Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Time Catches You

I could not believe what i was seeing how could he have got Sofia. It was it that moment i knew i had to save her i had done it once before i could do it again.Someone had to save her from that monster.How? Now that was another question and something i had not yet found the answer for.The next few hours past so slowly i just sat there staring at James in the hope that he had the answer i was searching for.

There was a blank look on James face i knew in that second he had no idea what we should do. I just sat there staring at the picture of Sofia chained when i realized i knew where he had taken her. I felt a deep sickness in my stomach i knew i would have to return to the warehouse.I looked at James before speaking.

" James we have to help her" There was panic in my voice as i spoke i had never told James about there warehouse. What really happened there. Suddenly i knew my life was going to change once more. funny i guess how time catches you.No matter how much you try to escape.

"We don't know where she is how can we help her? James asked

"I do James their is something i need to tell you" I begin to tell James the truth about what happened. How my father was the one that set G.S.D up and i was pushed into the underworld that he called his kingdom. The more i go on i sit and watch the life drain out of James. I didn't know if what i was saying to him would change how he felt about me.All i knew is i needed his help. Sofia need us to help.

After what seemed like hours i finally finish telling James every last detail i grab a hold of his hand and knell down on the floor before leaning in for a kiss.

" So you understand now why we have to find her. James do you understand?" My voice began to quiver as i spoke.

I wait for a few seconds for James to respond before speaking once more

" James? Please tell me you understand that your with me on this one"

I waited a few seconds more before James spoke.

" I understand! I understand" James began to sob as he spoke. I jump to my feet and wrap my arms around James it had never dawned on me how this would affect him.

"So how do we find her" James asked

I was not sure myself it had been so long and a part of my brain i had shut off. I was not sure if i could remember how to get there. I'm not sure i ever would but they say you remember what you see and there had to be something about that place i remember. Something trapped inside my brain. Suddenly i remembered something. A large statue at the cross roads that i waited on with Sofia. I tell James about it he always did know directions better than myself. James face lights up as i tell him what i remember.

" I know the place i used to play in those woods as a kid" I just stood there shocked for a moment i could not believe what i was hearing. James knew the place. The clearing in the woods i told him about suddenly made sense. We head out to the car and make our way back towards London. It was the last place on earth i wanted to be and James knew that. Finally he fully understood what happened to me and why saving Sofia was so important.