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Rasi chart

Capricorn lagna 10:31:21, the Sun 07:15:51, the Moon 20:34:00

and  Venus  19:37:32  in  Capricorn,  Ketu  13:18:59  in  Aries,  Rahu 13:18:59 and Jupiter 07:23:42 in Libra, Saturn 28:19:19 and Mars 27:01:18 in Scorpio and Mercury 13:53:51 in Sagittarius.

Navamsa Chart:

Aries lagna, Venus in Gemini, the Moon and Ketu in Cancer,

Mercury in Leo, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Rahu in Capricorn, the Sun, Mars and Saturn in Pisces.

This nativity, which has the retrograde lord of the 10th house in conjunction with the lords of the 7th and the 8th in the lagna, does not reveal any yoga or Rajayoga of any particular importance other than the occupation of the 10th house by Jupiter, and of the lagna

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


by Venus, the yoga-karaka and the Rajayoga-karaka for Capricorn lagna. Jupiter occupies a neutral sign and Venus occupies the sign ruled by its intimate friend. Moreover, the lord of the lagna though aspecting the lagna is in the 11th house in the company of its bitter enemy  who  rules  the  11th  house.  The  placement  of  planets  is indeed very ordinary holding no exceptional promise of advanced prosperity  to  this  native  who  is  not  exceptionally  educated;  he does not hold a professional qualification. Neither the lord of the lagna, who is also the lord of the Chandra lagna, nor the lord of the sign occupied by it is in a kendra counted from the lagna and the natal Moon. Yet, this native leads a good life, has a good source of income, lives in his own house, has his own vehicles and by all standards is wealthy and happy.

Venus, the lord of the 5th and the 10th, occupies the lagna-kendra which is also the Chandra-lagna and the Surya-lagna. The common lord of these three lagnas is Saturn which occupies the 11th house in Scorpio sign along with the lord of the 11th, Mars. Saturn is not happily placed in Scorpio sign wherein situated it generally makes one rich but also gives many ailments and makes one suffer many pains and sorrows secretly. Mars occupying its own sign, Scorpio, makes one a wealthy businessman who is vindictive and intent on harming his opponents. Mars situated in the 11th house gives plenty of wealth, courage and happiness but an unhappy marriage. Saturn situated in the 11th house also gives a very good source of income, wealth and property but does not give happiness from wife or son.

The  lord  of  the  lagna  conjoining  with  the  lord  of  the  11th  house in the 11th from the lagna gives much gain from trade and many

benefits through an elder brother.

Jupiter  in  Libra  sign  gives  good  memory  and  actions,  wealth and a comfortable living; it makes one religious. Jupiter occupying the 10th house from the lagna gives plenty of wealth, good health, success and prosperity. As the lord of the 12th situated in the 10th it makes one industrious, eager to gain more income or hoard wealth and blessed with a son but rude in speech and behaviour; as the lord of the 3rd situated in the 10th it makes one fortunate, generous and engage in good works. Rahu in conjunction with Jupiter takes away many of the good things indicated by Jupiter; it causes the unfavourable Guru-Chandala yoga which yoga here is not relieved by the aspect of Venus or Mercury. Rahu situated in the 10th house






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

has  spoiled  the  Amla  yoga  caused  by  Jupiter,  and  there  is  no benefic planet tenanting the 9th house ruled by Mercury. Mercury is easily influenced by the nature of the sign it occupies and by the planets  conjoining  with  it  or  aspecting  it.  Situated  in  Aquarius  it makes one very timid and gives very little enjoyment in life; and while occupying the 12th house it does not give easy success and makes one frustrated and indolent. The texts have not praised the situation of Mercury in the 12th house unless it is in its own sign or in a sign ruled by Venus. Here, Mercury does not occupy a benefic navamsa.  The  12th  house  is  hemmed  between  natural  malefics and therefore, the good significations indicated by the bhavas that Mercury  rules  suffer.  Jupiter  is  not  a  benefic  for  Capricorn  lagna but a functional malefic, by occupying Libra sign in the 10th house it has afflicted Venus and through Venus afflicted the lagna. As a functional malefic, who rules the 3rd and the 12th, Jupiter’s aspect on the trikonas or their lords can produce bad to very bad results if it happens to occupy a majority of unfriendly and evil shodasvargas; it can make a person unfortunate. According to Kapila Nadi, Venus conjoining  with  Jupiter  in  Capricorn  lagna  confers  yoga  but  this conjunction makes a person born in Rajayoga experience poverty.

In this nativity the Upapada of the lord of the lagna falls on the 9th house from the lagna, and therefore, Virgo sign is the Upapada of Saturn which pada formed by an even and benefic sign is devoid of benefic and malefic aspects. Mercury occupying a kendra from the Lagna Upapada gives rise to a yoga that confers auspicious results; it does not cause a Raja yoga even though Kalidasa states that it will make one a king and very learned. Saturn having advanced most in a sign is the Adhika-graha or the Atmakaraka. Kalidasa states that the Adhika-graha conjoining with Mars makes one bear arms and

become a soldier or deal in metals or metallic objects and if vested with requisite strength can make one a ruler and exercise power and authority.  These stated events have not materialised because of the lack of mutual affinity between Saturn and Mars who happen to occupy the same rasi and the same navamsa.

This  native  was  born  when  the  Aries  navamsa  sub-division of Capricorn sign was rising in the lagna in the Sravana nakshatra ruled by the Moon. The Moon was also in Capricorn sign in its own navamsa and in Sravana nakshatra. The lord of the lagna, Saturn, which  is  also  the  lord  of  the  Chandra-lagna  situated  in  the  11th 

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


house in the company of the lord of the 11th house and supported by Venus and Jupiter, has made the life of this native smooth and easy. This native has not had to struggle to establish his own career as a businessman. He was born at the fag-end of the Vimshottari dasa of the Moon. His birth benefited his father who lived well as a  Gazetted  officer  of  the  Central  Government  of  India  and  lived long because the Sun situated in a neutral sign in the lagna-kendra along with the dasa-lord Moon is in a kendra from Jupiter and is aspected  by  the  lord  of  the  lagna,  and  because  the  dasa  of  the Moon was soon followed by the dasa of Mars occupying its own

sign in the 11th house as the lord of the 4th and the 11th house. Mars is in a Sadhaka nakshatra ruled by Mercury who is more the lord of the 9th house than of the 6th. Mercury occupying a friendly sign aspects its own 6th house which aspect coupled with the aspect of Jupiter did not permit any major impediment or opposition in his path of progress to take firm root and made him lead a relatively comfortable care-free life. The aspect of Mercury on the 6th house creates many enemies that need to be subjugated; the aspect of

Jupiter on the 6th house destroys enemies.

The dasa of Rahu saw this native complete his studies obtaining a diploma in Electrical Engineering, and later join his elder brother in latter’s business. Rahu occupies the 10th house in the sign ruled by its intimate friend and is in its own nakshatra. Because the dasa of Rahu ran its course when this native was studying it did not allow the native to acquire a high level of education; in this case Rahu rules the set of three Vipata nakshatras. The dasa of Rahu proved fruitful for this native because the lord of the 10th house, Venus, situated in the 4th house from Rahu is retrograde, and Venus occupying the lagna-kendra in a kendra from Jupiter gives the results of being in its exaltation sign. The dasa of Rahu situated in the 10th house from the lagna makes one harbour good intentions and give a practical shape to those good intentions; it confers success in all undertakings and one’s efforts generally bear rich fruits. Rahu occupies Capricorn navamsa in the 10th from the Navamsa-lagna.

Jupiter occupies a neutral sign ruled by a natural benefic who

is  the  yoga-karaka  and  Rajayoga-karaka  for  Capricorn  lagna,  and is in a Vipata nakshatra ruled by Rahu, it is in its own navamsa in the 9th from the Navamsa-lagna. The entire dasa of Jupiter proved exceedingly good for this native who without investing any capital






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

became an equal partner in his brother’s business, got married and was  blessed  with  a  son  and  his  share  of  income  also  multiplied.

Sarvartha Chintamani states that during the course of the dasa of Jupiter occupying the 10th house from the lagna one gains a kingdom if  there  is  a  Rajayoga;  otherwise  the  person  becomes  wealthy, marries and begets a son all the while enjoying all available material comforts and happiness befitting a king. Except for the conjunction of the lord of the 5th with the lord of the 7th in the lagna which yoga is spoiled by the presence of the more powerful lord of the 8th house there is no Raja yoga obtaining. Jupiter along with Mars and Venus has gained the maximum benefic bindus in the Sarva Ashtakavarga.

Even though Jupiter is a papa-graha for Capricorn lagna, it does not spoil the bhava it occupies and aspects, especially when it is in a kendra or a trikona from the lord of the sign of its exaltation, the Moon, and particularly when it is situated in its own more positive navamsa or drekkena.

Presently  this  native  is  experiencing  the  effects  of  the  dasa of the lord of the lagna and the Dhana-bhava, Saturn. Saturn is in close  conjunction  with  Mars  in  the  sign  ruled  by  Mars,  its  bitter enemy. Since Saturn is the lord of the lagna and is in conjunction with the lord of the 11th who also rules a kendrasthana and itself occupies a Sadhaka nakshatra, its dasa has not given bad results which it otherwise would have given. Otherwise, the dasa of Saturn occupying the sign ruled by its bitter enemy and in conjunction with a papa-graha devastates all that one has gained and established.

During the course of the dasa of Saturn the income of this native increased  and  he  also  purchased  a  new  residence  for  himself and his family. Saturn has gained five benefic bindus in the Sarva Ashtakavarga and is associated with the lord of the 4thand the lagna through aspect.

Jupiter as the lord of the 3rd house occupying its own navamsa

makes one fortunate with the financial help extended by a brother.

This native gained the source of his earning and wealth with the assistance  and  support  of  his  elder  brother  who  made  him  an equal partner in his business. A person gains wealth through the source indicated by the karaka that is associated with the lord of the  2nd  house  and  the  11th  house.  Sarvartha  Chintamani  states that if the lord of the 2nd house and the lord of the lagna are in the  3rd  house  strong  and  associated  with  male  planets  through

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


aspect or conjunction one gains and earns wealth through brother or  brothers,  or  if  the  lords  of  the  lagna  and  the  2nd  aspect  each other  or  occupy  the  same  bhava  aspected  by  or  in  conjunction with  the  karaka  of  brothers.  In  the  present  case,  Saturn,  as  the lord of the lagna, also rules the 2nd house and is in the 11th house in conjunction with the lord of the 11th who is also the karaka of brothers;  moreover,  this  conjunction  is  hemmed  between  two natural benefics one of which rules the 10th house and the other occupies the 10th house, the Karma-bhava, whose lord is situated in the lagna. The lord of the 11th situated in the 10th house from the 2nd house also casts its aspect on the 2nd house. Thus, the lords of the lagna, the Dhana-bhava, the Karma-bhava and the Labhasthana are all intimately connected with each other and also connected with the lord of the Bhagyasthana that is hemmed between these

very named lords; this is a very rare assembly of important bhava-lords that signify all things that one longs for or desires in life, and obtains. As it is, Saturn has gained only four Param-mitra-vargas, one own varga and four neutral vargas in the Shodashvarga. The texts state that one gains power and wealth during the course of the dasa of the lord of the lagna, the stronger the lord of the lagna is more pronounced will be the results, and that during the course of the dasa of the lord of the Dhana-bhava, provided it is vested with requisite strength, there will be expansion and betterment of the family, there will be many reasons for celebrations, and gain of wealth through better agreements and stronger intimate business relationships. Incidentally, in this nativity no planet occupies an evil or a cruel shashtiamsa.

Mercury situated in the 12th house from the Moon does not

give rise to the favourable Anapha yoga because of the conjunction of the Moon with the Sun but it does cause Vasi yoga which gives learning, wealth, riches etc. A malefic planet situated in the 12th from  the  Sun  generally  makes  one  reside  in  foreign  lands  and Mercury  is  not  a  malefic  planet.  The  three-planet  conjunction occurring in the lagna-kendra is aspected by Saturn whose aspect to  the  lagna  strengthens  the  lagna  and  the  planets  occupying  it which are incidentally in a kendra from Jupiter. They do not give rise to Raja yoga but did bless this native with a long-lived caring father, a loving mother, good brothers and sisters, an affectionate responsible wife and an intelligent and good-looking son. A dual






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

sign falling on the 12th house from the lagna and occupied by the lord of the 9th in the 2nd house from the lord of the lagna makes one settle in the place of his birth; the person does not seek his fortune anywhere else. Mercury is the lord of the 9th house for all three lagnas but it is hemmed between cruel planets which has not made this native independently fortunate. Successful people do not have the lagna, the 9th and the 10th bhavas or their lords hemmed between cruel or evil planets.


Case study - 5

ineffective lagnadhi Yoga