The Soul King by Ray Patino - HTML preview

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Those who thrive in the dark part ii


Tiffany’s bathroom mirror remains busted the cracked outlines shot across the reflector and connected to the center where Tiff had punched the fucking thing. Tiff looked prepared and determined. She stared into her bathroom’s wrecked reflector and understood why the timeline was jumping from one point in reality to another. “Why do I have these restraints?” The figure that appeared on the reverse end of the mirror was handcuffed and restricted from movement. “I never wanted to accept it you’d know? Tiff responded to the shape in the contrary side of the mirror. “I always wondered” Tiffany Elliot kept her exchange of verbalized transmission with the young man on the reverse region of her crushed mirror. The youthful male was restrained to a single infirmary bed in some sort of sanatorium or mental institute contained by an all white room where Tiff observed numerous strange and anomalous items including various vials and glass containers with alien larva organisms and strange earthworm type creatures with twin heads.

The Youngman was covered in cryptogram, symbols engraved and imprinted to his skin like a branded racehorse. Tiffany Elliot spread out the weapons on the bathroom floor. she was pumped and in a mechanized state of significant reprisal. Silver knifes with black and chrome absorbed handles, AK-47’s, and powerfully finished chrome-grenades with sodium liquid acidic blended with hellhound blood which initially beam-out: an explosion, a detonation of UV Ray’s ahead of releasing a spear-shaped type projectile. The weapons worked on travelers and legacies and the majority of the undead the roaming V’s were afraid of the UV lights save for the weapons did not destroy them in this realism. Vampires were immortal beings and the Elder master of all masters lived in a kingdom prepared of untainted silvery and had faith in a creator. The rules did not apply here, in this reality, in the authentic world when true horror illustrated its ugly face it was nothing like the movies.

Tiffany crammed up all the weapons in two huge black duffel bags and placed one of the assault rifles over her neck by means of a collar strap. “You thought GOMORATH would kill me… Or turn me into a monster he knew I’d catch him sooner rather than later.” Said Tiffany to the broken-down reflector at the same instant she spotted the double-bladed weapon Frank Hawkins used to jolt off the wicked, nasty spider monster from Killing and digesting Tiffany. “No way, Thank You Frank” Tiff whispered to herself. Tiff picked up the twin bladed daggers- a weapon extra potent then the few she already had ownership of. “I know why it feels like; this point in time is conflicting with factual and current moments which are taking place right now, “you’d be surprised what that monster can do” Said Tiff.

The Mirror repaired itself and became a larger, more gothic-styled an object of manifestation and altered its own shape and design. the mirror stood close to six feet in height and the superiority of the mirror which had self manufactured and assembled itself in Tiff’s living room was mind-boggling. The self-illustration device was produced. The demonstration display instrument was: 51 inches in measurement. Style: Art Nouveau. Material: Mahogany Gold. Age: incalculable: The Midday-Mirror materialized becoming a strong and influential threshold between dimension portals, mind-links, Future-Past-Front-Sideways and reversed Timelines. This single one in particular was a gift from the sky-keepers legion squadron of the dARK-HEAVENS OF voynich. A rival collection of arcs that had refused to obey and act upon the orders of a fallen and forsaken God, who turned into a sinister dark-wind necromancer of the wraith corrupted and tarnished. Infected by the black Orb’s influence and the last reaper-king of Xadin evil essence and the iniquitous creature was the eradicator of time.

Tiffany Elliot strolled over to her living room area. The paint on the walls appeared discolored chipped pieces of cement would dribble downwards on occasion and her kitchen was filled with broken appliances. The microwave broke ages ago, and the stove was on the brink of machinery death. However Trinity the beatified lady in red knew Tiff’s curse occurred when her father begged and pleaded with an evil preacher for his only daughter to obtain riches and go on to have an accomplishment carefree and cheerful life something Tiff’s father felt he deprived her of because of his failed existence. Tiff’s dad had become disabled from a terrible birth defect of the spinal cord and money was absent from the Elliot family. Christmas would come and go, birthdays too, the entire time between 4th- 7th grades Tiffany had ownership of merely six outfits to rotate with between school and social gatherings.

The bullying became heartbreaking and vindictive until Tiff selected to reside at home and maintain to her-self. Then her Father found Reverend Valstick and from that moment on: everything changed. Earl Raney and Gigi Blake were about sixteen minutes away from The Elliot residence- at least that’s what the GPS exhibited on display. They’d been ambushed after picking up the others. A light wind swept through the house and she stood in front of the Midday-Mirror. Hair picked up, with several curls which streaked downward on her appealing face, assault rifle with a bulky strap hung over her neckline. “My friends will be here any minute, “although I know time was murdered by GOMORATH to confuse us, it appears you want; DJ and I, plus the boy to know who you are” Tiffany Sighed.

The Mirror began to vibrate and strange pulsates began: a heartbeat made the mirror throb. “This thing is alive?” No fucking way, for real? That is so cool” Tiffany cracked a smirk it was a tiny one other than she semi-smiled for the second time today and a first since she turned 19 “I’d be called crazy by earl and gig if they’d see me chatting to someone covered in tattoos, in the interior of a big-ass mirror that magically appeared, “shit they’d think I went to the Ferguson thrift superstore.” Tiffany shuffled through her checklist and the names Austin Dallas and Jesse Hank remained scraped. She’d crossed them out ahead of todays extremely out of the ordinary and aberrant events. “They will have to do everyone else is either dead or fucking sold-out” Tiff glanced up at the mirror and says: “Posers” and the mirror returned words to Tiffany in the form of: a thunderous expulsion of dynamism frequency.

The imagery of the bed, the white-room and the handcuffed Youngman whose body was carved with ciphers of a clandestine language was gone. Currently blackness covered the mirror’s interior and a face appeared. -The pulse of the mirror had rotated; the rhythm palpitated on four corners instead of simply the center- pulsating at the moment the complete reflector throbbed. “Wow, you’re getting stronger huh? Tiff Said. The appearance had emerged from the savage-roads connector the Midday-Mirror’s endless streamline- shortly after Tiffany verbalized the name GOMORATH. “Do you know why, “Father and son may comprise hatred for each other? Perhaps not hold the capability to express kind words to one another- when they arrived to receive the Nebula? The Mirror asked. Tiffany felt rather creepy. A spine-chilling figure stood in front of her bedroom door where the poster of 3 doors down first album hung from- a sentinel or protector of some kind.

An eerie airstream breezed inside her home. The window was busted again and the spanking new futon and love seat had vanished – a light wind kept blowing from all directions. A strong gust of air shot transversely from the mirror and the mysterious unfathomable massive façade of the apparition within the mirror spoke to Tiffany Elliot. “The sons of the dream-drifters embrace great supremacy” Said the appearance in the mirror. “The shadows of all natural begins are the dark side of the soul, “each human man or women contain the unseen-ones within them” “all shadows are internal spirits trapped and contained by the essence of human love, shadows my dear are in truth, dead transverse travelers waiting for the human to stumble in this reality and commit the act of suicide or deliver a soul to the V.O.C. lands of darkness” imprisoned by life they are released in death” The Mirror spoke these words while the entire living room vicinity wobbled Tiffany kept still someone stood clothed in all black with a red ski-mask in front of her bedroom entry and the connection with Patient49 had been interrupted. The link was broken after Tiff said its name.

Devoid of knowing Tiffany called upon the soul-eater creature instead. “Why are you here? Asked Tiffany with an awfully dread induced pitch, her voice trembled. “Do you not distinguish me everywhere, far and wide, in the morgue, in the famine; I eat at the world’s heart. “I’ am its starvation” Said GOMORATH. The mirror screamed and shrieks and tentacles began to unravel from the internal core of the reflectors edges and red-lightning flashed from within it. “Why are you telling me this, I have sworn an oath to kill you” Tiffany Replied. The creature exploded with laughter. “You can’t kill me; I roam the lands of death and I dance with the queens of despair” “I tell you such things despite the fact you think you’ll be able to stop my armies with a human born sky keeper, and hopeless archangel yes we are enemies Tiffany Marie Elliot nonetheless we are one in the same”- you witnessed the Nebula, the beast who pretends to be a nauseating human being” Said GOMORATH.

Tiffany kept her stare on the stranger in her residence the anonymous shape that stood by Tiff’s bedroom. “Do not fear my servant he will not harm you- “at least not yet Tiffany Marie Elliot” The creature contained by the Midday-Mirror produced an echo of rumble after it spoke, and the monsters voice would adjust from a man’s voice, to a women’s- to a young child- to family members you’ve lost and the beast hissed and roared within the mirror and tentacles appeared from the mirror and ridiculed Tiffany with reference to the fact she was poor and would never amount to anything GOMORATH’s parasitic tentacles had the competence to reason and express opinion.


John and Violet changed course and flamed down the highway were the Beacon flashed ahead of them. They’d switched cars soon after the two saw military-swat trucks and unmarked red police cruisers heading en route for the beacon and the direction of the group that saved both their lives. The assemblies of survivors’ which voyage the exact identical isolated interstate were on the way to the Beacon’s destination. DJ and Tiffany together with Brandon Griffin were in sync collectively as a group all three shared the mind-link.

DJ drove and Martin Lloyd presently stared into the night the day died. Points in time had resumed yet again and all the watches and clocks were deceased- wedged at 3:15am. Brandon Griffin was still held up within the self-made barricaded subterranean vault. The inside basement was Charles Griffin whom kept water flowing down Emma’s throat. Emma was dehydrated and felt a respiratory tract infection had located in her lungs she coughed up blood more than once. The hatched doors ferociously bounced up and down and aggressively trembled the wicked ones had raised. The majority of the human race experienced an alteration. The populace from beginning to end went all the way through a procedure of paranormal modification. Brandon’s eyes shifted rapidly as he sat in an angle by a gloomy corner the kid kept back- away from his mother.

Brandon was back in, the kid was physically powerful and mentality: he was superior to all humanity as a result he managed to connect again with DJ and Tiff along with the fourth unidentified individual only recognized by the name patient49. The images Tiffany received visibly illustrated: the broadcast of the sanatorium’s white room and were they’d been keeping this patient49 handcuffed and restricted. The extraordinary youngster had a traditional hospital wristlet Tiff became aware of it one of the times he appeared throughout the Midday-Mirrors distorted connections. DJ received the detonation echo within his skull and subsequently so did Tiffany. DJ and Tiff both drove on the empty interstate back-road except the driving came automatic. The mind-link relapsed time and Daniel Mikael aka: DJ, Brandon Griffin, and the mysterious Patient49 were all in the interior heart of the Midday-Mirror’s nucleus essence with Tiffany Elliot- who was at the present trapped in a past-sideways-timeline with DJ and Brandon.

Tiff drove the F-150 however Tiff was at the same time as well in a past reality. An altered and infected timeline reversed by the mind-link at her home with DJ and the kid ensnared in the reflector. Brandon stood on the vast mountain of the planet Xadin at the very peak of the enormous rock. DJ stood opposite to Brandon on top of a massive skyscraper in total ruin on the roof of the partially devastated structure on planet earth. Tiffany lingered in her living room area in front of the colossal gothic vintage mirror. Brandon Griffin was not an adolescent schoolboy anymore but a young man with a powerfully build body tall and muscular- equipped with a pair of neon scarlet eyes.

The Brandon Griffin currently within the walls of the extraordinary Midday-Mirror was not same scared young boy who was back at the sheltered basement. The Symbols shone from side to side and the shaft of light the cryptograms radiance caused lit up the black seas of Xadin. Beyond the two men, far above the ground and perched over the atmosphere was the evil sickness: hovering in the black skies which shine only as a result of the energy-static connecting these two rivals The red-lighting boomed and banged and rumbled. The Midday-Mirror positioned The Human Sky-Keeper and The wicked Soul King: GOMORATH to encounter each other in the place of the ancient wars were those who thrive in the dark were reborn in the reflection of the savage-roads.

7:22am- 3:33pm- 1:94am- 3:15pm- 6:67pm- 2:10pm





Quinn Mitchell Carter was now entirely transformed and consumed by the essence of: The 4th horsemen of the apocalypse. The harvester within Quinn was the king of kings on planet DEATH an extremely dark world where no sun ever shined and no moon ever existed. And this king of kings respected and loved the vampire elder: Sirius Colfax. The 4th horsemen owed his exceptionally dammed soul to Colfax and deeply cared for him- an association was born and scores of years ago a male was preferred to develop into the king of kings of bereavement on earth. Amanda Knight in addition to Quinn’s modification and alteration from the human man he once was to the deadly and sinister master of demise also changed.

Amanda Knight no longer cared for her brother Daniel Mikael nor did she love her daughter any longer. Quinn and Amanda equally agreed to be of assistance to the dishonest, deceitful, Twofaced: Alexis Cane after the traveler convinced Quinn with the craziest reason (Death was to conniving and devious to believe any of it) of Azra the water-snake lady was about to betray the blood-king Colfax. Entirely ignorant to the actuality Azra had returned from the suffering of the Vex. Death, Alexis and Amanda sped off in a hunt for the Sky-keeper. Alexis drove one of them unmarked red-blooded patrol cars. All three vehicles kept on the move and were guided by the red star of hope: the beacon. Violet and John Case approached. Beth and Doug: the two doctors established contact with Bob Rogers and were in the development phase of reconstruction. After DR.Bennett spent countless hours to build the titian a mechanism primed for the vampires.

The tower began to rise from the earth’s soil. DJ and Tiff remain driving the designated automobiles at the same time: DJ was connected to Tiff’s Midday-Mirror the eerie and extraordinary materialization within her home. Brandon the future transverse human born Sky-keeper machined the connection with his locked-power. Kept the mind-link operation running like a high-powered ISP server of consciousness? John and Violet caught up to the unusual swarm of army trucks and unmarked red police cars with machinegun artillery plastered on the sides of the motor vehicles they’d had a look at a few of the drivers and the gasmask killers were at the controls. The downpour of snow and rain which fell from our skies had started up and then departed- left the roads, snowed under and the day: cold and dark or was it night? None of the group members knew anymore.

The daylight reserved on flip-mode for: a few hours of grey skies- when it was day and then darkness would arrive. The Council of Tombs, The Cadillac-Man, Quinn and the dead serial killer Alexis Cane as well as the evil reincarnated sister of DJ- Amanda Knight were by the side of the traveler of inferno Alexis Cane and were all in a collision course with the survivors in a path that will be filled with bloodshed and carnage. “DJ… Yo D” Said Martin. DJ glanced at Martin. DJ could control the mind-link and the essence of himself inside the vehicle; it was a locked-power scarcely a few legacies held. “What” DJ stared at Martin with a harsh look? “Man, fuck, I don’t even know how to say this, but I’m withdrawing, “dude, I hit meth like a mother fucker I know, I should’ve have told you, thought you’d kick me the hell out or something” Confessed Martin. Gunfire exploded ahead of the group’s vehicles that traveled in perfect arrangement following each other with DJ’s red bullet blemished Hummer at the lead. “Oh shit, are those cops?” blurred out Martin. First: DJ extinguished the hummer’s headlights and pulled over to the side of the interstate the rest of the cars followed DJ’s lead one by one. The hummer then the F-150 and last the GMC van with Ray Patterson and the psychotic Austin Dallas inside.

The three cars turned-off all the lights front, rear and in the interior. Second: All three cars lined up exactly as they’d traveled back to back. The district they’d reached was Harmony FL a small town with many big secrets. The actuality you can conceal transgression, greediness, treachery, and even murder was a common practice in small-town life. The community and its residents can and will bury any category of iniquity to safeguard and defend their method of life and would obliterate any outsider whom tried to interfere and obstruct with the towns agendas. It was the universal law for small towns.

Third: Daniel made certain he spot-checked the weapons and with a serious stare says: “Martin” Stay sharp I’m not sure what’s going down” Martin tried to reply except he felt agitated, annoyed and sick. Martin sat there gnashing his own teeth. In the interior of the F-150 Tiffany Elliott still connected to the Mind-Link with DJ and Brandon could in addition control her physical body and still be in motion without disturbing her legacy essence within the Midday-Mirror this was contributed by Tiff’s ability of locked-power Tiffany and DJ were stronger and were a great deal more powerful than either of them initially thought.

Tiff and Earl checked the weaponry and made definite sure all guns were loaded and equipped to fire and assured Jesse Hank if he moved, talked or acted intoxicated in anyway They’d put a bullet in his head themselves. In legitimacy not a soul told Jesse to down ecstasy pills and sniff cocaine in the middle of a wintry weather apocalypse. Ray Patterson was the very last automobile at the rear of the F-150 and the red hummer. Ray had his 45 automatic latent on the dashboard of the van. “We’ve got to strike first.” Austin Said, “and let this whole thing unravel already, fuck these mother fuckers” Austin Dallas went to open the passenger door and exist the car. Ray Patterson pulled him back in and said:

“You want to die? “Huh” What happened to you? Ray Asked. Austin Dallas kept a stare of hatred locked on Ray with filthy eyes. Austin Dallas was under the influence like Jesse Hank except Austin Dallas was not Austin anymore but a life form of supreme intelligence a blood-tree had abducted his mind. This unique blood-tree parasite was expelled and evicted from the creature’s initial dwelling Quinn Mitchell Carters psyche at the exact moment Quinn was killed by the Advanced FL detective Ray Patterson. The quintessence spirit of DEATH threw up the malicious organism when Quinn resurrected and entirely turned into the 4th horsemen. “Stay silent, don’t fucking move.” Ray Said. Austin Shrugged.

A dark blue 2014 Chrysler Jeep Cherokee pulled over behind Ray’s GMC van. The interstate which the group journeyed on had connected to highway99 an additional barely used and limited-access highway. A lonely expressway utilized by government officials. Unlike interstate79 were the group originally began their road trip to hell this highway contained no dividing wall on each side only a lengthy and stretched out wooded area on equal sides. “Somebody just parked in back of Ray’s van.” Martin Said. DJ flinched. “I see it and they cut off the lights, keep your hand on that gun.” Martin grabbed a second pistol from his duffle bag. “DJ we really need binoculars and maybe someone who can sharp shoot snipe people from a far” Said Martin. “I can take someone out from 50 yards we fire one shot and we’re dead as them cops, right now Martin I’d need you extra focused.” Martin Nodded.

Five all white Florida homeland security state-police cars were in a crisscrossed position in the middle of the highway. A total of nine gasmask killers stood behind the individual who appeared to be in charge. With two of the five state-police cars on fire the insides of the pallid squad cars blazed-out flames. The gasmask killers stood in a perfect arrangement and subsequently to each other in a straight-line. The Leader wore an equivalent outfit of clothing as the rest- head to feet in red identical uniforms. Giant gasmask facade attire with black and silver plugs which ran downward from the face protector and attached to the rear side of these evil men if they were even men to begin with and all nine red executioners held automatics over their chest plates.

The bodies of the police officers laid slaughtered and scattered from side to side on the road. A sum of seven cops had been massacred, blasted by heavy gunfire, excluding four additional state cops whom had been forced to smack the pavement with their knees and were gagged at the mouth both hands and feet tied by steel chains. The Leader stood taller than the rest of his death-unit an eight feet monster of a male humanoid. The Leader marched up and down the road with his habitual weapon in hand. DJ detected the leader held a chrome-plated 45 and paced in an aggressive manner. “You said you could activate that midday-thing and teleport us wherever the fuck we needed to go. And Tiff we need to go the fuck away from here.” Earl Said. Tiffany exhaled noisily.

“No Earl” Shrugged Tiff. “It doesn’t work that way besides even if I could the portal would only open inside our car” “So” Earl slanted his head and looked at Jesse. “Am I wrong come on Jesse help me out here you’re a local what is this place? This town is a part of this isn’t it” Jesse Hank Grinned and Said: “Praise the Soul King and pulled the trigger “Oh Fuck” He said. When the gun jammed- Tiffany without a moment of deliberation snapped his neck. The blood splashed from his mouth and ran downwards to the car’s floor rug which read: BIG TOYS FOR BAD BOYS. Jesse Hank was dead and not the way he wanted to die. Jesse had it all planed out: he would murder Tiff and Earl then hit reverse and smash into Ray’s Van while he bombed DJ’s hummer with slugs from an AK-47 and last blow himself up with a grenade he retrieved after Tiffany smashed into Ray’s Charger outside the funeral home were DJ and Quinn had raced to save Amanda from the Cadillac-man.

A shootout occurred when the detective arrived at the scene subsequent to the blood-king and Belmont paying him a nocturnal visitation. Allen the GASPER: the brother Ray lost to suicide appeared inside the GMC van and begins to warn Ray on Austin Dallas and the condition Austin was in. “Soon, My brother you’ll have no other choice bring pain and make yourself a vital essential tool all the way in this war.” Allen Said. Ray shouted at his departed brother “Stop, get the fuck outta here” Austin shrieked. “I see him too, no need to conceal your ghost detective” Ray grabbed the pistol from his dash. “Who are you?” Austin kept a dead watch on the gasmask killers. “Let’s enjoy the fun before we get ugly in here you don’t fancy those men to noti