Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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Taking Down Dirty Bird)

The Navy Seals were completely perplexed as to why Bob Miller didn't appear to be even remotely nervous by their presence. Instead he treated the Seals like family as if they might just be related somehow. Bob was finding that some of the men even had a sense of humor. He insisted on telling his dirty joke to the crew as the majority of them had no problems imbibing all of the free liquor. They didn't feel threatened by Bob nor did they feel the need to do an immediate search of screening the Pterodactyl for any unnecessary weapons. Just the fact of knowing Screw Tooth Bill was a well respected veteran put the sailors minds at ease.

Bob Miller proudly stood in front of the drunken sailors showing off his crimson red Rising Fuglies basketball Jersey. He was also sure to turn around many times showing off his "Dirty Bird" white lettered decal with the number "55" right below it. When the din finally settled he continued on with his joke.

"Hey fellows? What's Long, Hard, and full of semen?"

He smiled but gave them no chance to answer. He pointed his finger down below towards the ocean. "A Submarine! Bah- hah-hah!"

But before the Seals could laugh at his dirty joke they were startled by popping sounds on the Pterodactyl coming from every direction at once. Hidden fireworks were shooting out randomly from every direction scaring the entire crew. It was as scary as flash grenades that they had used in Afganistan years ago. As the sailors tried to regain their composure Dirty Bird somehow managed to get lost in the smoke as fireworks popped in every direction of the ship. The captain finally spotted Bob off in the corner getting ready to make a nose dive from the deck.

"There he is boys! I see him! Get him!" Shouted captain Belhorn.

Between the sailors already being drunk and the huge firework distraction it was looking like Bob Miller had a pretty good head start. He HATED diving so instead he tightly placed his arms down at his side and jumped off the Pterodactyl feet first keeping his piggys pointed down so it wouldn't sting when he hit the water. Captain Belhorn's men came racing over to the side of the ship but the captain ordered his men not to fire as they needed Dirty Bird alive.

"Hold your fire men! We still need him to get us to the island! He's gotta pop his head up eventually!"

But Bob Miller still had one trick left up his sleeve. All the years he had spent jogging gave him the wind of a soccer player and he could hold his breath for a mighty long time. He swam deep below the Pterodactyl until he found a metal rail protruding that he could hold onto. Adjacent to the rail was a small series of buttons that he pushed on with his free hand. Within seconds a small compartment unfolded and he reached in quickly to grab his scuba gear and oxygen tank. Bob took in numerous gulps of oxygen to settle himself down before he was able to reach inside the compartment and pull out the Maribus X2. One of the worlds most powerful underwater sea scooter that often was utilized by the military. It was just like riding a jet ski except that you could remain hidden under water.

Bob Miller smiled as he held on tightly to the handle bars of the Maribus X2 pushing him at high speeds under water that he couldn't possibly swim. He knew the firework show would eventually die out and those Navy Seals would still be stupidly drunk with their thumbs up their asses. And all Bob had to worry about? Why the sharks of course. But he knew he could elude them as long as he wasn't leaking any blood to draw their attention. As the high powered motor of the Maribus X2 hummed softly under water Dirty Bird reduced the oxygen output flow on the oxygen tank to insure he had enough oxygen to make it back to Miller Island. Within minutes he had already slithered a good mile away from the Pterodactyl completely undetected. He knew at this point the fireworks had fizzed out and his good buddy Screw Tooth Bill was left on his ship with those government paid clueless wonders singing like a Canary. He could still hear Bill's voice from inside his mind. I can't go to jail I have grandchildren!

As Bob Miller steered the Maribus X2 right past a great white shark he couldn't help himself but spit his little mantra of bubbles right into the oxygen tube for only the big fish to listen to.


