Being Emotionally Street-Smart by Deep Mody - HTML preview

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As established earlier, relationships are driven by putting efforts in giving what the other one desires hoping to get what you desire. But the question is how much to invest in at first? Invest in-terms of time, energy, money, space of mind, etc. Credibility of a person to deliver your desires in exchange of your efforts defines your level of relationship. My relationship is very close to my best friend because she has proved her capability in delivering to my expectations, so I do not mind investing or putting lot of efforts for something she desires as I know I will get my returns. Closer relationship means very high credibility.

Usually Credibility for a person whom you’re interacting with for the first time is defined by your past experiences with that ‘kind’ of person. We tend to look at stereotype of individuals. Reiterating, Our Individual theories of how the world works are largely dependent on our past experiences, learning, traditions and operant conditioning.

The estimate of efforts to be invested in an individual, you’re interacting with for the first time, is a result of mix of Credibility we derive at (as mentioned in previous para) and capability of that individual to satisfy our Need. Let us take a random example of men being readily available to help unknown ‘attractive’ women. Possibly those men do that because their Individual theory tell them that wooing women by giving what they desire can make that woman give them what they want and one has to invest more than usual to gain attention of such attractive woman. Also possibly they can see capability of that woman to enormously satisfy their sexual need and Esteem need (holding their head high proudly by being with an attractive woman).

I once again urge reader to reflect on the concepts with their past experiences and decide to accept.