Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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Annabell Watts had always stuck out like a sore thumb any time she was permitted to tag along and sit in on her husbands "business dinners". She could never forget the tongue lashing she received at last years Christmas banquet for giggling at the table and telling a detective's wife that "she needed to get laid". She tried to blame the wine for her comical ignorance but her hubby complained about it the entire ride home. "Nobody took a shining to your dark sided humor" Judge Watts had groused.

And what was the tenacious bore of a husband doing right now on this Miller Island? Memoirs. That's right. Annabell's hubby was such a Repulican nut that he brought his work with him on his vacations.

Mrs.Watts tended to find humor in shows like Family Guy and just a few months ago she had even managed to find time to slip out with her girlfriends and watch the new Sausage Party movie at the Cinema. It was boring as hell being married to a judge that constantly felt the need to judge others intentions.

He fretted miserably when their daughter illegally downloaded a few of Justin Beiber's pop songs. Discipline Discipline Discipline was all Judge Watts was ever about. In fact her husband had once admitted to her that they should shut down the homeless shelters and use the extra money to build more jails. He was just that ruthless of a son of a gun. So why was Annabell even with the old sourpuss? MONEY.

Watching Desperate Housewives was panning to be more of a task than Mission Impossible. None of the Tenacious Wolves had learned to become inure to Dirty Bird's on the fritz amenities. Just when the television show got to the good parts the tv would shut off. As soon as Annabell would leave the sofa in discontent the damn thing would turn back on again. It was as if Dirty Bird was somehow watching their every move.

Her husband had completely given up trying to find the hidden pin hole sized spy cams hidden throughout the island. Judge Watts simply refused to allow Bob Miller's capers slow him down from his work. What exactly her hubby was writing back there in his room Annabell didn't really know nor did she really care. It was like the more times the television turned off the more determined she was to keep watching it just to see how the soap opera ends. Bragging rights of finally completing something on the island. Just as Annabell arose from her seat to fist pound the top of the television she heard a faint knock at the door. Her entertainment had finally arrived she just hadn't realized it yet.

When Annabell slowly opened up the door Rual couldn't help himself but hold onto the push mower as if it was truly his pride and joy. He grinned happily when he could truly sense the look in Annabell's eyes that she was very much happy to see him. She was in fact undressing him with her lovely blue eyes and liked what she saw in him.

"Oh my gosh! Where did you get that thing! You know we are all but completely out of gasoline!"

Rual nodded. He knew. "Heard y'all was having some problems wiss some snakes in da grass."

Annabell's dark sided humor unleashed itself with no way of her to control it. She purposely shifted her gaze to Rual's mid- section. "Oooohhhh....yeahhhhhhh.... Some big Lo-o-o-o-n-n- n-g ones too....any chance we could hire you to use that thing of yours Mister Sir?"

Rual pushed the mower back and forth to show off it's shiny new blades. "Any chance you could throw in a nice tall glass of lemonade in it too for me? It's pretty hot and sweaty out dare." Mrs Watts pulled out a big wad of cash with the smallest note being a 20 dollar Bill. Rual's eyes got big at the site of her wad of cizash but that was not really what he was after. He was banking on a tall glass of lemonade cuz that stuff really makes a brotha man wanna pee. And that was all supposed to be a big part of his plan. Annabell was in fact 41 years old but she was still smoking hot and looked better than most women ten years younger than her. She knew of her beauty and had used it for many years to get what she wanted. She stepped closer to Rual. Another few inches and she would be practically hugging all those big sturdy muscles of his. She pulled out three twenty dollar bills and forced them into Rual's Fruit Of The Loom shirt pocket. He smelled good for now so she may as well enjoy him before he got all sweaty and stinky from mowing. "Here's half up front big boy." She said playfully...come on in when you're done so I can give ya the other half when you're finished." She teased while flitting her long play boy bunny eye lashes.

Rual pushed back and forth on the mower once more as if showing off a brand new Cadillac. "You got a deal Mrs.Watts. Just do me a favor and work on that lemonade okay?"

"You got it buster.....just look out for those snakes....I don't wanna hear ole stubby back there getting all in a fussy pants if I gotta suck the venom out of ya." She teased.

Rual chuckled and immediately got right to work on the hotel's lawn. Ole Stubby? Where did the misses come up wit that? She sure was a funny one that Mrs.Watts

Annabell immediately went to the small den to report to her husband what she had just hired. She appeared very pleased by it but Judged Watts peppered her to death with questions.

"You hired who?"

"He didn't give me his name...who cares anyways...he looked cute."

Judge Watts sighed stressfully like a red blooded republican on the war campaign.

"And paid how much upfront?"

Annabell shrugged. "Eh...just 60."

"60 bucks and he insists on a tall glass of lemonade too?"

Annabell rubbed her hubby's shoulders. "Relax hun I got this. Do you know how hard it is to push those old style mowers on a hot day like this? He's gonna need a heck of a lot of lemonade. Hope he doesn't mind instant. We certainly don't have lemons...wait a minute....I do have some limes from those coronas I could use."

Judge Watts finally just let it go. He put all of his focus back to his memoirs that were piling up. It was no surprise to Annabell that the only way the couple could go on a decent vacation was because the trip was completely free. Annabell really couldn't stand how her husband was a constant miser. And a lousy tipper most of the time she had also noticed over the years.

Judge Watts motioned with his hand for her to go away as her incessant chatter was now becoming a distraction. She silently made fun of him in her mind as she noticed the big writers lump forming on his middle finger.

"Fine!" She hissed. "At least I'm being productive. The mower guy says once the grasses get mowed the snakes and insects should go away....say do you think I should get him to remove the trash as well? It's really starting to stink around here and it's drawing a lot of those big nasty horse flies."

There was a long pause as if her bickering had not been acknowledged. Then...."Just make the stupid lemonade honey and go back to your soaps."

Annabell Watts did just that but it wasn't too long before she got curious as to how that lawn mowing studly muddly guy was making out. And who really wanted to watch a television that constantly turned on and off? After the tv shut off without warning for the eighth time in a row Annabell decided it was time to see how Rual was making out with mowing the grass. She squeezed the juices from the limes into a very tall plastic drinking cup and quietly slipped outside to check on her recently hired employee.

Annabell got excited when she realized Rual had removed his shirt to mow the tall grasses in the beating sun. Beads of sweat dripped away from his chiseled chin as he pushed firmly on the antiquated device. He momentarily stopped to enjoy the limeade Mrs.Watts had prepared for him.

Rual reached for the icy cold beverage while still sweating profusely. "Oh thankyou very much Mrs.Watts I didn't expect this....it was very white of ya." He joked.

Annabell smiled and gazed at all those basketball player looking muscles. Her hubby sure didn't have any of all that good stuff going on with all the pencils he had pushed over the years. Judge Watts' insolent mood from earlier made Annabell feel compelled to be one big tease this afternoon for her newly hired sexy employee. It was nothing new that the Judge Watts' wife had a history of being flirtatious with other men to cure her boredom from her red blooded republican husband. She looked up at Rual with those playful eyes she so deftly knew how to flirt with.

"Say there mister lawn mower guy.....this girl is kinda scared of those very lo-o-o-o-n-n-ng black snakes that might still be milling about this property...I see you still have a long way to go with these tall grasses....any chance I could talk you into a piggy back ride back to the house for my safety?"

Rual played right into the flirt. "What abouts my safety miss? How you know I ain't afraid of dems snakes?"

Annabell was already standing behind him rubbing her breasts into his sweaty back and grabbing his shoulders ready to hop up. "Aw come on mister lawn mower man....I know that there's no l-o-o-o-n-n-ng black snake out there that a big fellow like you couldn't handle." She teased while still trying to hop on his shoulders. She really needed him to lower his stance just a bit to hop up.

Rual gulped down the limeade first then duteously let Annabell hop up onto his shoulders for a piggy back ride. Lovely Annabell made w-e-e-e-w-e-e-e noises as she playfully gave Rual titty twisters to get him to run faster. Rual was such a beast that her 105lb body on his shoulders felt no heavier than an Ozarks trail back pack. Their playtime in the yard was abruptly interrupted by Judge Watts standing in the threshold of the hotel's entrance and crossing his arms with a look of disdain.

"What the hell is going on here? I thought you were to mow the yard which I PAID you to do....what is my wife doing on your shoulders?" Screamed the Judge. He had no clue that Bob Miller's secret hidden cams planted in the palm trees was recording the entire scene. Rise Of The Fuglies would be aired later tonight for the people back at the states to giggle about later.

Rual walked over to the pavement and hunched down so Annabell could get down from his shoulders. He hadn't told his name to either one of them and was quite certain Judge Watts had completely forgotten who he was. Many years had passed and they both looked quite different.

"I'm sorry Mr.Watts, There still some snakes in these tall grasses here and just wanted to keep Annabell here from getting bit.....say....I just drank a lot of lemonade and could really use the John...you don't mind if I come inside for a minute to use your bathroom?"

Judge Watts kept his arms crossed as he tried to assimilate all this nonsense and disorder in his eyes. If they were back in the U.S he surely would have phoned his little henchmen AKA the Poh-Lice to have Rual removed from the property at once. He pointed his angry index finger at Rual as he replied. "That's your problem NOT mine...and it's limeade not lemonade get it right."

This was the answer Rual was looking for. This was exactly what Rual knew the Judge would say even after all these years. Rual continued on with his theatrics. He began scrunching up his knees and doing the notorious "pee dance".

"But Judge I really have to go! It's an emergency!"

Watts shook his head no. "I don't care....now please get off away from the property...you're not using my bathroom...go someplace else."

Annabell wasn't taking a shining to her husband's ignorance. She tried exacerbating the situation just a bit. She stood in front of Rual. "Yeah hubby...I think my mower guy really has to go! Just look at him shaking those legs!"

"Leave!" Shouted the Judge at the top of his lungs.

That's when everything for Rual went on cue. Right in front of the Misses Rual whipped out his long snake and began watering the yard. It got Annabell super excited. She hadn't had excitement like this in quite a while. Rual even placed both of his hands behind his head and leaned back a little for good measure smiling up at the sun while he urinated in front of both of them. It was going to be a very, very long pee.

"Ay Judge Watts....I don't suppose you remember me back from 2007 when you was just another ruthless prosecutor trying to cage another animal." He said while still urinating, "But you put me away for 9 months on a parole violation for something just like this...even missed my own mother's funeral....how does it feel now mudda fucka!" He giggled now exposing himself to the Judges wife.

Annabell LOVED being a trouble maker. She could hold back no more. Between her hubby's ignorance and this newly found news she found herself prancing on over to Rual in an attempt to "stir the pot". She grabbed Rual's member and pointed it right at her hubby.

"Yeah hubby! How's he supposed to go to the bathroom if YOU won't let him inside?" She said twirling Rual's member just a bit as if it were a hand puppet.

Rual was all in his glory. He couldn't help but moan as he watched the Judge's blood pressure shoot through the roof. He hadn't witnessed the redness of rising blood pressure since the press put pressure on Trump to release his Federal tax returns.He couldn't help but mimic Dirty Bird's little homemade mantra.

*Aaawwwwkkk!!!!* *Aaaawwwwkkk!!!*
