Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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I'm Back

The next few days that followed saw myself and James slowly drift apart i guess i knew it was going to happen. James had not said anything to me to make me feel this way but i knew something was wrong. It was as if the closeness between us had vanished. James no longer held me like he used too. Everything was stale and empty.

Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me but i was sure there was something wrong. I wanted to ask him if everything was fine between us but i knew whatever answer James gave me i would not be sure if it was the truth. After all how could he still love me after everything surly he couldn't could he?

After another morning of not speaking to each other i finally decided to bite the bullet and find out what was happening. Just as I'm about to sit down there was a sudden knock on the door  i look at James who was now sat at the dining table with a bemused look up on his face.

"I'll get that shall i?" There was a sharp tone in my voice as i spoke

James just nodded slightly.

"Whats wrong with you we need to sort this James its not going away"

I slam my drink down onto the kitchen side and head over to the front door. James just grunted under his breathe its amazing how quick someones feeling for you can change in a instant i knew telling him the truth about Rick would destroy us i guess a part of me regretted it.

As i open the door I'm suddenly thrown to the ground hitting my head in the process. It must have knocked me out for a second as when i come round all I see is a tall dark haired man hovering above me. I look frantically around the room in a hope to see James. Before i can grasp my vision fully i felt a hard slap across my face. Then i hear a voice that i recognised. "I'm Back i told you i would find you"

I felt a sudden chill throughout my body as the voice echoed in my head. It was Rick he was right he had found me.

I stand there in fear not knowing if i was soon to be thrown back into the nightmare that i had once escaped. I turn to face James who was now tied up in the corner. A knife pressed against his throat.

I scream out hoping anyone would hear me but no one came. I found myself wondering how i was going to escape this or if i even had the strength. As i sit there looking merciful up at Ricks eyes my heart pounding waiting from his next move. I begged Rick to let James go after all it was me that he wanted.

Rick just smiled at me before slowly turning to the bald headed man in a snug fitted jet black suit that had the knife pressed against James throat.

“Do it” There was a firmness in his voice as he spoke. Within once long cut i watched as he dragged the blade along James throat. Blood drained from his neck as i sat there listening to him struggling to breathe as he slowly drowned in his own blood. I just sit there sobbing James was my life and this wanker had took him away from me.

A few moments later i was thrown into complete darkness as a hood was placed over my head. It was like i was stuck in a reoccurring nightmare.

Suddenly i felt a hard knock on my head causing me to loose conciseness. The next few hour after that are a sort of a blur all i knew is that i now once again found myself locked in a darkened out room. No way of escape all i could do it just sit there and wait.