Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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One Step Ahead

The next few days saw my plan slowly start to set into motion it would be this plan that would finally break me from the clasps of  Rick and G.S.D. I knew I had to take my time. After all I didn't want to let on what I was going to do and the only way this would work is if I kept Rick close. Closer than anyone I had ever kept before. I knew I would always have to keep one step ahead and that was something I had now gotten used to. Little did Rick know that while he showed me the ropes in how to run G.S.D in his abence that I was taking mental notes. It would be these notes that would send G.S.D into kayos but the last thing I wanted was for Rick to know that. So I would bite my tounge whenever he gave me instuctions to do things I was not comfortable with just basking in the hope that soon. Not yet but soon I would be free from this mess once and for all. As I sit staring into the monitors that covered my office I close my eyes for a second if to only dream of what my life would have been if I had never moved to London. How different my life could be kept me strong and it was that strenth that pushed me to survive. Somewhere deep inside me was this empowering woman just screaming to come out. A few moments later im awoken by the sound of a door slamming loudly. I open my eyes and jump to my feet in shock nearly falling over in the process. It was Rick he just stood there for a second staring at me. I was not sure if he knew what to say just a bemused look upon his face.  I lower myself back into my chair that sat behind my desk before speaking.

" What do you want Rick? Can you not see im busy?" I snapped as I spoke ascerting the firmness in my voice.

" Dont take that tone with me Amy you dont own G.S.D just yet" Ricks voice became cold as he spoke. I didn't have time for his games today more so I was not in the mood. Then I never was in the mood when it came to Rick and a part of me knew I had to reign it in a little. After all the last thing I wanted was for Rick to become suspicious. I just grit my teeth before slowly speaking again.

" I'm sorry Rick how may I help you?" Now sarcasm was probably not much better but it was all I had.

"Much better. Now your needed get your things and come with me" Rick was assertive as he spoke. I pushed my way from behind my desk and made my way over Rick without saying a word. I knew he always like it when I did as I was told plus the beaming smile that now spread across his face. Everytime I saw that smile it made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach the days of ever finding Rick sexually attractive had long gone now all I saw stood infront of me was a monster. One that had ruined my life. A life I was now taking back. Even if it was bit by bit. I look directly as Rick and smile as he ushers me out of the office and into the hallway.

" So how am I needed?" I asked

"You ask too many questions Amy all will be revieled" This time the tone in Rick voice had change it became more devious if that was at all possible I just shrugged it off and followed Rick through the winding hallways into what looked like a distribution warehouse. As I stand there for a second overlooking the dimly lit area it would be in this very room that I would discover that whole truth about G.S.D and how big the operation really was. 

Upon the surface I had always thought that G.S.D was set up by my sick father. Little did I know the full ins and outs of the sittuation or how wide spread the company really was. I suddnely start to panic and question if I really could end this nightmare once and for all. Everything I had thought of now didnt matter I knew that I would need a better plan than getting Sofia and escaping and it all started with Rick. If I was ever to put to an end the torure that was caused by the G.S.D I knew I would have to kill Rick and this time I need to make sure I did the job properly.

G.S.D was more far spread than just London it was happening across the world. So many different countries following the lead of my father. I had no idea if I would take them all down but I knew that if I killed Rick it would be a start. The next few days that followed I did my duties that G.S.D required while still revising my plan to escape I knew that all I needed was a simple document to say that I was now taking over G.S.D but that was not even in the picture. My main focus now had to be Rick and how I was going to make him suffer.  For him to suffer the same pain and torture he had put me through. What he had put those innocent children through.

As the days past I found myself wondering if I would ever be able to put my plan into effect.  My relationship with Rick was the same as always. I guess a part of me held back even though I never ment to. But you have to ask yourself this can you really get close to someone who you hate? Visions of placing an axe into Ricks head filled my mind repeating over and over. I knew that I would have to do something soon to get him onside for him to finally trust me with G.S.D. But what?

As I sit at my desk rummaging through boxes of paper work that relates to G.S.D. I had been searching for anything I could use to find Sofia and I finally came across her name. My heart sunk as I read through the documentation. She had been sold to another branch of G.S.D. The idea of buying and selling people for sexual kicks always left a bitter taste in my mouth. It was something G.S.D had done for years long before I ever found myself trapped in this living nightmare. Anger raced through me as tears streamed down my face. All hope of me saving Sofia was now gone. All I could think of was if I had been a little quicker I could have saved her. I guess that is something that I would now have to live with. I lean back in my high backed chair and struggle to breath as I sit there just staring at the document that now sat on the centre of my desk. Everything else didn't seam to matter well not in that moment anyway.