Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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The Takeover

After signing my life away to Rick I found that I was now in charge of G.S.D even though every part of me hated being involved I knew I had no choice if I wanted to survive. After been ran through briefly what my now duties included I felt every ounce of respect for myself was now broken and fragile. I knew I would be working closely with Rick on a daily basis yet all I felt was anger and hate towards him. But there was one think I had kept to myself. I had no intentions on running G.S.D but I would take it down from the inside after all I had proven myself to Rick that I was strong and determined it was an attribute that Rick liked about me. Now I had the freedom to roam as I please I set out to find Sofia. In them mist of all this nightmare I had totally forgot that the main reason for finding Rick was to save her from the further abuse that she would now face. But first I had to have a plan and that was something I had yet to think of.

As I wandered the building the screams of the other women trapped raced through my mind. I knew there was not a chance I could save everyone and I knew that at some point I would have to kill some of them but that was something I chose not to think about, well not much anyway.

The next few days everything changed rapidly I found that the world I was now involved in was more disturbing than I first imagined. Sofia was not the only child there was several more. As I sit in what had now become my office watching closely at the monitors that spread across the room anger slowly creeped throughout my body. I sit there powerless to stop what was happening to these small children. Then something inside me snapped I jumped from my chair and raced out of my office and into the hallway drasticly searching for the room where they where trapped.  As I make my way down the hallway sweat dripping from my forehead my heart pounding so rapidly i thought it might explode. I follow the sound of the scream I had still not figured out what I had intended to do I just knew deep down inside I had to help. I could not leave them here to suffer the same as I did. As I approach the room to my left the screams grew louder I stop for a second to compose myself I had no idea what I was about to do.I just knew I had to try and help them whoever they were.

 I place my hand onto the door handle before slowly entering the room. I hold my breath as I open the door slightly peeking behind the corner in a hope that no one would notice. As I enter the room I creep up to a man that was in mid flow of raping what looked like a young chinese woman. I take the crowbar I had picked up before my search I was not stupid enough to wander anywhere without protection.  Raise it high in the air and within one swift movement I lowered the crowbar striking the man of the back of his head causing him to fall to the floor.

 I just stand there as I watch yet another life drain out of someone before quickly coming to the woman’s aid. I tried everything I could to tell her things would be ok but I don’t think she understood english as the more I said it would be ok the more panicked she became. I try putting my arms around her but all she did was push me to the ground and make her way to the exit. Little did she know that she would need my help to get out of this alive I scream out stop but the language barrier had become a problem I guess to her I was talking gibberish but surely she understood some english she was in England after all.

I make my way out of the room and back down the hallway by this point I was too late. Rick was standing at the end of the hall a knife pressed against the woman’s throat. All I could do was stand there and watch in horror as he dragged the blade across her neck causing her to fall to the floor placing her hands around throat struggling to stop the bleeding. I think she knew that she was dead as she stared directly at me looking helpless as she struggled to gulp in air.

Rick just stood there smiling as I froze to the spot. Rick started to walk towards me and with every step forward I found myself slowly moving backwards until I’m pressed against the wall behind me. I take in a deep breath as with every step Rick becomes closer until I find him stood directly in front of me.“Now Amy why would you let her free?” As he spoke I could smell the smoke from his cigarettes on his breath. It took me back I had not smoken a cigarette since long before I met James but even now I still craved one from time to time.

“Well?” He asked once more. I didn’t know what to say. What could I say? I just choose to say nothing as I stand there staring him deep in his eyes. Suddenly I felt the tight grip of his hand around my throat slowly squeezing tight.

“How did I know not to trust you” Rick smiled as he slowly gained a tighter grip so much so that I struggled to breathe. 

Rick was right he knew not to trust me but did he really think I was going to take over G.S.D? If he did he was more stupid than I first thought. Rick loosed his hand from around my neck as I gasp in for air. 

“ Follow me you stupid bitch” Rick grabbed ahold of my arm dragging me down the hallway. Why did I think that this was over?

Maybe after all I was the stupid one or thats what I had wanted Rick to belive anyway. There was something Rick didn't know and that was that my plan had just been set in motion and there was something quite satisfying about that.