Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Journey Back

The drive back towards London seemed to take forever me and James never spoke much. I think James was just trying to fully process what we had spoken about plus he never really did like to talk while driving. For some strange reason he always found it hard to concentrate. Then again he was not the best of drivers but he was better than me. I could barely get it out of first gear that's if i could get the engine to stay on. James had tried teaching me to drive many times.

So much so that he gave up after the tenth lesson. I think he must have thought i was a lost cause i know that i did. I take a deep breath and unwind the window. I had always loved the feel of the wind blowing through my hair it helped clear out the cob webs of thoughts that stayed within my mind. I did love to travel but this journey was one i was dreading.I had still not figured what i was going to do.

I don't think James knew either. We both just sat there thinking and waiting. After what seemed like several hours driving I finally start to recognize my surrounding were where getting close

. My stomach started to tighten. Flash backs of Ricks face played itself out before my eyes. I feel my throat become still and close as i struggle to breathe. Suddenly the car comes to a stop i look up out of the windows to see the statue placed strategically at the cross roads. We were close we was really close. James looks at me. A look of sadness filled his face.

It looked like a part of him was somehow missing. We exit the car and make our way down the small dirt path that lead down the side of the road into the woodland. Suddenly my nose was filled with the smell of fresh woodland flowers.

I grip tight onto James hand and i stop for a second and close my eyes. I knew where we were it was like a map unwrapping in my mind. I open my eyes and just look deep into his i had a strong sickness in the pit of my stomach the warehouse was just through the woodland across the road. I had no idea why we was back here or what we were going to do.

I grab a hold of James arm tight my body shaking in fear as we slowly make our way out onto the the long driveway to the warehouse i had once saved myself from. I stand there for a second still almost in a shock like state. I couldn't go in there i wanted to but i just couldn't. Could I?

"So what do you wanna do? James asked

i wish i knew i just stood there frozen

"Amy what shall we do? James asked once more i was hoping for him to have all the answers i guess i was wrong.

I turn to face James before slowly asking " What if Ricks in there James i don't know if i can do this if i can see him again" Tears begin to flow down my face as i speak.

"It's ok Amy we don’t have to do this we can always come back get proper help like the police" James Said.

"No! i snapped "no police we have to help Sofia i have to help her"

James just shook me slightly

" Calm down ok we will do this" James was right i did need to calm down after all it was my idea that we came out here in the first place. I didn't mean to be rude and i think James knew that.

He just took my hand and we slowly walked up to the entrance of the building. My eyes scanning every area i could in the constant look out for Rick. As we approch the entrace i notice something looked different. It was if something had changed i was just not sure what yet.

As we walked in through the door there was no sign of anything i reconised even the recepiton desk looked different. I was sure we where in the right place but it was like there was no existance of G.S .D ever been here. The lack of security cameras just didn't sit right. I walk over to the recepiton out of nowhere appiered a small women from behind the desk.

"Hi welcome to zitech can i help you" Her voice was all perky and somewhat quite refreshing.

I Just stood there for a second before asking again once more what was the name she mentioned i didn't quite catch it.

As i stood there while she repeated the name once more i felt a sense of relief. We were in the wrong place we must have been either that or what remained of G.S.D was no more.

"James we should go" i turn and thank the women once more and make my way back out onto the the long drive way that was surrounded by woodland.

I take in a deep breath and close my eyes for a second. A part of me felt happy. I had worked myself up so much about coming back here i guess it was normal for me to feel some sense of relief. I never spoke to James on the way home it was like the past few hours did not happen.

As we pulled up once more outside the small thatched cottage i now called my home i just stare blankly out of the window. My mind playing out all the possibilities of what could have just happened.

What danger i had placed us both in.