The Soul King by Ray Patino - HTML preview

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They Call Us Weapons

The Farmhouse stretches into ‘1,500 acres of a beautiful-isolated-lonely landscape. From a far view, from the distance - it looked empty, deserted, and uninhabited. Dead trees shedding their leaves, wept under the October night sky, a pickup truck’ fairly new rushed down the road trying to reach the farmhouse, the unpopulated half a mile stretch, seemed like forever for the driver “Come on, Come on” he shouts while he pushed the pickup to the brink of blowing the engine. The gawk on his face, was exactly the same feeling, he felt when the trucks radio turned to the station (THE HEARTBEAT) when he was driving north, to regroup with two old friends. The radio sent a bomb of unreadable messages’ in text form, one in specific made him turn the truck around, and make back to his family like a bat out of the pits of hell, the letters came in one at a time after a series of scribbled lettering the last text spelled it out: F.E.A.R. all day’ red lightning strikes, two earthquakes in’ central, and north Florida, reports of snow in some areas, millions have flocked to churches’ all around the world, the reports of the U.F.O’s coming out of the sun was a bit too much for Charlie’s willingness to keep an open mind. Deep down, inside Charlie’s heart, he knew- this was the night of the “SOUL KING” a wicked lord of death.



The porch was in desperate need of fresh new paint, the front doors had to be replaced, and the walls needed massive repairs, however “Charles Griffin” was a dream-drifter, at least he was, and the farmhouse was under attack by forces who require the information-he holds deep inside his mind, It’s been Charlie’s hiding place with his wife, and Son for many years after the experiments’.-The creepy looking farmhouse belonged to Charlie’s late father’ who left him a stack of unpaid “HOSPICE BILLS, and the farm. Griffin can feel trouble, he can feel an attack’ taking place in his home, one of the many abilities he carried inside him like “Locked-Power” Charlie’s “Sense-mode” was acting up, he knew the trouble was bad, felt his brain throbbing, paranoid’ that his family might be dead, His feelings were not far off, indeed, inside the house-the trouble was already taking shape.


Awareness is a strong ability for Charlie, his son: Brandon also shared this ability including many others. Charlie’s wife “Emma” and her gifted son Brandon were being attacked, racing from room, to room, avoiding the three intruders that managed to get in with brute force.-They wore masks; Black hoods covered their heads, well-shaped men in black thick rubber outfits with strange maniacal tubes attached to the back of their puffy heads. They're here for Charlie, and most importantly their here for what he knew. One of the mask strangers traps “Emma” up against the wall: ‘while she yelled to Brandon’ RUN!



Emma was blocked from all sides; one of the men stood next to her, currently staring at “Emma” with sexual eyes, the 2nd man was already popping off her buttons one at a time with his jagged knife. The masked ghoulish intruders had Emma’ right where they wanted her, The leader of the group wore a mask of a FANG-FACE Halloween pink skinned skeleton with rolling red eyes and scary yellow fangs hanging from the mouth, a tribute to the blood king they serve. The rest had on regular ski masks, spray painted in red. Fang-face leaned towards ‘Emma and whispers in her ear unsympathetically: “First, “I'm going to cleave out your heart, “but not before- “I locate your husband,-“and carve up his insides real nice”. The other two mask men mangled the living area, overturning furniture, slicing holes in the couch; one even took a sledge hammer, and pounded on the wooden floors. “What do you want?” Emma’s gaze on the shotgun atop of the fireplace, the one thing they’d paid no intelligence to. “What we want, “you can’t give- “but maybe “we can come to some type of deal laughed fang-face. “Find the fucking kid, commands the leader. The ghoulish intruders were searching for the young lad, when motion sensors triggered spotlights from a far…”It's got to be him”, said one of the Intruders. “Let’s get ready; “He’s not going down easy” said fang-face.


By the time Charlie arrived- lifting up the dirt in the air, all around the truck: the wheels of his pickup speckled soil in every direction subsequent to hitting the breaks’ right in front of the farmhouse. Charlie jumped out of the pickup, the red lightning proceeds to generate loud thunderous screams from the heavens. The dwelling has gone dark, and eerily silent. Front door wide open, house ransacked, and traces of blood flow lead to the back porch. Taking gentle steps- Charles Griffin made his way to the back of the house, a terrifying site Charlie’s wife Emma was tied, bound, and gagged to the lemon tree “Emma, and “Charlie had planted last summer. Her blouse slashed open, her face was bruising by now, and blood specs covered most of Emma’s pupils.-The Men inside Charlie’s house belong to the “SIN” A mysterious group’ who serve only the 9th Theory of GOG.


She’s in pain; however Emma can't do anything about it. Her son’s missing, and Charlie began to hear the whispers coming from above, from below, from all sides’ nonetheless he needed to save his wife. (Can’t get distracted he thinks to himself) “Emma? He screamed for her. “I won’t let these sick fucks beat us babe”, “I promise” he tried to reassure her; formulate to Emma understand, she will not die, not tonight, not ever if Charlie could help it. He loved his wife almost as much as the love he held for his son. But the fucking whispers they seem to be coming from everywhere- saying the similar things; “Charlie, “We found you? “Charlie you're going to die right in front of your wife, “we are going to gut her, take out her stomach, “and feed it to your son. “Charlie we yearn for your head, “and what's inside of it, “we want to play in the interior of your brain like little tiny men digging through your thoughts” said fang-face. Charlie gets ready to put together his move to rescue Emma, before he reached the last step off the back terrace. One of the men grabbed Charlie from behind- except for Charlie was ready after a brief struggle Charlie ripped into one of the men with his hunting knife stabbing him three times, viciously killing him.


“Don’t fuck with a man’s family” said Charlie now with a yellow mist floating above the wooden floors. “Where, “Where is it” “where is that monster? “Did he cross over” is he the one taking over our skies?” Charlie asked. “I know he’s here, answering me, “talking to me in my head”, screamed an enraged Charlie. However the gentleman was dead. Charlie removed the red spray painted ski-mask to reveal a face, Charlie’s not surprised he exposed the creature under the mask, a servant for the SOUL KING, a Traveler, loyal soldiers, the armies of “GOMORATH" had begun to rise. The SIN were a network of supernatural hit-men sent by the Legacies The peace treaty was over- thousands of years- of secrets will be spilling out of the evil archives they were locked away in. the yellow mist was a locked-power, one of many Charles held.


The ability lets Charlie confuse his enemies with visions of their true deaths in this reality. In terror, from the horror their eyes were manifesting the intruders remain still, mesmerized by the images. This allowed “Charlie” to shift into the living space, and grab the shotgun from the fireplace. He popped the scatter open, and made damn sure it's loaded- and turned around…”I wouldn't do that- “if I was you” said one of the mask intruders looking down at his blood soaked buffalo hide black snow boots.


I'll let her go, “except tell me Charlie” “what do you need- to be chosen? Said fang-face, licking Emma’s cheeks, in his mind: he had fucked her in all ways. “I don't know, states Charlie. The environment had the smell of death in its gentle wind. The nervousness was building; the odor of fresh blood was in the breeze that kept blowing inside from the wide-open front doors. “Come on now, - “you don't want me to cut your pretty little wife in a thousand pieces do you? “TELL ME” screamed fang-face.-The agent of SIN, the servant of the soul eater, placed his jagged blade right on Emma’s throat, a small amount of blood ran down Emma’s chest, “She’s all yours Charlie, “dead or alive- “it’s your choice said the leader of the evil invaders.


A paralyzing memoire strikes Charlie’s thoughts, like a blast from a rocket launcher- At that very moment, standing face to face with Fang-Face, visions of a past Charlie would like to forget flash before his very eyes: A Monster, Not just a monster, but the lord of the monsters. The visions hit him like cement blocks, falling on his head one at a time. The visualization was vivid, vibrant, and clear as day. An old women painting “Kill us now” With her own blood, a man chopping off his own head, The Cadillac riding through the streamline connectors, generations of servants to the monster lining up in celebration, the one with snake, and frog skin. A craft of some type soaring clearly in deep space, a loud BOOM banged inside the walls of Charlie’s mind, a crack in the streamline, a thunder strike rattles Charlie back to reality, he speedily resumes his gaze at the dark-hooded-masked-fang-man with the knife on Emma.


–“These motherfuckers, “think they can come in here, and kill my family? Charlie’s thoughts began to race where is Brandon? -Where is Charlie’s son? Did they get him, is he even alive? The third intruder sneaks behind Charlie, “drop the gun or “I'm going to rip into your flesh. “Enough, said the one holding Emma. The leader of the gang of psychotic freaks, the one Charlie thinks of as the fang-face fuck.”Drop the gun, and come closer.” In a split second decision Charlie reaches back, and fired striking the masked killer by Emma. The wife watched while Griffin struggled with the last one, a knife is pulled, and she can't scream all she can do is watch, while her husband awaits death by this masked intruder, the blade slashed into Charlie, deep in the shoulder, the pain was sharp, and intense, Charlie’s quick reaction is a neck snapping head-butt to the villain inside his home. Charlie struggles for the shotgun, both wrestled for the weapon like two WWE SUPERSTARS battling in the ring. The last trespasser was proving to be the most resilient one. Quick to recover from the head-butt, the masked man flips up and stands, kicking into Charlie’s face with extreme power. “This is what should have been done, “in the first place- I told them.


“You were no good alive. “Who cares what you know?”We are all, meeting the end right Charlie? First: a kick to the fucking balls, Second: a knee to the face, and last: a sweep of the feet fast and Charlie held the upper hand and a quick grab of the neck and snap! He cracked the neck. Finally, at last, Charlie defeated these masked men. Those horrible madmen and released a scream when he plunged the knife into Fang-man to be convinced the fucker was dead. He proceeded to bring down his wife from the lemon-tree Charlie had planted last summer. Or was it three summers ago?


Time had seemed to perplex and confuse itself. Flashbacks punch Charlie’s brain again like some acid trip gone wrong. Images of a long round POD and a chamber with a creature connected to organic veins made of long wires and skin, and “orbs” injected his thoughts. Charlie saw himself connected to a POD and images, a face of a male with lengthy sharp teeth, and a black walking stick these images terrified Charlie. The flashbacks had been occurring constantly since the dream drifters’ project. The visions, nightmares, flashbacks, -and flash-forward’s of visions from sideways timelines flowed in and flow out on a daily bases for Charles Griffin. “Oh my god, “I love you, “I'm so sorry baby- “I'm sorry said Charlie bringing down his wife. Emma sighs and wept for her son and said: “Oh Charlie, Brandon? Charlie scanned the woods in close proximity of the farmhouse and immediately saw the bushes and trees moved and spots Brandon. The kid ran towards him- the adolescent hid in the woods secure from the evil men. Brandon watched the entire tribulation.


Get to the basement now, Charlie screamed. The three ran in the direction to an underground basement refuge Charlie Griffin had custom build which led from the outside to the inside of the home. Into this old basement kind of similar to the ones used when an awfully bad storm was imminent. Charlie locked the hatched doors above his family and for a brief moment Charlie intercepts a long-range thought: (“We have to find the kid. If he is a sky-keeper he’s our only way out of this mess”) the thought came from a legacy Charlie knew this much- however had no idea who the powerful legacy was- and why he wanted to stop the madness instead of taking part in the parade of monsters: a celebration of the evilest kind. Charlie let the screech subside inside his brain and felt a sinister wicked force which approached from the north and the merciless inhuman rode on a red stallion. “It can’t be” said Charlie to himself. “The 4th is on earth?”Charlie ran to an aged television set. “Charles? Emma said in a yielding weak voice “What's happening? “Is this what we feared” “are they coming for him? Emma asked while she wept.


Charlie gazed at his son and told the youngster: “Everything's going to be ok baby boy” “I won’t let anyone or anything pull us apart” “I love you Brandon” “Dad” Said Brandon. “I know you and moms want to protect me” “but I think I’m not going to be around much longer” Charlie’s eyes rolled down and placed his hand on his beloved son’s chest. “Listen to me, “nothing will take you away from your mother and me” Charlie replied.


Charlie fixed his wound and stood up after he reassured his son of no imminent danger. “Emma sit please baby” “We got food, “water in here to last us six months, “medical supplies too” “I will fix you up babe, and everything will be all right” Said Charlie.

(Deep down Charlie knew this wasn’t true and hated lying to his dearly loved wife and son.)


The TV SET blasted back into a picture. Charlie had it set to CNN the TV reporter on the station reported: “The Iraq boarders’ are under attack by US armed forces” “Red flashes of lightning are still being reported around the globe- and strange crimson streaks in the skies”. “Various citizens and politicians are claiming the terrorist group who gained uncontrollable power ISIS back in 2013 has created a technology never seen before. “And folk’s communities have seen a quantity of flying dark objects above our skies” “something out of a ghost story it appears.” (Fighter Jets flew over the family in the basement) The field reporters the station cut to say: “You can see air-force jets Dave, “these jet aircrafts are flying directly above us”. The TV went blank. (CLICK) The channel presently went dead.


Charlie smacked the side of the TV and said: “Always lying to us, “Same thing when Ebola struck American soil” “the Iraq war was a lie” -and “I’m so sick of the government’s bullshit” “they’d lie and kill millions to cover the whole thing up” Said Charlie. “Instead of accommodating us for survival- for the fucking truth” Emma had a confused stare and said: “we are just like them” said Emma. “Lying to each other Charles?” “Lying to our son” “avoiding what’s coming” “are we just like them? said Emma “A band of Hippocrates” Charles paced and back and forth and replied with a stern and harsh suggestion: “Maybe we are, “Fuck it Emma” “let’s just give up –“and give our son to the monsters you know are coming for him” “better yet lets go outside, “and kill him ourselves let’s give this soul-king monster the most valuable instrument in this war” “Is that what he is Charles an instrument?” Emma shook her head. “Guys” said Brandon “I’m right here “I can hear you” please stop fighting he cried. “All I know Emma I, we, “did not come this far just to give up or die without fighting that’s not in my blood” “I’ll fight until I die” I have nothing without my family” said an angered Charles Griffin.


Where are your people now huh? Emma asked. “Why call that boy and not tell him your real name” “Why is frank not contacting us? “they’d rather save their own skin –“and the secret Wade has I’m gonna expose it” said Emma “Expose it” said Charlie “I trusted you, “confided in you to help Wade” “damn it you’re a shrink Emma- “You think Frank doesn’t want to lock up his own son? “He does.” “Frank knows wades a murderer” “it’s eating him by the in the interior knowing your own kid is responsible and capable of such horrible things” and murdering young girls” Emma sighs: “To much regret Charles, “to many secrets” “I feel like we failed, “We failed Charlie -and I can’t take it” “I’m sorry for snapping it’s just the day finally came and we lost” Emma said Charlie. “Baby, “if you go down that road” “we already lost except we haven’t yet- “let me try to reach the network” “allow me to find them and try to stop this without the world needing what we treasure the most” Charlie marched to the basement doors and feared the time has come: the numbers 315 appeared on the wooden walls of the custom build basement. “Charles” Said Emma. “Where is it? You’re not carrying it around in your pocket, are you?” “No. its outside, in the concealed compartment of the earth cruiser, “I don’t think we need it yet.” The pain in Charles Griffin’s head quadrupled. “Emma doesn’t this remind you of the ripper don’t be afraid” they’d communicated in the course of messages before” “Said Charles”. “You don’t think, you ought to go retrieve it -and set off the beacon” Emma replied. “Maybe, although Frank and the rest might not be alive- “and if they are, the network will not be the only ones who see it” “When I activate it” triggering it right now, “might fetch out more legacies or something worse.”


The Beacon a device Charles Griffin along with Frank Hawkins constructed together before the assessment was made to separate and merely keep contact via military IP addresses and custom manufactured GPS systems in case the day ever came where both men had no choice other than to reunite after concluding it was not secure to maintain contact. Frank H. Hawkins an African American US marine rose to commanding officer of his own platoon fairly quick. Frank like many others volunteered for the dream drifter’s project and formed a friendship with Charles Griffin who was also an extremely well educated US naval marine. Together high-up at the very peak of the farmhouse in a time when Brandon had barely begun to toddle much less be the target of ravagers from other worlds.


The two men in conjunction with the secret assistance of Trinity the gorgeous lady in red from the warrior clan “Dramacide” a covert defense force of feared assassins whom have existed in the Forward-Past and present savage-road meta-universe since the first day of the world’s dawn. Still previous to the dinosaurs which ruled and roamed planet-earth1-and before the crash landing of the soul king’s chamber of GOG and The Nebula’s arrival on the planet. Charles Griffin till this day was and still is the only dream-drifter who gained admission and established an entry point to the Valstrick territory. A region of the streamline deemed so evil and malicious unknown spiritual galactic units chained the streamline and casted out the Valstrick Realm outside the savage-roads and thrown into the depths of the V.O.C an unknown district of mysteries, iniquitous creatures, and surrounded by the necromancer of wraith and the chapel of spears alien army.


The Beacon was a symbol of hope a guiding light to all those who went systematically searching for the authentic existence of the Resistance. Trinity several years ago came to aid of the human men with a transverse angel named: AcidMurda in this world the given name would sound destructive, callous and made no logic in authentic realism for the human race. However this was no seraph from this world this was a protector of galaxies a guardian of many worlds and a champion chosen by the immortals to be a warden of the countless unsightly, grotesque territories’ the cosmos of the dARK-HEAVENS OF voynich unleashed after the celestial kingdom was corrupted and dismantled by the very own arc-angel: the GOD eternal -our true father in heaven had placed in charge of the heavens of voynich. After the arc-God’s unfaithfulness and betrayal the creature transformed and henceforth became the necromancer-god of the realm of the outer-rim. imprisoned for eons’ the captive monster ceased the opportunity to break free from the outer-rim of the ambiguous dark winds of space after the quintessence spirit from another former arc-angel became aware of the existence of the creature and sent an army of transverse VOA military soldiers accompanied by gigantic leviathans and additional horrifying life forms to destroy the Necromancer God who by now had developed a multitude of souls from the disciples of wraith within his own core essence. With no way to destroy the unclean monster in the Past-Sideways-TimeLine Aeschylus the faller had no alternative- so instead he pursued the beast thought-out the never ending streamline- and trapped the dammed and cursed creature in his very own chamber. Beneath, the cold and deep waters of prime-earth1 millions of years in a future Front-Forward-TimeLine.


So deep-rooted in the core of the soil of the world the chamber rested below the Hell of prime-earth1. The transverse angel AcidMurda (M.U.R.D.A: Meta- universe- rebel- defense- alliance) was the leader of the transverse Resistance jointly with Trinity the beacon was constructed at the top of the farmhouse. An eternal red light that emanates from the roof of the property the illumination of a single perpendicular machine the vertical sliver metal object was bulletproof, rain, snow, wind, and even bomb-proof. The beacon was prepared of unidentified technology utilizing DNA and atoms from the savage-roads. And now years following its completion Charlie Griffin must activate and trigger the beacon. Charlie’s journey within the streamline and his descent into the Valstrick by means of the Xadin Orbs had given Charlie and his son extraordinary power. On the other hand the price Charles Griffin and his family will pay will cost them everything and not a soul will survive. *Goblins and coffins, the day of mass departure, the parade of monsters we celebrate.




A BLOODCURDLING HOWL screamed within the winds. A mysterious shape approached the farmhouse. In life he was a serial killer never apprehended. In death he became a legend a part of American folklore. He was the bogeyman of the transverse one of the most feared travelers aside from Alexis Cane and Azra the water-snake lady. Scotland Yard law enforcement tried everything nonetheless it was a time of vague and unfocused police work numerous investigators from 18th London were not primed nor prepared for the kind of evil this menacing gentleman would unleash on the district of white-chapel. By the time the blood-king interfered at UNITED FOREVER FUNERAL HOMES”