The Story of Geographical Discovery: How the World Became Known by Joseph Jacobs - HTML preview

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In the Middle Ages—that is, in the thousand years between the irruption of the barbarians into the Roman Empire  in the fifth century  and  the discovery of the New World  in  the fifteenth—the chief stages of history which affect the extension of men's knowledge of the world were: the voyages of the Vikings in  the eighth  and  ninth  centuries,  to  which we have  already referred;  the Crusades,  in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; and the growth of the Mongol Empire in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The extra knowledge obtained by the Vikings did not penetrate to the rest of Europe; that brought  by  the  Crusades,  and  their  predecessors,  the  many  pilgrimages  to  the  Holy  Land,  only restored to  Western Europe the knowledge already stored up  in classical antiquity; but the effect of the  extension  of the  Mongol Empire  was  of more  wide-reaching  importance,  and  resulted  in  the addition of knowledge about Eastern Asia which was not possessed  by the Romans,  and  has only been surpassed in modern times during the present century.

Towards  the  beginning  of the  thirteenth  century,  Chinchiz Khan,  leader  of  a  small  Tatar  tribe, conquered most of Central and Eastern Asia, including China. Under his son, Okkodai, these Mongol Tatars turned from China to the West, conquered  Armenia, and one of the Mongol generals, named Batu,  ravaged  South  Russia  and  Poland,  and  captured  Buda-Pest,  1241.  It  seemed  as  if  the prophesied end of the world had come, and the mighty nations Gog and Magog had at last burst forth to fulfil the prophetic words. But Okkodai died suddenly,  and these armies were recalled. Universal terror seized Europe, and the Pope, as the head of Christendom, determined to send ambassadors to the Great  Khan,  to  ascertain his  real intentions.  He sent a  friar named  John of Planocarpini,  from Lyons,  in 1245,  to the camp  of Batu (on the Volga),  who passed  him on to  the court of the Great Khan at Karakorum, the capital of his empire, of which only the slightest trace is now left on the left bank of the Orkhon, some hundred miles south of Lake Baikal.

Here,  for  the first  time,  they  heard  of a  kingdom on  the east  coast  of Asia  which was  not  yet conquered  by the Mongols,  and  which was known by the name of Cathay.  Fuller information was obtained  by  another  friar,  named  WILLIAM  RUYSBROEK,  or  Rubruquis,  a  Fleming,  who  also visited  Karakorum  as  an  ambassador  from  St.  Louis,  and  got  back  to  Europe  in  1255,  and communicated some of his information to Roger Bacon. He says: "These Cathayans are little fellows, speaking much through the nose, and, as is general with all those Eastern people, their eyes are very narrow.... The common money of Cathay consists of pieces of cotton paper; about a palm in length and breadth, upon which certain lines are printed, resembling the seal of Mangou Khan. They do their writing with a pencil such as painters paint with, and a single character of theirs comprehends several letters, so as to form a whole word." He also identifies these Cathayans with the Seres of the ancients. Ptolemy knew of these as possessing the land where the silk comes from, but he had also heard of the Sinæ, and failed to identify the two. It has been conjectured that the name of China came to the West by the sea voyage, and is a Malay modification, while the names Seres and Cathayans came overland, and thus caused confusion.

Other Franciscans followed  these,  and  one of them,  John of Montecorvino,  settled  at Khanbalig (imperial city),  or  Pekin,  as Archbishop  (ob.  1358); while Friar Odoric of Pordenone,  near Friuli, travelled  in India and  China between 1316  and  1330, and  brought back an account of his voyage, filled with most marvellous mendacities, most of which were taken over bodily into the work attributed to Sir John Maundeville.

The information brought back  by these wandering friars fades,  however,  into insignificance before the extensive and accurate knowledge of almost the whole of Eastern Asia brought back to Europe by Marco Polo, a Venetian, who spent eighteen years of his life in the East. His travels form an epoch in the history of geographical discovery only second to the voyages of Columbus.

In 1260, two of his uncles, named Nicolo and Maffeo Polo, started from Constaninople on a trading venture to the Crimea, after which they were led to visit Bokhara,  and thence on to the court of the Great Khan, Kublai, who received them very graciously, and being impressed with the desirability of introducing Western civilisation into the new Mongolian empire, he entrusted them with a message to the Pope, demanding one hundred wise men of the West to teach the Mongolians the Christian religion and Western arts. The two brothers returned to their native place, Venice, in 1269, but found no Pope to comply with the Great Khan's request; for Clement IV. had died the year before, and his successor had not yet been appointed. They waited about for a couple of years till Gregory X. was elected, but he  only  meagrely  responded  to  the  Great  Khan's  demands,  and  instructed  two  Dominicans  to accompany the  Polos,  who  on this occasion  took  with them their young  nephew Marco,  a  lad  of seventeen. They started in November 1271, but soon lost the company of the Dominicans, who lost heart and went back.

They went first to Ormuz, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, then struck northward through Khorasan Balkh to  the Oxus, and  thence on to  the Plateau of Pomir. Thence they passed the Great Desert of Gobi, and at last reached Kublai in May 1275, at his summer residence in Kaipingfu. Notwithstanding that  they  had  not  carried  out  his request,  the  Khan  received  them in  a  friendly manner,  and  was especially taken by Marco, whom he took into his own service; and quite recently a record has been found  in the Chinese annals,  stating that in the year 1277  a certain Polo  was nominated a Second- Class Commissioner of the PrivyCouncil. His duty was to travel on various missions to Eastern Tibet, to Cochin China, and even to India. The Polos amassed much wealth owing to the Khan's favour, but found him very unwilling to let them return to Europe.  Marco Polo  held several important posts; for three years he was Governor of the great city of Yanchau, and it seemed likely that he would die in the service of Kublai Khan.

But,  owing to  a fortunate chance, they were at last enabled  to  get back  to  Europe.  The Khan of Persia desired to  marry a princess of the Great Khan's family, to  whom he was related,  and as the young lady upon whom the choice fell could not be expected to undergo the hardships of the overland journey from China to Persia, it was decided to send her by sea round the coast of Asia. The Tatars were riot good navigators, and the Polos at last obtained permission to escort the young princess on the rather perilous voyage. They started in 1292, from Zayton, a port in Fokien, and after a voyage of over two  years round  the South coast of Asia,  successfully carried  the lady to  her destined  home, though she ultimately had to marry the son instead of the father, who had died in the interim. They took leave of her, and travelled through Persia to their own place, which they reached in 1295. When they arrived at the ancestral mansion of the Polos, in their coarse dress of Tatar cut, their relatives for some time refused to believe that they were really the long-lost merchants. But the Polos invited them to a banquet,  in which they dressed  themselves all in their best,  and  put on new suits for every course, giving the clothes they had taken off to the servants. At the conclusion of the banquet they brought forth the shabby dresses in which they had first arrived, and taking sharp knives, began to rip up the seams, from which they took vast quantities of rubies, sapphires, carbuncles, diamonds, and emeralds, into  which  form they  had  converted  most  of their  property.  This  exhibition  naturally  changed  the character of the welcome they received from their relatives, who were then eager to learn how they had come by such riches.

In describing the wealth of the Great Khan, Marco Polo, who was the chief spokesman of the party, was obliged to  use the numeral "million" to express the amount of his wealth and  the number of the population over whom he ruled.  This was regarded as part of the usual travellers' tales,  and Marco Polo was generally known by his friends as "Messer Marco Millione."

Such  a  reception  of  his  stories  was  no  great  encouragement  to  Marco  to  tell  the  tale  of  his remarkable travels,  but in the year of his arrival at Venice a war broke out between Genoa and the Queen of the Adriatic,  in which Marco  Polo was captured and  cast into prison at Genoa.  There he found as a fellow-prisoner one Rusticano of Pisa, a man of some learning and a sort of predecessor of Sir Thomas Malory,  since he had  devoted  much time to  re-writing,  in prose,  abstracts of the many romances relating to the Round Table.  These he wrote,  not in Italian (which can scarcely be said to have existed  for literary  purposes in  those days),  but in  French,  the  common language  of chivalry throughout Western Europe. While in prison with Marco Polo, he took down in French the narrative of the  great  traveller,  and  thus  preserved  it  for  all time.  Marco  Polo  was  released  in  1299,  and returned to Venice, where he died some time after 9th January 1334, the date of his will.

Of the travels thus detailed in Marco Polo's book,  and of their importance and  significance in the history of geographical discovery,  it is impossible to  give any adequate account in this place.  It will, perhaps,  suffice if we give the summary of his claims made out by Colonel Sir Henry Yule,  whose edition of his travels is one of the great monuments of English learning:—

"He was the first traveller to trace a route across the whole longitude of Asia, naming and describing kingdom after  kingdom which he  had  seen with  his own eyes: the  deserts of Persia,  the flowering plateaux and wild gorges of Badakhshan, the jade-bearing rivers of Khotan, the Mongolian Steppes, cradle of the power that had so  lately threatened  to swallow up  Christendom,  the new and  brilliant court that had  been established by Cambaluc; the first traveller to  reveal China in all its wealth and vastness,  its  mighty  rivers,   its  huge   cities,  its  rich  manufactures,   its  swarming  population,  the inconceivably vast fleets that quickened  its seas and its inland waters; to tell us of the nations on its borders,  with all their eccentricities of manners and  worship; of Tibet,  with its  sordid  devotees; of Burma,  with its  golden pagodas  and  their  tinkling  crowns; of Laos,  of Siam,  of Cochin China,  of Japan,  the Eastern Thule,  with its rosy pearls and  golden-roofed  palaces; the first to  speak  of that museum of beauty and wonder, still so imperfectly ransacked, the Indian Archipelago, source of those aromatics  then  so  highly  prized,  and  whose  origin  was  so  dark;  of Java,  the  pearl of islands;  of Sumatra, with its many kings, its strange costly products, and its cannibal races; of the naked savages of Nicobar and  Andaman; of Ceylon,  the island of gems, with its sacred mountain,  and  its tomb  of Adam;  of India  the  Great,  not  as  a  dreamland  of Alexandrian  fables,  but as  a  country  seen  and personally explored,  with its virtuous Brahmans,  its obscene ascetics,  its diamonds, and  the strange tales of their acquisition, its sea-beds of pearl, and its powerful sun: the first in mediæval times to give any distinct account of the secluded  Christian empire of Abyssinia,  and  the semi-Christian island  of Socotra; to speak, though indeed dimly, of Zanzibar, with its negroes and its ivory, and of the vast and distant Madagascar, bordering on the dark ocean of the South, with its Ruc and other monstrosities, and, in a remotely opposite region, of Siberia and the Arctic Ocean, of dog-sledges, white bears, and reindeer-riding Tunguses."

Marco  Polo's is  thus  one of the  greatest names  in the  history  of geography;  it  may,  indeed,  be doubted whether any other traveller has ever added  so extensively to our detailed  knowledge of the earth's surface. Certainly up to  the time of Mr. Stanley no  man had  on land  visited  so many places previously unknown to civilised Europe. But the lands he discovered, though already fully populated, were soon to fall into  disorder, and to be closed to any civilising influences. Nothing for a long time followed from these discoveries, and indeed almost up to the present day his accounts were received with incredulity, and he himself was regarded more as "Marco Millione" than as Marco Polo.



Extensive as were Marco Polo's travels, they were yet exceeded in extent, though not in variety, by those of the greatest of Arabian travellers, Mohammed Ibn Batuta, a native of Tangier, who began his travels in 1334, as part of the ordinary duty of a good Mohammedan to visit the holy city of Mecca. While at Alexandria he met a learned sage named Borhan Eddin, to whom he expressed his desire to travel. Borhan said to him, "You must then visit my brother Farid Iddin and my brother Rokn Eddin in Scindia,  and  my brother Borhan Eddin  in China.  When you  see them,  present my  compliments to them." Owing mainly to  the fact that the Tatar princes had adopted  Islamism instead  of Christianity, after the failure of Gregory X. to send Christian teachers to China, Ibn Batuta was ultimately enabled to greet all three brothers of Borhan Eddin. Indeed, he performed a more extraordinary exploit, for he was enabled to convey the greetings of the Sheikh Kawan Eddin, whom he met in China, to a relative of his residing in the Soudan. During the thirty years of his travels he visited the Holy Land, Armenia, the Crimea, Constantinople (which he visited in company with a Greek princess, who married one of the  Tatar  Khans),  Bokhara,   Afghanistan,  and  Delhi.  Here  he  found   favour  with  the  emperor Mohammed  Inghlak,  who  appointed  him a  judge,  and  sent  him on  an  embassy to  China,  at  first overland, but, as this was found  too dangerous a route,  he went ultimately from Calicut, via Ceylon, the Maldives,  and Sumatra, to  Zaitun, then the great port of China. Civil war having broken out, he returned  by the same route to Calicut,  but dared  not face the emperor,  and went on to  Ormuz and Mecca, and returned to Tangier in 1349. But even then his taste for travel had not been exhausted. He soon set out for Spain, and worked his way through Morocco, across the Sahara, to the Soudan. He travelled along the Niger (which he took for the Nile), and visited Timbuctoo. He ultimately returned to Fez in 1353, twenty-eight years after he had set out on his travels. Their chief interest is in showing the wide extent of Islam in his day, and the facilities which a common creed gave for extensive travel. But the account of his journeys was written in Arabic, and had no influence on European knowledge, which, indeed, had little to learn from him after Marco Polo, except with regard to the Soudan. With him the history of mediæval geography may be fairly said to end, for within eighty years of his death began the activity of Prince Henry the Navigator, with whom the modern epoch begins.

Meanwhile India had  become somewhat better known,  chiefly by the travels of wandering friars, who  visited  it  mainly for  the  sake of the  shrine of St.  Thomas,  who  was supposed  to  have  been martyred  in  India.  Mention  should  also  be  made  of  the  early  spread  of  the  Nestorian  Church throughout Central Asia. As early as the seventh century the Syrian Christians who followed the views of Nestorius began spreading them eastward,  founding sees in Persia and  Turkestan, and  ultimately spreading as far as Pekin.  There was a certain revival of their missionary activity under the Mongol Khans,  but the restricted  nature of the language in which their reports were written prevented  them from having  any  effect  upon  geographical knowledge,  except  in  one  particular,  which  is  of some interest. The fate of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel has always excited interest, and a legend arose that they had been converted to Christianity, and existed somewhere in the East under a king who was also a priest,  and known as Prester John.  Now, in the reports brought by some of the Nestorian priests westward, it was stated that one of the Mongol princes named Ung Khan had  adopted Christianity, and as this in Syriac sounded something like "John the Cohen," or "Priest," he was identified with the Prester John of legend, and for a long time one of the objects of travel in the East was to discover this Christian kingdom. It was, however, later ascertained that there did exist such a Christian kingdom in Abyssinia,  and as owing to  the erroneous views of Ptolemy,  followed  by the Arabs, Abyssinia was considered to spread towards Farther India, the land of Prester John was identified in Abyssinia. We shall see later on how this error helped the progress of geographical discovery.

The  total addition  of these  mediæval travels  to  geographical knowledge  consisted  mainly  in  the addition of a wider extent of land in China, and  the archipelago of Japan, or Cipangu, to the map of the world. The accompanying map  displays the various travels and  voyages of importance, and  will enable the reader to understand how students of geography, who added on to Ptolemy's estimate of the extent of the world east and west the new knowledge acquired by Marco Polo, would still further decrease the distance westward between Europe and Cipangu, and thus prepare men for the voyage of Columbus.

[Authorities: Sir Henry Yule, Cathay and the Way Thither, 1865; The Book of Ser Marco Polo, 1875.]