The Soul King by Ray Patino - HTML preview

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The beautiful Lie

One day you awoke to the rattling buzz of the alarm clock from a deep and bottomless sleep someplace in the brain where your mind was trapped inside an area of the brains neurons surrounded by dream doors and an endless abyss. The psyche of the mind is the very most powerful tool well; let’s call it a weapon. That human beings hold without really comprehending its precise influence. However on this particular perturb day you have gone from being a sleepwalker to a fully conscious individual. The populace or the general population has been broken-down in two very specific and unequivocal categories. We have the folks who don’t give it a moment’s thought and proceed with action without thinking the reactions all the way through. These folks are alive yet they sleep.

Unconscious comatose people who wander by their short little days in a dream world and drag themselves through life without ever becoming aware of the lies and the fraudulent deceptive world they essentially live in. Fooled by the misconception and filled with mistaken belief. Everything was a lie. From the News reporter you sit in front of the tube to watch and observe concealing real information from the public- to the government’s claim which insists we live in a free country except if this were true to any sense why would someone have to pay for their own burial like it was your fault you died. Do these things make sense to you?

Corrupted Police seek out the drug dealers to merely strike a deal and protect them from other real, good cops whose lives they risk. The banks overdraft comes smack in the middle when there’s hardly any money in your account and calls it a “Service Fee” -Even the TV commercials enclose infected images with the sickness of capitalism intergraded. On the other hand a small number of of us know the truth behind the strategy. A chosen group with untainted faith and righteousness with the belief of a true GOD guarding the heavens was selected to combat the immoral and sinful world the earth had become.

Tiffany Elliot continued to struggle in the Scarlet Hills community church center. She could've sworn -no fuck that, she was certain Quinn left in a hurry this way. Something was wrong, definitely bad not good at all… she felt it in her bones. The bald stocky plumped man came up to Tiffany wearing a dirty old biker jacket with a Harley Davidson insignia patch on the back “Something wrong Tiff? You okay? Are’ you looking for something? “Quite do you hear that? Tiffany kept still catching the noise. “Yeah what do you hear “The homeless people? Asked the chubby man “You ask me these motherfuckers need a job replied Earl Raney Tiffany’s second in command who was nomadic with the group of outlandish misfits. “What is it Tiff? You look scared.” is it a traveler again what did you see? Gigi Blake replied.


No, did you see a guy come by here? Possibly ran in and frantically dashed out Earl? No I haven't replied Earl Raney. -On the opposite side of this connection Quinn kept the ruthless werewolf at bay. With the silver coin which was actually an ancient relic prepared of pure and untainted melted down sliver intended to tame and cultivated the beast. "Balm balm" a gun fight erupted outside the church two travelers gunned each other down over a parking meter. They’re blood flowed in the atmosphere resembling suspended liquid. The blood-moon outside reflected all the way through the gothic windows of the church.


“Tell me you filthy beast how is it that I can see you, where am I?” The monster released a vociferous hiss. “You want answers? The wolf-man laughed wickedly. "No answers for you, Just death. The beast plunged at a Returned ripping at him, slicing him, biting the undead returned profound and tearing into his flesh with his claws digging into his purple and bluish decomposed stomach and ate the insides. Showing his powers off to a firm and unshaken Quinn, Drop that coin now and I promise I won't keep you alive for more than a month.”Tell me did you really think the mask was for you Quinn you’re already dead and so are the people who seek you out in the crossover? The werewolf hurled himself at Quinn. And He dropped the coin, distracted by the Legion Graveyard soldiers whom paced and marched down Htaed lane. Imperial guards dressed in a gold trimmed and metallic black uniform.


They’re expecting someone from Plagues to arrive soon they march with menacing weapons. Swords made of Iron, and frozen pearls weapons which resemble War swords of the medieval armies of The Council of Tombs before the events of the MASTERS OF THE MACABRE LEGION WAR Both empires co-existed and thrived with the Blood-Lords the ones called “ELDERS” at each side until something or someone from “Plagues” The 2nd hell, or the “PLACE BEYOND HELL” brought mutually both armies to their knees and sides were chosen. Quinn knew the mask allowed him to journey beyond this timeline and the camouflaged face apparel was permitting Quinn Mitchell Carter to break through the rope of the present and obtain a glimpse into the future of a doomed and depleted world.


With the werewolf about to munch down on his face and digest Quinn’s cranium within his repulsive belly. The celebration outside was getting louder and the crowd was massive “Travelers” fighting over parking meters, and for better spots in line. It was like a parade for the evil and insane. The inhabitants or the things pretending to be people were fully clad in black priest garments, the soldiers wore helmets dished in a dark red tone, and the travelers had different attire on from custom suits. And monsters- who wore nothing except they’re otherworldly skin there’re hair colors vibrant, dazzling, overflowing with neon highlights. The women wore black lipstick and when they’d grinned flashed a row of hefty teeth and bottom fangs with one separate long tooth precise in the middle of the mouth shooting out from on top of the gums. The single fang appeared similar to a medical syringe. The church doors swung open and gentleman walked inside He immediately addressed the lycanthrope. “It is I, Your master be still my precious said the man. “Your bloodlust has always intrigued me.”


Quinn began to place the pieces together like an evil jigsaw. He knew he was dead and understood the mind-link connection brought Quinn into the future to witness the parade of monsters. The great and evil celebration of victory over the earth, Quinn had gone deeper then Alice intended him to go. Quinn broke the barriers of the mind-link and knew who Tiffany was and what she would become after Jason healed her when she’d been wounded in a passionate conflict with the armies of the Soul-King and the Master Vampire. Quinn could caution Tiff now. In relation to Earl and wherever he was trapped contained by the church of GOG. And Gigi’s death- and inform Daniel concerning his beloved sister. Amanda was going to die or worse change into a creature of the wicked nations of GOMORTH.


Riding in the hummer with DJ and Martin- Alice sought after Quinn to distinguish the accuracy about Tiffany’s deception except this went sideways and currently Quinn felt the core embodiment of the reaper from the world death swirling within him like a cyclone. Quinn fell through the gateway of the ancient ancestors of the hell-spawn and gazed upon the dark-art scriptures- a manuscript far older and from the primitive society of the Maters of macabre and the blood of Saturn lords. Underneath death, below the cold, black waters of the departed gods the barrier of the red abyss was filled with the bloodstreams of voynich. Quinn had to find a method and fracture the spell of the death-reaper from the world death and somehow get past the GOG creature from the ancient lords of Saturn.


And summon the hell spawn therefore the bloodstream of the arachnid god’s would become breached by the Saturn lords. All of it perplexed Quinn he’d barley understood the assignment it was composed of interstellar travelers, spider-gods, Saturn lords, and the V.O.C an evil dark place hidden under our universe. Quinn had no time to investigate the scriptures of dark-art he knew the world was already dead and gone. The night of mass departure and the creature of legend unleashed the beast’s dark heavens of voynich onto prime-earth1.The bible of the dark-heavens contained the cryptogrammic page of dark Exodus.










Brandon Griffin allowed for the mind-link to fracture and released Quinn from the reality of prime-earth1. Alice never wanted Carter to see beyond the tower of the VOA she never anticipated the sky-keeper would consent to such a break in the human mind but the kid did. Brandon took advantage of Quinn’s second spirit essence whose power gave Quinn an endless control of the streamline connection and the capability to crossover and enter the secret heaven gateway and the Sky-Keeper Brandon allowed for the hidden door to materialize in the middle of downtown Main Street in Scarlet Hills, fl.


The door which led further and much deeper then the streamline and the savage-roads and plunged into the ancient civilization of the Saturn lords. The night of dark exodus had begun. A legacy of humans whom have traded they’re very souls to remove threats from their lives. A creature whose very existence had been concealed over centuries and a master vampire from the transverse whose monarchy of sliver stood aloft the moons of the 3rd Mars in the streamline and the vampiric militia for the kingdom of Jeremiah had grown restless without their leader and emperor. The world of DEATH broke loose and reapers had been liberated from the celestial planet. The horrors of an unchained purgatory roamed freely throughout our world and to imagine such madness awaited us after so much suffering.


“Charlie, do you really have to go out now? Please at least pass the time with us and wait for morning.” Said Emma. Charles Griffin was determined to switch off the beacon it was a mistake to turn the fucking thing on in the first place with all these enemies attacking his son all at once.


“I took a sneak, just a quick gaze from a crack on the wood why are the heavens opening? And please wait till tomorrow.” “I can’t babe, I have to try and make contact with Frank I’d think they’d be dead if it weren’t for the GPS it’s still ticking.”


“Really, where was that SOB when you were going through your pill problem? Nowhere had he left you hanging.” Said Emma, “maybe we both would’ve have died before this.” “No he left us alone, left you alone to deal with these demons.”


Whatever drove you crazy, whatever you saw- this is it right? This is what you’ve been afraid of all this time.” Emma was infuriated “Fucking bullshit only concealing your fear with these damn pills, almost taking me down with you.” Emma tossed a bottle at him and she turned her face and asked one very last time, “if not for me, for your son stay here please.” Brandon shook his head at his own mother’s comments giving Charles the guilt trip. Brandon had resumed the timeline a few seconds after his own mother killed him. “I can’t Emma.” Charlie Said.

“There might not be anything left by then Emma.” “What? What are you talking about Charles?

Charles began to unchain the basement doors. “Charles!! Emma Screamed.

What Emma? He asked. “Can you be extra careful whispered Emma?


The doors flew unfastened. The wind kept blowing at a violent velocity and Charlie took a swift gaze outside and approaching fast and frantically was Charlie and Emma’s neighbor Peter.

The man’s face had turned deathlike with darkened pitch-black arteries and red crisscrossed vein layered shaped designs shooting down his neck and further downward to his torso. Peter’s

Eyes were black, fingernails extended and dirty and he swung an axe while Peter yelled unambiguous comments about the Sky-Keeper. “We know that little fucker is in there.”
Charlie slammed the basements doors. “I told you dad.” said Brandon. “Son, it’s not the time to tell me- I told you so.” said Charlie. The door began to rock, swing and move up and down. “I'm going to get you. I know you're in there with your nice little family. I want you to see me spill their blood.” Peter was a
wicked-one and his words echoed throughout the wind and within the cellar. “GO away, you crazy fucking hick.” Emma yelled. Subsequently particularly soft and sympathetically Emma heard. “Peter what's wrong? How did you get here? It was Peter’s Mother Sandy Wilson. She’d left her car door dangling wide, keys still in the ignition. And engine running.



“Peter, please come home… pleaded Sandy with her son. “No Mother.” whispered Peter while he begins a violent and sadistic attack on his own mother. Peter was murdering Sandy cleaved at her, tore her apart with the axe. “There! “Much better now, right Mother?”

“Sandy.” Emma Yelled “Please for god sake talk to me Sandy please.” although no reply.

Charlie covered up Emma's mouth: “Shh” “They could be more of them.”

Emma’s book club companion and friend was butchered and murdered by her own son precisely outside their basement. “Knock knock.” Peter Said. “I'll get you now, I'll get you later it’s all the same to me more blood; more flesh for Me.” screamed the lunatic Peter.

“Dad, do something.” Brandon Said. Charlie opened the basement doors. Charles Griffin held a shotgun.


This time prepared to exterminate Peter; Peter turned and skewed his wobbly body around and embarks on to charge at Charlie. Charles aimed at Peter and struck Peter with buckshot’s from the shotgun and Peter fell limp and shambled to the ground. Blood poured and oozed out of Peter’s neckline and upper body. “STAY HERE” Warned Charlie to a terrified and confused Emma. Charlie gave Brandon a solid stare and said: “and Brandon lock the doors don't open them. Don't let anyone in, unless it's my voice you hear you got that?

Charlie unlocked the basement’s hatched doors and began to depart and initiate back to the house previous to him returning back to the home. Charlie turned and says: “Emma” “Yes Baby? She replied. “Be careful ok and lock the doors.” Charlie never thought he would make it back the red-lightning flashed and thunder bombed the clouds’ the alien spacecrafts of the Chapel of Spears had begun to quake and send vibrations all the way through the heavens. Military law was in place.


The consequence for refusal to go along with the NEW EVIL was everlasting bereavement. If provoked by any citizen the entire family would pay the price for the individual’s actions. The SIN was granted power over the nation and soon the world. The creature of legend flanked between the clouds and the perched invaders sent a thunderous strike of dark-plasma and obliterated the symbol of hope. The beacon was destroyed.


Emma and Brandon embarked on locking the doors behind them. “Mom, Brandon Said.

“He’ll be ok I think he knows what's going on.” The Human born sky-keeper never told his mother about how she’d murdered him and how he had no alternative other than to restart the timeline. “GOD I hope so baby, Whispered Emma to her son. Charlie made his way into a space he had custom built a small number of years back and grabbed a container of buckshot and reloaded the shotgun. It was Charlie’s special vault. A hefty room equipped with laptops, desktops, routers and Wi-Fi devices and mainly significant military central processing units that were capable of a connection via undetectable IP’S and they’re operational.


Come on, come on.” The lights were still operational perhaps just maybe Charlie might obtain a signal and connect with his trustworthy and dependable acquaintance and the son to one of his best friends and ex co-worker: Wade Hawkins was the son of Frank Hawkins one of the men who was with Charlie in project: dream drift.40% charged up, fuck it that’s got to do.” The lights flickered once and then twice and a final time –CLICK the electricity was terminated. “Fuck.” Charlie attempted to connect to Frank; however, no dice the connection had gone astray right away. He couldn’t help to speculate if Frank or Wade were still alive and breathing. Charlie’s heartbeat raced. Peter and his mother were deceased outside in the cabin. The monsters had escaped they’re celestial prisons and Emma was hiding something. Perhaps the murder of Brandon was not induced by the whispers or the soul-king except premeditated, calculated and deliberate.



Charlie heard an insignificant clatter at first and then a strident violent bang. “Shit, I think someone is in the house.” He stood up and began to precede upstairs. The steps creaked while Charlie gradually moved forward to one of the darkened rooms. His flashlight roughly giving out, he heard the steps and the entrance initiated to splinter open when Charlie spotted an indistinguishable illustration. It appeared to him, Stared at Charlie and produced a horrific lamentation brand of humming and an eerie howl came from the shadows. Charlie was without a doubt significant scared shitless; he can't move. Stiff and pale. Charlie’s psyche raced with dread on no account has Charles Griffin ever seen this category of creature. A chilly, frozen coldness released from the creature's orifice. The facade was fillet and the outline was pale skeleton however the creatures had no legs only a maggot like structure below the monsters upper body which on the other hand did retain arms and a cranium.


The Monster completed a dissimilar terrifying clatter, and then suddenly the dark-figure stirred away and disappeared. Charlie glanced out the window glass and made out the cadaver of Peter just laid there motionless, next to his mother's body. Both mutually bloody and surely dead and the dark-figure acquired Peters body and disappeared. “What the fuck? Charlie whispered quietly to himself. While an additional creature appeared, roamed around the basement access and the creature tried the subterranean vault’s doors and yanked and tugged at the lumbered entrance. The monsters comprehend the basement doors were locked nevertheless it yanks on them anyways. “Please God.” whispered Charlie when the shadowy shape turned and faced Peter’s departed mother and evaporated with her body. “These creatures must be the collectors, I keep dreaming about.” Charlie thought to himself. A different vision infringed Charlie’s mind. The PODS again the orbs connected to these PODS a strange enormous eye stared at him. “I’m fucking going crazy.” He sighed. “What, did I just see some type of soul collector? His cranium was crammed with overpowering perplexity.


What the hell is going on? Charlie seemed baffled at the moment. He stared vacant at the murky hours of darkness from the window. The ruby streaks in the skies could be seen and a row of red flares of lightning lit up the nighttime with the intuition that something in fact unspeakable was in the atmosphere. Charlie snapped flipside hooked on the task to make contact with Frank and attempt to piece this all together. In the basement the TV spontaneously snapped back into action. Emma and Brandon were in THE Basement. “Mom, I'm hungry.” Brandon Said. Emma placed her gentle hands on her son’s head and ruffled his hair “Ok baby, let’s look around, your dad did say there was food.” said Emma.


The generator was on; Emma could take notice of it in operation as she walked deeper within the basement. Shelves resting on top of each side filled with cans of beans and fruits, water, even peanut butter. The TV in the background snapped back on other than merely static and fuzzy imagery reflected from it. Followed by suddenly an earsplitting squeal which came blasting from the outside and it was a wicked one once a normal person turned into a hell bent slaughterer all in the name of the soul-king. “EMMA!! Yelled Suzie Bates a different neighbor of Charlie and Emma and she wasn’t alone. “Help us Emma.” Suzie Said. In an echoed, supernatural tone of voice “Come on Emma let us in.” “Oh my god, it’s Suzie what the fuck do I do.”


Emma turned en route for the doors. “Mom, no said Brandon “Remember what dad said? “What if she needs our help we just can’t let people die Emma replied. Brandon glanced down and tried to grasp why his own mother would place him in such danger. A flock of the neighborhood populace began to congregate and gather together. The wind blazed and swept throughout the vicinity of the farmhouse. All of hell as broken loose and it was time to fight or depart this life with only two options available and dying seemed the most plausible one. Emma Griffin had numerous secrets and an ancient heritage which would prove devastating for the Sky-Keeper. For now Charlie and Brandon had to stay alive.






The stories have been exploited, misrepresented and altered with the exception of the legacy of the Maya civilization which as stood fearsomely against the biggest test of all The test of time and survived, not only did the legend continue to exist way beyond the modern area. A legion of divine beings from the Maya underworld furthermore referred as the “place of fear” or Xibalba. A multitude of deities led by Kukulkan an evil, monstrous snake master deity retreated into the Vex-Pyramids a place beyond the sideways hell created by the fallen angel when out-casted by the one true god. In the shadows

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