Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Time To Live

As i slowly open my eyes the bright light above me blinded my vision. I look down to the seeping gash that now spread across the bottom of my stomach. I try to move but the pain was so unbearable that i found myself stuck in a laid position.

 As i stare at the cut seeping with blood panic starts to set in. What had they done to me. The last thing i remember was the doctor cutting me open. The rest is quite a blur in fact the past few days had been a blur. I knew i had been out for days as i had noticed a calendar hanging on the wall a few seconds earlier.

 I push my hands down hard on the bed in aid help push myself up. The pain was so intense it caused me to scream out in pain as i moved. As i struggle to to get myself out of bed i look down at my wounds which where now seeping through the bandages. I feel my head go dizzy as i fall onto the ground I was not going anywhere. A part of myself gave up all hope in that instance as i slowly once again climb to my feet. Resting myself against the bed as i did so. The pain had become so strong that i cried out to anyone that would hear me.

 A few moment later a pail looking woman in a crisp white nursing uniform entered the room. As she slowly walked over to me all the colour in my face drained i was terrified of needles and she was holding a rather big one. I  had been scared since the visit to the doctors when i was a child. I must have been only eight or so. My mother had took me there as a precaution. There was a out break of measles in school and my mother was determined i was not going to catch them. In fact if there was any illness my mother could prevent me from having i was straight to the doctors. I remember at one point i must have been attending the doctors at least once a week. I know now that this was strange but when i was a child it had become part of my routine. As the nurse placed on her latex gloves she smiled at me for a moment before speaking. 

" This will only hurt for a second ok it will ease your pain"  Now where had i heard that before? At this point i seamed to fail to care that i was just about to have a injection after all i wanted was for the pain to stop. The nurse grabbed a hold of my arm still all i could do was watch the steal of the needle push deeper beneath the surface of my skin. I grip my teeth as pain rushed through the length of my body causing me to jolt back ripping the needle from my arm as i did so. As i lay there the drugs slowly start to take over leaving me with a strong feeling of sickness with me. I suddenly feel like I'm floating. Like all my cares in the world where slowly disappearing. I was not sure what drug they had given me but it was working for a second i felt normal. Forgetting that i was trapped in a sick twisted game. A game i had no idea how i was going to get myself out of but all i needed to do now was some how find the strength to survive but first i had to rest.  The next few days i slowly found myself getting stronger i could move better now and i even managed to go to the bathroom.

Never have i been more embarrassed in my life than having to be helped to go to the bathroom. I had not seen Rick since i had been in the hospital in fact i had not asked about him at all. I guess a part of me was dreaming that this was the end but I think I knew deep inside that was not the case.

 The more i thought about Rick the more i wanted to know what was going to happen next after all he had put me here. It was down to him that i was laying in this hospital bed still nursing the wounds that now spread across my body. If there was one thing that bothered me the most was the silence someone left to there own thought can become a evil weapon in disguise.

When all you left with is thoughts racing around in your head. You find different solutions but i had yet to think of one that would help me get out of this mess. As i lay there looking at the plain white tiling on the ceiling something i must have counted endless times in the past few days i hear the sound of footsteps approaching behind the curtain. My heart skips a beat as i lay there and wait in anticipation. Moments later the curtain pulled back. I'm greeted by a rather larger woman stood beside me. Her hair was a mattered and looked like it had not been brushed in days. As she spoke in a soft voice i notice the yellowing or her teeth it was quite off putting to be honest and something i found all i could focus on. 

" Rick's waiting for you are you feeling better?" I wanted to scream out at her what did she mean feeling better i was fine before that sick twisted bastard put me here. I still asked myself why me. Even after finding out my father was the ring leader of this twisted game i thought it would have ended with his death how wrong was i. I guess this was  my life now. To become Rick's twisted play thing all i craved was freedom. Something that was so far out of my grip i never knew if i was to see it again.

This was my life now and only i could change it.  Only i could break away from Rick clasp i just needed to figure out how. As i stare deep into the woman's eyes i slowly open my mouth to speak.

“Tell Rick fuck himself i'm no longer going to be his toy and once i get out of this b" The woman speaks stopping me in mid flow. 

" Just get yourself ready you stupid bitch you think i care your here? I just follow orders like everyone else around here it my advice to you that you start doing the same" the woman slams her hands down onto the cabinet that stood beside my bed with such force it made the glass of water that once rested upon it tumble to the ground. 

" Now look what you have made me do you stupid bitch" The woman screamed out at me while slapping me hard across the face. I just stare at her as anger raced through my body. If only i had the strength to to strike out i would choke every ounce of breath out of her. I could picture the life slowly draining out of her as I gripped tighter. Squeezing her throat until I hear he neck crack then watch as her loose body falls to the ground. One day I would get my revenge maybe not today but soon I was sure of it.

Over the next few days I grew stronger with every minute. Soon I was able to move fully on my own savouring my strength as each day passed. I saw very little of the nursing staff that ran this so called hospital if you could call it that. It looked like none had used this place for years. The paint was peeling from the walls making the place look old and tattered. There was a slight eeriness that speed throughout the building. As I lay there I wonder what horror lay beyond the door at the end of the ward. At night all I had to comfort myself was the screams that echoed throughout building. I was not the only one trapped here that I was sure of. As I lay there gathering all my strength I had decided tomorrow was the day I was taking my life back. Even if it did mean I had to die in the process.