Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Bad Decisions

The next few moments where crucial whatever my answer was going to be would change my life forever and Rick knew this as he just stood there staring at me with a smirk across his face. 

“ So Amy whats it going to be? Die here alone or stand in you fathers footsteps and take the reins. You have proved your willingness to survive after all this is not the first time you have found yourself trapped alone in a room with myself. With no one to save you whats it going to be?” Ricks voice seamed to soften as he spoke. 

“ What choice do I have?’ I ask 

“Well thats up to you Amy is your desire to live stronger than your desire to die only you can answer that.” Rick was right it was my decision and I knew what choice I had to make and so did he.

There was one thing Rick didn’t know and that was I still planned to put a stop to this. To end his life like I did my own fathers but that was a plan I was not going to let on. I just nodded my head before speaking. 

“ So what is it you want me to do? I asked 

“ All in good time Amy. All in good time now put this on and clean yourself up” Rick reached into the brown paper bag he had been holding in his hand the whole time we had been speaking and pulled out blue shirt with G.S.D wrote on the left pocket. 

“ This will do for now we will get you some more appropriate clothes later”  I take the shirt from Ricks hand and place it over my head it was just long enough to cover my crotch area without you seeing my bare skin exposed. 

“ Come this way” Rick opened the door that stood directly behind him and led me back down the dimly lit hallway and past the ward that I once found myself on. As we continue to head down the hallway we make our way into the room that stood on the far left of the hall. It reminded me of my first encounter with Rick at Temptress. The layout to the building was very similar well in a way that the hallways where dimly lit leading off to several room either side. As we walk into what looks like Ricks office I remember the feeling I once had when I first met Rick. Before I was thrown into this nightmare that I now called my life.

“ Please take a seat Drink?” His words echoed in my head as he spoke it was like dajavoo as I listen to him mutter the same words as the first time we spoke. But this time things where different it was no more a welcoming voice but something I had now become scared off. I slowly make my way over to the chair that stood in the corner of the room my heart pounding with fear. What if this was just another part of Ricks twisted power trip.

I guess all I could do was sit there and wait to find out. 

“ So Amy as you know G.S.D was set up by you father but now its time for you to take over after all you are your father daughter. You see everything you went through has lead up to this one moment. This one decision that will truly test your strength for survival.” Rick now paced up and down the room as he spoke.

“ So Amy are you ready to master your fathers legacy or do I need to leave you back in that room to rot?” This time there was an assertiveness in his voice as he spoke. 

“ I don’t understand what do you mean by take on my father work?” I asked with a slight confusion in my voice.

“ All will be revealed Amy in good time.now are you in?” Rick stared directly at me while speaking 

Rick knew I was in what choice did I have and if I wanted to ever get out of this alive and make Rick pay I had to play along with him. 

“ What do you need me to do?” I asked as the worlds came out I felt a sickness in the pit of my stomach what was I doing I must be crazy. Rick then walked over and placed a piece of paper in my hand it had the same letter heading as the ones I saw back in the warehouse. 

“ Just read this and sign thats all you have to do and you can walk free well sort of anyway”

I quickly read through the piece of paper he had just given me not really taking in the words that was written upon it. All I could think about was my freedom and if signing this paper would gain me that I didn’t care about anything else.

 I looked up to Rick before slowly speaking. “ So do you have a pen?” Rick just looked at me and smiled 

“Of course my dear here you go” Rick bent down and placed the pen down onto my hand slightly stroking it in the process. I take the pen and scribble my name in the box at the bottom then hand the paper over to Rick. What had I done I had this feeling like I had just signed my life over to the devil and Rick was evil that was something I was sure off. 

“ Good now lets get to work. Come with me please” I stand from my chair and follow Rick out of the room and back into the hallway. The further we walked down the louder the screams became not only women’s but children as well. I could not believe what I had done I had now become the main part in the twisted world that surrounded me. Powerless to stop what happened next. I felt empty like every ounce of compassion had drained from my body and it was only going to get worse.