Being Emotionally Street-Smart by Deep Mody - HTML preview

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While we have formulated basis of human relationships and exchange of ‘satisfaction of needs’, it is also important to understand that once our Needs are satisfied and we are in ‘Happy’ state, we want it to be that way forever. Relationships flourish when both individuals involved continue to satisfy each other’s needs. The theories they both have developed about how things work and their mutual agreement of value exchange of needs are in perfect sync.

Such relationships carry individuals with some crucial understanding about constant change. As discussed earlier, individual Needs change in hierarchical order, where satisfaction of one need leads to craving for another. Each of the individuals involved should increase their individual capability of delivering changing needs of other and also revise their value exchange terms constantly. This is a skill that a person develops over period of time. As mentioned in brief earlier that Individual theories about how things work are developed and improved as experiences add, such delicate management of relationships to make them last longer requires time & efforts.

Need for Security or say consistently satisfying all other Needs is an important aspect of Human Decision Making.



Love is often most admired Need and most desired. What makes it so? Let us look at definition of Love. Love is defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in; to need or require; benefit greatly from3. Maintaining the reference we are using in this text, it is desire to have a relationship where Needs are immensely satisfied. Often relationships which cater to satisfying almost all Needs and in highly satisfying manner. The person you Love has high credibility to satisfy your multiple Needs. Often we come across instances when one is in Love with other, but not necessarily the other way around. In this case when we look at things from perspective of first person, the second one is found to be highly capable of meeting first person’s desires, however, when we look at things from second person’s perspective, first one may not have all that capability of meeting second one’s Needs. Hence First one finds second person Highly Credible, or say is in Love, but the second person is not.

While we discuss High Credibility, we are discussing high risk. Meeting the Need of love leads to extremely positive emotions and loss leads to extremely negative emotions. We will be discussing this at length in section for Emotions ahead.



Esteem is Need most focused on in this text. Self-Respect and Respect from others are usual sub divisions of the Esteem Need4. While Confidence and Self Respect helps one gain Respect from others, let us understand the term Respect. Respect is defined as esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability5. Maintaining the reference we are using in this text, it is certainly safe to conclude that Respect = Credibility; ability of a person to deliver on expectations. When one aims at Esteem need, the base of the same is found at desire to increase Credibility. A little ahead I will share brief comparison of Love and Respect making it easier to understand the distinction.