Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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(Judgement Day)

Many of the Tenacious Wolves were getting scared and freaked out by Bob Miller's "Funny Island". It appeared as almost EVERYTHING was going on the fritz and the only place they felt safe was inside of Miller Island Casino. Sure Bob had changed the U.S currency to his funny Monopoly money but at least the toilets flushed on cue and there were still many prefab foods they could indulge in. The Tenacious Wolves realized if they wanted to get through this vacation from hell they would certainly have to stick together. Besides, the only communication they seemed to have with the outside world was Bob Miller's big ugly face smiling at them through the hologram. Many, many times had they thrown objects at the hologram wishing they could strike his tangible face.

A misty spritz sound emanated from inside of the casino and the hologram of Dirty Bird sprung to life. Right over the water slide like it always did. They knew that somehow Bob was watching and listening to them from afar. He kind of reminded them of the character "Q" from Star Trek tv series as he made himself ubiquitous by appearing out of nowhere.

Dirty Bird smiled down at his quarry. "Ladies and germs! I do hope you're enjoying your lovely stay on my Island."

Amber was quick to give him the finger and put him in his place. "Fuck you Bob!" She teased.

Bob Miller smiled at her and Speedy. "Well Amber...looks like YOU of all people are at least finding ways to have a good time. Got yourself a new boyfriend there I see. I'm sure his wife back at the States would just love to meet you."

Amber did not respond. Bob continued with his show as the wolves gathered around the hologram to see what Bob had on his plate today. They all frowned as he plucked out papers from a Manila folder labeled "X-Files". Why did their corrupt organized little government always insist on saving old news?

How did Bob manage to get his dirty little claws on those deleted files?

Bob adjusted his reading glasses as he leafed through case #6546-0975. It was a case dated in July of 2009. Evidently the criminal attorney that defended the defendant was none other than 36 year old Paul Foreman. A silver spoon fed Harvard boy from Upper Manhattan. The only adversity Paul had ever experienced in his life was the high school breakup of when 18yr old Sally Kent broke up with him and hooked up with his best friend Eric. Like the other Tenacious Wolves Paul had much disdain towards the Jabrony ponies that frequently milked the system and eluded their child support payments.

The fact of the matter was, was that Paul Foreman lied through his teeth on a daily basis to any of his clients lacking college credentials. A drain on society is what he liked to call the less educated that frequented the jails for silly stuff. Needless to say, attorney Paul Foreman handled case number #6546-0975 which in his mind were justified trumped up charges on a Jabrony Pony. Lamar Seedwall. AKA thug from the projects.

Potential career criminal for sure.

Dirty Bird chuckled as he read out loud case #6546-0975 to the crowd of Tenacious Wolves huddled up in his casino. He would make sure that this entire proceeding would air on national tv back at the states.

"Oh my gosh I still giggle at this one....so let me get this straight...I am comparing this with case #7695-2034 which was filed a year earlier and evidently dismissed. I think today we may as well find out why....isn't that right attorney Paul Foreman?" Said Bob staring right at the so called rising star public defender....or "Public Pretender" as the In-The-Know inmates like to call those mouth pieces.

Paul didn't say anything for awhile. Finally he crossed his arms and looked up at the hologram. "Let's hear it...what do you want?"

Dirty Bird laughed. "I really can't stop from chuckling at this. I still can't see why a judge just didn't let this go based on humor alone. A big burly black guy walks into a casino and just starts wailing away at the slot machine that he believed owed him money....now you handled these weapons charges and disorderly charges is that correct Mr.Foreman?"

"Yeah so?" Replied Paul from the crowd.

"Did you do your job in which the state pays you to do or did you....oh I don't know...let's say get a bad taste in your mouth and purposely milk the whole thing out for an entire year so that by the time your client even had his hearing so much time would have gone by that the judge had no choice but give him time served and you would feel gratified that you at least managed to squeeze an entire year out of him."

Paul became furious. "That's not true! The court systems were all backed up!" Insisted Paul defending his innocence.

Dirty Bird laughed. "All backed up my ass! Did the judge not admit to you a month later at a convention that because of Lamar Seedwall's mental history he'd feel guilty even doling out three months for that amusing little caper of his?"

Paul's face flushed with guilt and Bob made sure everything was being recorded for his Rise Of The Fuglies tv show.

People back at the states would surely find this stuff entertaining. A group of authorities coerced into confessing their sins of how they prey on the weak. Paul pointed up towards the hologram. "That chump got what he deserved! He jeopardized the safety of others!"

Bob was cracking up at this point. "Oh really?" He said pushing the button on a tv remote. "I think I might have some amusing footage that suggests otherwise. The hologram of Bob changed backgrounds and they were all now staring at a screen showing a security tape of the burly man wailing away at the casino. A group of college boys stood aloof egging him on while flailing their arms and cheering for him. Even the big ta- ta buxom Chicky momma that served the drinks stood their and cheered for their funny man. After the footage the hologram focused back on Bob.

"Those people sure don't look scared to me....I'm looking here at case #7695-2034 in which something very similar happened with a group of belligerent college boys just a year earlier. Guess their daddy's bought their way out of that one huh? Walking in drunk into Munos Casino and throwing real live knives at a dartboard until things got out of hand and soon those knives were getting thrown all throughout the casino until one made it's way right ingrained into a $300 leather purse as an old lady was walking by almost killing her."

"I don't know what you're talking about Dirty Bird. Get to the damn point. Where are you going with this?"

Bob pointed his finger at him through the hologram. "Bull shit! You know well of that case because my records show that you handled that case!" Pointed out Bob. "Lemme ask you something....when you first interviewed Lamar did you not tell him upfront that he might have to do 3 months in the county?"

"Yeah...so what?"

"But yet he had to wait an entire year just before he could even tell his story to a judge! You purposely kept him at bay because you deemed him a drain on society isn't that correct Mr.Foreman? If he could've been out in three months he may have made it to his little brother's wedding. If he would have been out in three months he may have been able to keep his Social Security checks in tact...isn't that right Mr.Foreman? Did you or did you not ask Mr.Seedwall if he was collecting social security? Or a "nut check" as some of you system haters like to call it? Why was this man incarcerated for an entire year over something as silly as this?"

Paul was reddened in the face with guilt. He had in fact not considered Lamar Seedwall one of his people and barely put any effort at all into the case. He continued crossing his arms while fishing for an answer. "Are you suggesting that I had it in for Mr.Seedwall?"

"Damn right!" Pointed out Dirty Bird. "And I also believe you have a history of showing favoritism with your clients."

"Oh? How so?" Asked Paul.

"Lemme just cut to the chase....I'm looking at a whole group of attorneys and lawmakers standing right here in my casino...I really wanna know something as I am noticing that all you mouthpieces tend to act alike so I really wanna hear it from you guys....Do you guys ask your clients about financial information from the door?"

All of the attorneys nodded their heads yes.

"Okay....so since you all seem to agree....I'm very curious about one thing as I am ever so sure that you SYSTEM HATERS are alike which basically makes no sense cuz y'all are the knuckle heads that write up the rules for the SYSTEM in the first place.....whether an individual is collecting unemployment, nut checks, food stamps, whatever,....what the hell does that have any relevance towards the crimes in which they allegedly committed? You all seem to ask that yet I'm wondering what relevance it really has at all?"

The entire group of Tenacious Wolves grew quiet as they were not prepared to handle this public embarrassment. Bob Miller already knew that they would be too smart to answer the question as by now they might be figuring out that they were on live tv. His nation wide statement to the community had been made.He couldn't help himself but break out into his notorious Dirty Bird dance and flap his arms around like a chicken.

*Aaaawwwwkkkk!!! *Aaawwwwkkkk!!!*
