at its five


Indium Corporation is a premier technology

Oneida County facilities—its global headquarters

materials manufacturer and supplier to the

in Clinton, New York, and four manufacturing


global electronics, semiconductor, solar, thin-

facilities in Utica, Rome, and Clinton.

film, and thermal management markets. With

Indium Corporation was founded as a result

approximately 800 employees worldwide, the

of research done on indium by a visionary


company is headquartered in Clinton, New York.

chemical engineer, William Murray. Throughout


Indium Corporation operates thirteen facilities

the 1920s, he was director of research at the

located in China, Malaysia, Singapore, South

Oneida Community where he and his team


Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States.

developed the initial uses and applications of

The company has numerous field sales and

indium, a newly discovered and little-known

technical support offices throughout the world.

metallic element. Murray also explored sources

The original offices of

Globally, the firm employs numerous

of indium in mines throughout North America

Indium Corporation.

scientists, engineers, and technicians, as well as

and he and the Oneida Community began

working with Anaconda Mining Company to

secure commercial supplies of the metal.

After extensive work to develop non-

tarnishing silverware, Murray and his team were

issued a flurry of patents covering numerous

manufacturing processes. On March 13, 1934,

armed with a unique product, protected

intellectual property, a proven research team and

a secure supply of raw material, Murray, the

Oneida Community, and Anaconda Mining

Company formed the Indium Corporation of

America. Murray served as president and the

business began operation in his garage at

805 Watson Place in Utica.

Interestingly, Murray also had political

aspirations, serving as Chairman of the Oneida

County and New York State Republican Parties.

In 1938, only four years after the company

was founded, Indium Corporation’s J. Robert

Dyer, Jr., developed the technology for plating

the first indium-treated aircraft engine bearings

for United Aircraft Corporation. As a result,

during WWII, the U.S. government awarded

Indium Corporation the prestigious Army/Navy

‘E’ Award for manufacturing excellence.

In 1952 the company developed a

commercially viable process for the manufacture

of precision solder performs, enabling the

mass production of alloy-junction transistors

by Texas Instruments. In the 1960s, the

company developed an extensive line of

indium-based inorganic compounds, such as

indium oxide, indium hydroxide, and indium-

tin oxide. This was followed in the 1970s by

the initial development of a world-class line

of solder pastes for microelectronics assembly.

In 1989, Indium Corporation—in conjunction

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Indium Corporation is involved with several

with Rockwell International—performed

community service activities. These include

Top, left: Forms of indium.

Indium Float Zone Purification experiments

sponsorship of the STEM outreach program at

aboard NASA’s Space Shuttle Atlantis. A year

SUNY Polytechnic Institute, RCIL student career

Top, right: Indium Corporation

later, the company performed Microgravity

exploration and job readiness, and career

engineers in a clean room.

Disturbances experiments aboard the NASA

exploration with Mohawk Valley Community

Space Shuttle Columbia.

College’s STEP program. The company is also


Bottom, left: NanoFoil ignition.

More recently, Indium Corporation earned

involved in career exploration with various

multiple Frost & Sullivan marketing awards

BOCES programs and serves as co-organizer and

Bottom, right: Indium Corporation

for technical developments and for customer

manager of the Utica-area Manufacturing Day

employs numerous engineers,

value enhancements in solder manufacturing.

observation. In addition, Indium sponsored the

scientists, and technicians at its five

The Gillette Company honored the Indium

Utica Zoo’s hundredth birthday celebration in

Oneida County facilities.

Corporation with its Omnimark Award two

2014 and Utica College’s athletic program.

separate times for outstanding performance in

Company personnel serve on the boards of

quality and service as a supplier to Duracell.

SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Mohawk Valley

And, the Indium Corporation was recognized

Community College, St. Elizabeth Medical

multiple times by Intel for supplier performance,

Center, and Utica College’s Young Scholars

including earning the company’s prestigious

Liberty Partnership Program.

Preferred Quality Supplier Award.

Indium Corporation: Utica’s Technology

In 2007 the Mohawk Valley Chamber of


Commerce named Indium Corporation the

“Business of the Year.” And, in 2012, the Indium

Corporation received the Oneida-Herkimer-

Madison BOCES School and Business Alliance

Shining Star Company Award for its

conscientious approach to providing quality

job-shadowing experiences to local students.

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agency represented the Agricultural Company


continually for more than 100 years, until the

insurance company was sold. Members of the


board of directors and other investors then


went across the street in Watertown and

started a new insurance company. The agency

was appointed as the first agency in Oneida

County for the New York Casualty. The agency

represented the company for over twenty years

until that company was sold.

Turnbull Insurance Service has outlasted

Turnbull Insurance Service is a family owned

many of the companies it has represented. The

and run Independent Insurance Agency located

agency has Certificate of Authority Number 5

at 600 French Road in New Hartford. The agency

from the “Sun of London.” Certificates one

is operated by the fourth generation, James B.

through four were turned in, making Number 5,

Turnbull IV and Mark A. Turnbull, who are the

the oldest Certificate of Authority in the United

great grandsons of James B. Turnbull, who estab-

States, for the oldest insurance company in

lished the agency in Utica, New York, in 1866.

the world, founded in 1710.

James B. left his family farm in Antwerp,

There have been many changes in the

New York, in 1866 and walked to Watertown,

insurance coverage provided to its customers.

New York, where he was offered a position as an

The agency has a hand penned ID card for a

agent for the Agricultural Insurance Company

Model T Ford. At that time, the purchase of

of Watertown, New York. When he was told

insurance for a vehicle was optional. Turnbull

that the company needed an agent in Utica,

Insurance has many original policies that were

he walked from Watertown to Utica and sold

issued by James Turnbull that go back to the

fire insurance to farms along the way.

1800s, insuring farms and personal belongings.

By the time he reached Utica he had sold

Many of these old policies were returned to

enough policies to be appointed an agent

the agency by third and fourth generations of

with the Agricultural Insurance Company. The

customers’ families. These policies are one page

Top: James B. Turnbull II, in office

at the “busy corner” of Genesee and

Bleecker Streets, Utica, 1916.

Above: The office at 240 Genesee

Street showing the sign, 1968.

Right: James Turnbull II “J. B.” and

James Turnbull III, behind a desk at

240 Genesee Street, Utica.

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documents that are issued on paper resembling

lighted sign with black letters identifying the

stock certificates. Some of these policies

firm that hung from the building. This sign

Left to right, James B. Turnbull IV,

insured for Fire and Lightning damage only.

was one of the last to come down when the city

James B. Turnbull III, Lynda Turnbull

The agency has an endorsement that when

changed the rules for signs that extended over

(Cioni) and Mark A Turnbull,

added to the policy granted: “permission to use

the sidewalks.

all principals of the agency, 1983.

electricity.” Some of the farms were insured for

James B. Turnbull IV joined the agency in

the total amount of $2,800, with premium of

1979 after graduation from college. Mark

fourteen dollars. Quite a change from present

Turnbull, second son of James and Ruth

day values.

Turnbull, joined the agency in 1983. Their

James Turnbull’s son, James B. Turnbull II

daughter, Lynda Turnbull (Cioni) also worked

took over the agency and was joined in the

with the agency after college until she married

business by a cousin, Bryon Turnbull. They

and left the area. Lynda is still involved with

continued the agency operation at a second

the agency. James IV and Mark are the owners

floor office on the “busy corner” at Genesee

of the agency today.

and Bleecker Streets for many years. James B.

Needing more office space, and better park-

Turnbull III joined his father in the agency

ing for their customers, the agency moved to a

business around 1955. Byron retired, and the

new office in an older home at 1415 Genesee

agency was operated by James II and III until

Street in 1984. The agency remained there for

the sudden death of James II in 1961. James II

fifteen years before moving to a new location,

died of a heart failure during a dinner in his

next door at 1417 Genesee Street when a new

honor at Westminster Presbyterian Church in

building was built. The agency moved to its cur-

Utica, where he was a lifelong member.

rent location at 600 French Road, New Hartford

The office moved a few blocks up Genesee

in the fall of 1993 and remains there today.

Street to 240 Genesee Street, across from the

Turnbull Insurance Service is proud of our

Savings Bank of Utica, the “Bank with the Gold

long history in the Mohawk Valley. The agency

Dome.” The agency offices remained located in

appreciates its customers and looks forward to

the heart of downtown Utica for close to fifty

its upcoming 150th year of providing personal

years. Many will remember the large yellow,

insurance service to Utica and surrounding areas.

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Presbyterian Homes & Services’ mission is

An adult day healthcare program opened

to excel in providing healthcare, housing and

in 1988. A special needs unit to serve those

community services while promoting individual

with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

wellness and independence in a dignified manner.

was officially operating in 1990. This pro-

The beautiful 64.5 acre campus off Middle

gram provides all of the institutional health-

Settlement Road offers a full range of healthcare

care services to individuals who reside in

services while providing the tranquility of

the community.

nature and easy access to shopping, restaurants,

Recognizing the special needs of those

churches, banks and medical offices.

with Parkinson’s disease and other movement

Presbyterian Homes & Services began in

disorders, the Homes’ Parkinson’s Residence

Above: Preswick Glen.

1962 when the Utica Presbytery investigated

was opened in 2001. This residence was one of

the possibility of building a nursing home for

the first in the nation located in a skilled

Below: The Meadows at

elderly Presbyterians in need of convalescent,

nursing facility that serves as a model in the

Middle Settlement.

rehabilitation and nursing care. On October 16,

individual’s care and treatment.

1963, Presbyterian Home for Central New

PHCNY, a long-term facility, also provides

York, Inc. (PHCNY) was incorporated. The first

medical adult day healthcare, out-and-in-patient

resident was admitted on June 1, 1967, and the

rehabilitation and aquatic classes.

facility was at full capacity only three months

Also operating under the umbrella of

later. The need for expansion was obvious and

Presbyterian Homes & Services is The Meadows

several expansions over the years have resulted

at Middle Settlement, Inc., a low to moderate

in the present 236 bed facility.

income subsidized housing complex.

Plans for The Meadows began

at a meeting of the board of

directors in 1968 when a motion

was made to have a “complete

geriatric center concept on

campus.” This innovative idea

was enthusiastically accepted.

The groundbreaking ceremony

for the facility was held in

November 1971 and, by 1973,

apartments were sufficiently com-

pleted to open. All of the apart-

ments were filled by September

1974 and they have remained

filled ever since. There is also a

very lengthy waiting list for The

Meadows at Middle Settlement.

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This nonprofit corporation operates

as a subsidiary of Presbyterian Homes &

Services and is open to anyone over

age sixty-two, regardless of sex, race,

creed or national origin. The complex

consists of 48 studio apartments with

sleeping alcoves and dressing rooms,

76 one-bedroom, and 24 two-bedroom

apartments. The Friendship House is a

community building where residents

may get together for social activities

or meetings. Laundry facilities and a

kitchen are located in this building,

which also has a large outdoor patio.

Presbyterian Residential Community

(PRC), which opened in 1995, provides

long-term residential care and services to indi-

High quality care and quality of life are

viduals who do not require continuous nursing

important issues at the Presbyterian Homes

care, but are unable to live independently.

campus. The support of friends and the

PRC offers two levels of care in its 96 bed

community is vital in helping the institution

facility; 54 adult-care beds and 42 assisted-

maintain its high standards for residents and

Above: Presbyterian

living beds. The facility focuses on providing a

the senior community that accesses its various

Residential Community.

supportive living environment in which older

services. Presbyterian Homes Foundation was

persons can remain active and independent in a

developed to receive charitable gifts, donations

Below: Presbyterian Home for

homelike setting.

and grants to enable the organization to contin-

Central New York.

PRC provides adult care, assisted living, home

ue its high standards into the future. More

care, social adult day care and a wellness center.

information about the foundation may be found

Preswick Glen was incorporated in 2000 for


the purpose of operating housing for older

The goal of Presbyterian Homes is to provide

persons. Preswick Glen is an independent

a comprehensive continuum of care from

living community offering an array of services

independent living through skilled nursing on

that include flexible dining, housekeeping,

its Middle Settlement Road campus between

transportation, and emergency response system

Presbyterian Home for Central New York and

and outside maintenance. Preswick Glen con-

The Meadows at Middle Settlement.

sists of 124 one- and two-bedroom

apartment homes and two-bedroom

cottages located on forty acres in

New Hartford.

Preswick Glen’s mission is a

not-for-profit retirement community

committed to providing security,

peace of mind and independence for

senior adults by providing opportuni-

ties for personal growth in an attrac-

tive and comfortable atmosphere.

Since opening of the first facility in

1967, Presbyterian Homes & Services

now offers home care, wellness, adult

day services (both social and med-

ical), long-term care, assisted living

and rehabilitation.

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Since its founding in 1986, the law firm of

principle that clients would benefit from a team


Getnick Livingston Atkinson & Priore, LLP has

of lawyers experienced in a broad range of prac-

been recognized for its client-centered approach

tice areas. This principle has