Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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It was a glorious Monday morning and nearly 85% of the Fuglies that Bob had recruited were stepping onto a plane for the very first time in their lives. Bob Miller was very enlightened that his new employees had given their jobs their two weeks notice to come and work for him on Miller Island. In actuality only 30 of them managed to tough it out the entire two weeks as the others got so excited about earning $15.00 an hour for entry level work that they couldn't wait to tell their employers to stuff it. A good 25% even had the audacity to just walk off the job while still on the clock. They had faith in Bob Miller. He was almost becoming a God to them. The economy was so cruddy that YES love could be bought. And that's just what Dirty Bird had done. Bought the love of the innocent Fine Underlings Giving Love Year round.

Dusty was a little nervous about getting on a plane for the first time. And to make matters worse? He knew what day it was....9-11. He got goose bumps at the site of some of the foreigners seated on the back. Good thing this plane served alcohol. Dusty couldn't think of a better way to go in life. 3000 feet in the air piss ass drunk and going out as a hero by trying to take out some terrorists with his bare hands. But Dusty was all wrong. He hadn't seen the world enough to know that not all Americans grew fearful at the site of a towel wrapped around someone's head. America had become quite the melting pot and anyone that traveled enough would already know that.

The plane wasn't going straight to Miller Island for Bob truly didn't have the money for his own personal airport. The plane was headed to Miami airport where the Fuglies would rendezvous with big black Hummer limos that would shuttle them to an enormous cruise ship that would take them to Miller Island.

Dusty had to do a double take at his airline ticket before he took a seat on the plane. C-23. Yup....he was right, according to the seating chart the empty "bitch" seat he was staring at was indeed his seat. A "bitch" seat to him was always known as the seat in the middle. And what Dusty didn't know? Dirty Bird had connections with the airlines and had purposely set Dusty up with this specific seating accommodation. Two beautiful women in their mid twenties would be flanking him while seated abreast of him on the plane. Dusty was by no means gay. He was however extremely shy and knew that these Chicky mommas were way out of his league. These were the kind of girls that actually made you want to roll out of bed Sunday morning and go to church. These were the kind of girls that gave you the energy to clean out your car. And these kind of girls? Definitely made ya want to put away the bottle and sober up.

Jessica and Renee were professional. They had flown on planes many times and knew all the dos and don'ts. When Dusty showed them his airline ticket they knew better than to roll their eyes and make a poopy pants face showing contempt. Renee (the big buxom blond couldn't help but have her breasts rub up against Dusty as she squeezed past him so he could have the "bitch" seat. There was nothing he could do but allow his face to turn into a cherry.

"Excuse me." She said after sliding around him.

Dusty didn't know what to say. He opted to say absolutely nothing but rather focused all of his attention on figuring out his seatbelt. When he went to reach for the other side of his belt he noticed the girl in the window seat was sitting on it. Jessica Powell. Jessica the Senator of Kentucky's daughter. It took her awhile but she finally noticed Dusty eying up the other half of his seatbelt. She lifted up her leg as if she was about ready to let go of a fart. Dusty ever so lovingly tugged on the seatbelt while using all of his inner strength to be as gentleman like about it as he could. This was the closest he had been to an attractive woman since high school when a female cop used him as a prop to give a demonstration on arresting procedures.

"Thankyou" Said Dusty now trying to link his seatbelt together.

*Clink* *clink* *clink*.....he couldn't figure out the seatbelt if his life depended on it. Jessica took notice.

"You have to flip the thingy up first...this your first time flying I take it?"

Dusty grew sheepish but nodded.

Jessica smiled. "I fly all the time...my daddy is the Senator of Kentucky....I can hardly wait for him to take his free vacation so I can invite my friends over for a party."

Dusty saw dollar signs at the thought of a state senator. He was a little bit confused by something.

"Free?" Was all he could think to say.

Jessica fixed her hair piece. "Yeah it's kind of weird but him and my mom are pretty excited about it. Somehow they won an all expense paid weeklong vacation to Miller Island...I guess it's some kind of big party island supposedly ten times bigger than Vegas. My daddy says a whole lot of his friends won the vacation too...mostly all cops, lawyers, and judges...some business owners too from what I hear."

Dusty didn't do those fifty dollar bottles of Curve cologne. It just wasn't his style. His six dollar Brut cologne was causing the other girl Renee to have her eyes feel like they were burning. Luckily Jessica's Bath and Body works Love Spell was infiltrating Dusty's old man cologne enough to keep the rest of the plane from catching nasty wafts of old people scent. Although he was 222lbs and probably considered stocky, Dusty did his best to keep his butt centered and not brushing up against one of the girls. His mother had raised him to be a gentleman around ladies but his father sure hadn't given him much pointers when it came to talking to chicks. He still couldn't believe he was engaged in a conversation with two hot babes.

He clasped his knuckles together to conceal his chubby little fingers still stained with motor oil from yesterday's oil change.

"Wait you said Miller Island? That's where I'm headed to."

Jessica violated the prissy girl code without even realizing it. It came without warning and she couldn't even help it. She planted her left hand on top of Dusty's sturdy knee for a second until she caught herself. "Really? You lucky Duck! I wish I could go there.....just not when my daddy is there...that would be no fun with him there. I heard Miller Island has a water slide that actually goes right through the casino."

Dusty smiled. He had never stepped foot into a casino. Never even bothered to look one up via google. All he knew was that celebrities trolled those kinds of places so there was probably 15$ parking that he would never have any interest paying. Not after 7 years of being lumper at $9.75 an hour. He felt compelled to carry on the conversation anyways.

"I'm going there to work there. I'm kind of surprised Bob Miller invited a bunch of cops and lawyers and what not. How did they all win a free vacation?"

Jessica looked confused as well. "My daddy makes big money but don't be fooled. EVERYBODY likes free stuff these days. My mom still takes home the complimentary shampoo bottles at the hotels they stay in. It's pathetic. I dunno what contest they entered or if they even entered a contest at all. I think maybe it was like a publishers clearing house kind of thing."

Dusty was still kind of curious. "But why so many winners?"

Renee eavesdropped while Jessica fondled a House magazine tucked in front of her knees. "I dunno...But my dad is not complaining and looking forward to the trip. He says that he's glad that he can enjoy a vacation with "HIS" people and not a bunch of Jabronies."

Dustin's curiosity was still piqued just trying to piece everything together. "But if it was like some lottery type drawling what could the odds possibly be that all the winners were government employees.....just seems kind of weird."

When Jessica leaned forward to pull out another magazine from the seat pocket more of her name brand perfume drowned out Dusty's cheap old people scent. The plane was in the process of taking off and it was that moment of time where everybody shut up and watched the flight attendant give the barf bag demonstration that she had already watched hundreds of times.

Jessica shook her head back and forth ever so subtly.

"I know.....weird isn't it."