Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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The internet social rumors about Bob Miller were creating quite a stir all throughout RiverLake. The Non-Fugly's or the "Pretties" were not enjoying being held out of the loop. After Alice became the kingpin of putting the word out about him online (Just as Dirty Bird had predicted she would) the bench at RiverLake Shopping Mall had been shut down by the police and covered up in yellow police tape. It had caused too much controversy for the mall to deal with. When the teenage non- fuglies caught word of $500 dollars often getting taped under the chair they tried to get their paws on it. Despite all their fruit roll ups, despite the credit cards their parents gave them, the well heeled non-fuglies still wanted a chance at that $500.

Some were so mad at Bob Miller that they were posting online that for sure Bob Miller was somehow more than likely a side kick from the tv show Harriet's Law. They were convinced Bob had it in for the pretties and probably had some insecurities of his own to feel that way. In fact he did. Bob did in fact have a serious handicap but his handicap was far, far, far from ostensible. It only explained why he had no wife or children.

Even though the bench by the fountain at the mall had been shut down it didn't mean that the excitement was over in RiverLake NJ. The authorities were not even able to scratch the surface with thwarting the newly talked about Bob Miller. While many were skeptical about his new name there was just way too much proof bolstering the idea that he was nothing more than a wealthy nice man. Some described him as a less privileged fellow that actually DESERVED to win the powerball. But what set him apart from all the other millionaires? Bob Miller didn't own a home. Although he could afford one he had adamantly refused to buy a house when he already owned an entire island. He owned all the hotels on his island so he often slept in a different one each night for good measure.


Mrs.Hunt nosed her 2017 black Mercedes into the freshly paved driveway with a big pile of mail on her lap. The pile would have been bigger but she had always been smart enough to do most of bills via online bill pay. Save the trees. Save on stamps too. Besides....Why help fund those crooked mail men that wear those goofy grey shorty shorts. Didn't one of them go postal and fly his stupid gyrocopter onto the White House lawn for some special unneeded attention? Divorce Attorney Melissa Hunt wasn't a big fan of retired postal service men gone batty on the government by showing off their "poopy pants" moments. Some of her other attorney friends think he did it just to show a weakness in our national security. After that incident hit the news the Chinese probably got the bright idea to mirror that incident once again except have it be radio controlled with a bomb filled female dummy wearing a bikini. Melissa hated attention seekers. Period.

She tucked the mail into her armpit as she pranced inside her $500,000 condominium that already had expensive candles lit inside thanks to her hubby. She tossed the mail onto the kitchen table and walked over to the liquor cabinet to pour herself a stiff drink. She paid no attention to her husband John picking up the mail.

Melissa stirred her drink with a small black coffee straw as she watched her husband leaf through the mail. He stopped at a big white envelope coated in gold lettering clearly displaying the words "Prized Winner". He shook it before he opened the parcel and smiled playfully at his wife of five years.

"Look honey....we're a big winnahhhh!!!" He joked. Melissa twirled her straw. "Scam....toss it....I wouldn't even bother to open it."

John still wasn't totally convinced it was a scam. It was Friday evening and he was still feeling optimistic and perky that their work week had finally come to an end. He inspected the parcel once more. He recognized something stamped in gold lettering on the bottom corner. "Miller Enterprises."

He held it up for Melissa to see. "Look honey. It's coming from Miller Enterprises. It might be a scam it might not. It surely doesn't hurt to open it."

Melissa still hadn't fully wound down from her day at the office. She replied in a saucy mood. "Sure whatever...just open the damn thing."

John began tearing open the package then sensed something was wrong with the wifey. "What's wrong babe?"

"I caught shit today from Lenny Reicsin...my bosses boss."

John continued tearing. "Concerning?"

"A grievance filed by one of my creepy clients"

John was getting amused. "Creepy?"

Melissa waved her pinky finger. "Aw you know..this client of mine Jimmy...he's all fired up because we didn't win at the custody hearing and now thinks he's entitled to his money back....I already knew from the door he had no chance of winning."

John already knew the sneaky side of his wife. "But you still convinced him the cat was in the bag?"

Melissa ignored the question and rolled her eyes to validate her innocence. "Well I didn't guarantee him a win I just said our case sounded like a slam dunk. He should've already known that the mother of the children get custody the majority of the time."

John spread the contents of the package on the table. The pamphlet for Miller Island definitely caught his eye. He still continued to prod his wife. "So I'm just curious...how much did he pay your firm?"

Melissa chuckled. "About eight thousand dollars."

"Eight thousand dollars? How much work did you actually do?"

Melissa was getting irked by her hubby exposing her lawfirm's scheme. "I had to make phone calls John! The guy worked at a meat processing plant and gave me the creeps. I didn't really want him to win anyways!"

Now John chuckled. "But you still took his money" he pointed out.

Melissa knew she was cornered. It was time for plan b. It was time to get her money's worth on her boob job and create a distraction to deviate from the topic. She crept up behind John and hugged him pushing her breasts firmly into him to get his attention.

"So honey....what ya got there?" She said rubbing her breasts into him some more and studying the pamphlet for Miller Island. "Oh my gosh babe this place looks cooler than Vegas!" John concurred. "I know honey"...He pointed to some of the stuff in the letter."Looks like we somehow won a fully paid all expense vacation to Miller Island! I dunno about you but I can't pass up free stuff!"