Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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The next few days that followed James and I searched everything we could think off to find Rick. The letters where always hand delivered so we had very little to go off. I knew deep down inside the only way to know for sure if it was Rick was dead or not was to go back to Temptress. A place i had blocked from my mind.We set off in the car and headed back towards London if there was one place i knew how to get to was Temptress after all it was not far from where i used to live and it was here i first met Rick. I knew what we was doing was dangerous but what little choice did i have. As we pulled up outside the dingy club off North Street a feeling of sickness filled my stomach i found myself struggling to breathe once more as i sit there staring at the door. It was this entrance that threw me into this living nightmare.

I turn to face James i could see in his eyes that he didn't want to be here i mean after all it was hard for me to be back here and i knew James was finding it hard too.

" Are you sure you want to do this?" James asked

" Yes" i replied

James turned off the car engine and took in a deep breathe before speaking.

"Lets go"

We slowly walked up to the dingy entrance to Temptress.But as we approached the door there was a sign pinned to it that read OUT OF BUSINESS.

A part of me was glad that Temptress was closed the last thing i wanted was to go back there even if i did need to.We had come to a loose end. I guess coming back to London i thought it would be an end to it all but i was wrong. As we head back home i i turn to face James who had a look of relief on his face. I knew a part of him wanted to run for the hills or so i thought anyway. I Sat in silence most of the journey home just thinking to myself not saying a word. I was no further forward to finding Rick and that was a feeling that did not sit with me well. As we arrived at home there was a women stood at the door with what looked like a clip board in her hand. I felt a shiver run through my body it reminded me of the women back at the club her voice echoing in my head. I felt sick to my stomach it was like the whole ordeal flashed before my eyes. As i walk over to the women who stood there i look closely at what she was wearing in a hope to see something anything that connected her to G.S.D or Rick.

"Can i help you?" I asked there was a slight tremble in my voice as i spoke.

"Miss Wright i have a letter here for you" her voice was soft and tender as she spoke.

"I don't want it leave me alone please just leave me alone" By this point anger was flowing thought me like a raging bull in a china shop.

"Please Miss Wright this is important you need to read this" There was a firmness in her voice this time as she spoke

I take the letter from her hand this time i notice it had a post mark on it. If it was from Rick this would leave me one step closer to finding him and putting a end to this once and for all. I turn to face James. By this time all the color had drained from my face and my hands were shaking.

"James what if it's Rick?" Tears flowed down my face as i speak.

"Then we will deal with it lets just open it and find out. Would you like me to do it?"

I just nodded my head as James opened the letter.

Suddenly James turned as pale as me inside the letter was a photograph of a little girl chained to the wall. He closed place the picture back in the envolope and turned to me.

" Amy lets go inside"

I just look at him blanckly. He looked directly at the woman and thanked her as she slowly start to walk away. As we head inside James passes me the picture without saying a word. I stare at the picture and my heart sunk. It was someone i recognized. The little girl in the picture was Sofia.How could it be i was sure she was safe or i thought or so I had thought anyway.