Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Like Old Times

I  sit there in the the darkness waiting for a flow of men to come in and rape me once more. But nothing happens this time something was different. Something i just could not put my finger on. It was the fear of not knowing that bothered me the most. I guess a part of me had prepared for the abuse.But to not know when it was going to come that was a demon i was fighting with. I sit there shaking in the corner scared and alone replaying James death over and over again in my mind.

The next few hours seemed to drag it felt like i had been locked in this room for weeks. I needed to drink and i was not sure when the next time would be. I franticly search the room in the hope to find any from of moisture that would ease my dry lips. After what seamed to be a few minutes I find a water pipe in the far corner of the room. I place my lips around the pipe sucking in the small water droplets that had formed along the pipe. 

.  Gasping for water i run my tongue up and down the pipe sealing in every bit of moisture in now provided me. After what felt like several hours i finally managed to suck in enough moisture to calm my thirst well for now anyway. I knew that somehow i need to get out of this room but how? All i could do was sit and wait. Wait to live or wait to die that was nolonger my decision.   A Few hours later i wake shaking in the corner of the room i must have drifted off for a second. Sounds of footsteps grew closer. Followed by the sound of muffled voices. I listen closley hoping i could hear a voice i reconised. Any voice would do just something to help me understand where i was now trapped.  I knew we was no longer in the warehouse how could we be i only went searching there days earlier. The muffled voices became clearer as they they aproached the room. I sit in silence listening when i make out a woman voice her tone was something i had heard before. As i sit there shaking the door flung open and in walked an old frail woman. I squint my eyes to try and focus on the person that now walked towards me. I Finally manage to focus when i realise it was the old women from the clearing in the woods. It was Ricks mother. I was speachless at how old she now looked. The past six months had not been kind to her at all. Her face was so sunk in it was like seeing a skeliton with just the skin on. Their was nothing to her. I jump to my feet as she come closer holding what looked like a small bottle of water. My mouth was  gasping. The only form of moisutre i had got was the small droplet of water that had formed along the pipes that covered the room. I reach out my hand before slowly speaking.

"Please i'm gasping. Please just let me drink" My mouth had become as dry as sandpaper by this point and you could tell in the slight crackle in voice.

The woman just looked at me before throwing the bottle onto the floor. I scamble to the bottle pull of the cap and guzzle as much liquid as i possible could. After all i was not sure when the next time i would be able to drink. The women just exited the room slamming the door behind her plunging me back into darkness once more. My eyes adjusted to the darkness a lot quicker now i guess they where used to the dark now. I sit there cold shivering rubbing my hands across my skin just to create warmth. Being locked away no longer bothered me but it was the anticipation of what would happen next. That was something i don't think anyone could prepare for.

Hours pass as i wait for the sign of life coming from beyond the door but yet all i had was silence. The sound of my breath grew louder as i struggled to breathe gasping in air like i was in short supply.I suddenly her the crank in the door as it slowly swing open. I look up to see who was there to only find nothing. I climb to my feet and slowly make my way over to the door. The tension building rapidly within my body as i grew closer to the exit. I stop for a second looking all around me to see no one there as i make my way out of the door. i walk into a long corridor the light flickering creating a eerie shadow over everything their was a strong smell of rotten meat filling the air.

I slowly creep up the hall way trying to hold my breath the stench had start to make me feel sick. Then i never was good with foul smells. As i make my way down the corridor it grew darker as more of the lights that once flickered had now gone out . I slowly start to walk faster increasing my speed with every step. before i knew it i was running. Running through the darkness and to my freedom. I started to feel more positive with ever step . It never crossed my mind who had opened the door in fact a part of me did not even care i just knew i was free again with for this moment anyway and that was good enough for me.

As i reach the end of the corridor the lights had once more come back on. I found myself at a dead end other than two doors one on the left and one on the right. 

I stop for a second before choosing after all i was now stuck with a fifty fifty decision on what the out come would be and i was not sure what could be behind either. Could one possibly take me to freedom and the other to another section of this twisted game i now found myself in or is this just the decision or what part of the game i want to play. After all Rick was good at games he thrived off them.

I close my eyes and slowly reached out to the door that was now in front of me as i turn the knob of the door my heat skips a beat as nervousness now consumed my body.

I open my eyes to be greeted by bright sunlight blinding me through the trees as i take in a deep breathe i had a sense of relief rush through me i had escaped once more that was what all that raced through my mind.

I make my way out into the court yard eagerly looking around for signs of any one. Even looking at the building to see if i was been watched. I walk brisk-fully across the gravelled court yard and make my way out into the woodland opposite. As i walk fast i suddenly feel a sharp pain in my my back followed by a gun shot. I place my hand to my back to discover blood in that second i fall to the ground in pain trying not to scream as i lay there helpless and alone. I close my eyes for a second as i black out from the pain. When i wake i found myself chained to what looked like a old victorian hospital bed. Both my feet and arms handcuffed the the metal rails restricting my ability to move. I squint my eyes to focus under the bright light that shined above me. I slowly make out the face of a women in a nursing uniform hovering beside my bed with what looked like a large needle in her hand. The women turns to face me before slowly speaking. 

" Hi Amy this will only hurt of a minute. Now your going to feel a sharp scratch then you should find it eases your pain" I try with all my might to break from the handcuff to no avail. Thrashing my body up and down on the bed. The women places her right hand firmly down on my arm as she slowly pushes the needle deep into my veins. I scream out in pain what the fuck was she she doing to me. I felt a cold rush flow up my arm as my eyes become heavy as the pain slowly fades away. Why did they not just let me die and end my suffering but “Rick had other ideas. He needed me alive why i was not sure. When i wake once more i found myself surrounded by what looked like doctors in a old hospital theatre room. I thrash my body backwards and forwards to discover i was still chained to the hospital bed. As i glance around the brightly lit room i notice old Victorian operating tools hanging on the stone worn out walls. 

" What do you want from me? What do you fucking want?" There was a silence before the sounds of laughter filled the air.

" What are you laughing at? What the fuck are you laughing at? Please somebody help me" I knew no one was listening. That i was not going to find the answers i needed. I was helpless all i could do was lay there and wait for what happens next. I feel a sharp pain in my side as I'm slowly cut open exposing my insides i grip my teeth hard the pain was so intense i questioned if i would make through it. I could feel every movement as the doctor reached deep inside me creating a swirling motion that made me want to vomit.  As i lay there helpless my life flashed before my eyes. All i wanted to do was lay there and die.