Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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The next morning came round soon and I had not managed to sleep much I was busy planning how I was going to get out of this place. I knew I need to find a way out to help the others Rick had trapped here but I was not sure yet fully what my plan was. As I sit up in my bed I look around to see if anyone is coming sunlight it beaming through the small window that lay to the bottom of the room casting a shadow over my bed. I take in a deep breath and climb to my feet as I slowly make myway over to the door at the end of the room. I creap round always looking to see if anyone was following me. As I make my way down the dimly lit corridoors. The sense of errieness flows over your body it was like walking through something out of  horror film I felt like my whole life was life some big horror film. Played out to enertain the twisted. The further I make my way through the entining corridoors the sounds of screams slowly start to fill the air. Growing closer with every step that I take. My heart pounding so much it tightens the back of my throat makinging it diffecult to breathe. I make my way through the large heavy door the stood before me to be greated with a hallway with adjasent rooms off it. I make my way slowly down the hallway I grab at each door nob slowly moving it slightly to see if the door would open after a few attemps I finally come accross one the opens I make my way into the room slowly peaking behind the door to see if I see anyone inside. As I make my way into the room im suddenly pushed from behind causing me fall to the floor. I look up to see Rick stood over me. How the hell did he get there I had not heard him aproch behind me. He was so silent. I stare deep into his eyes not saying a word as he slowly bent down towards me.

" I told you I owned you" Rick had a smirk look on his face as he spoke to me I just spit into his face before feeling a hard slp across my face. I just stare at Rick as he removes my saliva from his face.

" Oh thats just going to make this oh so much more fun" Rick graps at my clothing dragging me across the floor as I kick out screaming at him. I had no idea what I was going to do but I had to think fast. I managed to break myself free before scrambling to my feet. I head to the door but it suddenly slams before me. I was trapped.

" So Amy where are you going to go now looks like your stuck with me" Rick chuckles to himself as he speaks. He was right though I was not sure where I was going to go or if I would ever get out of this room.

"I have a proposition for you Amy something you should consider very carefully" Rick looked directly at me as he spoke.

He still stood holding a brown paper bag. I had wondered what was it in it I guess I was soon to find out. I stood there for a second thinking. What proposition could he possible have to ask me or one that I would even agree to.

I stand there for a few more seconds before simply answering.

"Go on"

Rick went on to tell me how he needed me or more that if I wanted to live I would do what he wanted. What choice did I have but maybe I could use this to my advantage. It was something I would have to think about.