Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Aries lagna 25:43:48, Mars 22:19:50, Jupiter 20:25:14, Saturn

12:57:04 and Rahu 24:09:38 in Virgo, Venus 29:14:26 in Libra, the Sun 15:57:39 and Mercury 01:47:28 in Scorpio, the Moon 08:27:03

in Sagittarius and Ketu 24:09:38 in Pisces.

Navamsa Chart:

Scorpio lagna, the Sun in Scorpio, Ketu in Aquarius, Saturn in

Aries, Venus and the Moon in Gemini, Mercury, Jupiter and Mars in Cancer and Rahu in Leo.

When this native was born Aries sign aspected by Venus from

its own sign was rising in the lagna and the Moon was in the 4th pada of Moola nakshatra ruled by Ketu, and in the Gemini navamsa sub-division of its friendly Sagittarius sign. Ketu situated in the 12th house  from  the  lagna  was  in  Pisces  sign  ruled  by  Jupiter  and  in Revati nakshatra ruled by its intimate friend, Mercury. The lord of






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

the Chandra-lagna was in the 10th house from the Moon which was aspected by Mars, the yoga-karaka for Sagittarius Chandra-lagna.

This native was born as the youngest amongst three brothers and three sisters, in a reputed wealthy family which is proud of its long lineage and history. He was a favourite of his parents; his brothers and sisters who doted on him spoiled him thoroughly; mark the

association of the lord of the 11th, signifying elder brothers, with the lords of the lagna and the 9th. His father was a Civil Engineer who commanded a good income and led a comfortable luxurious


The Moon situated in the 9th house from the lagna generally

makes one very active, intelligent, fond of learning, good-tempered, respectful, courageous, endowed with wealth, prosperous, blessed with sons, friends and many relatives, and the Moon in Sagittarius sign, makes one grateful, good in speech and an able person. Jupiter occupying a neutral sign in the 6th house from the lagna and in the 10th house from the Moon is not considered badly placed; it makes one foe-less and avail the fruits of the favourable yogas obtaining such as the Lagnadhi yoga, the Gajakesari yoga and the Malvaya

yoga  that  are  evident  in  this  nativity.  The  three  natural  benefics occupying the three continuous bhavas, the 6th, the 7th and the 8th house from the lagna, gave rise to the Lagnadhi yoga but this yoga was afflicted by the presence of Saturn; Jupiter situated in the 10th house from the Moon had caused the Kesari yoga and this yoga

too was afflicted by Saturn, and Venus occupying its own sign in the 7th house from the lagna, gave rise to the Malvaya yoga which yoga was marred by natural malefics and cruel planets occupying both signs adjoining Libra sign. Jataka Parijata states that if the lord of the lagna is situated in an Upachyasthana and benefics are in the  kendras  in  benefic  navamsas  and  papa-grahas  are  devoid  of strength then alone one becomes a renowned ruler, some say the

same result will ensue if the lord of the Chandra-lagna is similarly situated but here this was not to be. The aspect of Venus to the lagna-kendra if not occupying its exaltation sign is not treated as benefic an aspect as is that of Jupiter to the lagna. A strong Venus situated in the 7th house makes one handsome, fortunate and gives a rich wife. This native was not handsome, he had had to work hard to gain all that he had achieved, and his wife hailed from a very ordinary poor family.

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


This native availed the full benefits of the Vimshottari dasa of Venus.  Venus  had  gained  five  benefic  bindus  in  its  Ashtakavarga and  ran  its  course  during  the  first  third-part  of  his  life.  Venus, hemmed between two natural benefics, was at the time of his birth also hemmed between cruel fiery malefic planets which made him

care-free and care-less to the extent that he neglected his studies and did not complete his college-education. Venus was in a Vadha nakshatra and in the 12th house from the lord of the 5th occupying the  8th  house  in  conjunction  with  a  functional  papa-graha  both occupying a friendly sign but an unfavourable bhava. Saravali tells us that the conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th house from the Moon makes one devoid of good reasoning, education,

wealth, and happiness, avoided and discarded by well-wishers. The same text also states that the Moon occupying a navamsa ruled

by  Mercury  and  aspected  by  Mars  makes  one  a  thief,  clever  in argumentation and a dangerous being. But the aspect of Venus on the lagna made this native interested in Music which interest he inherited from his father. He gained proficiency in playing violin and various other stringed instruments. He joined a central broadcasting organisation as an artist through the efforts of his eldest brother.

Venus occupying the 7th house from the lagna makes one fortunate after marriage.

The dasa of the Moon gave this native a marriage, birth of sons and  a  house  of  his  own;  he  obtained  the  house  from  his  father through  deceit,  and  by  depriving  his  two  elder  brothers  of  their rightful shares. This native compelled his father to sell the palatial house  in  which  the  entire  family  lived.  His  two  surviving  elder sisters who had wrongfully assisted this native in gaining the house also  benefited  because  they  too  were  gifted  house-properties purchased  for  them  by  their  father.  There  was  discord  with  his brothers who never reconciled their differences with the native and drifted apart. Mars, afflicted by Saturn and occupying a neutral sign but an evil house and a debilitated navamsa, aspecting the Moon from  the  6th  house  made  this  native  deceitful  and  cunning,  he virtually robbed his father and his two brothers. The Moon, ruling the set of three Kshema nakshatras and situated in the nakshatra of  Ketu  that  was  placed  in  opposition  to  the  karaka  of  brothers, had  gained  only  three  benefic  bindus  in  its  Ashtakavarga,  it  was situated in Sagittarius drekkena but Jupiter which was not strongly






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

placed did not aspect the lagna. Had the lagna received the aspect of Jupiter this native would not have committed the wrongs that he did. Nevertheless, owing to Venus he gained repute as a music-guru; during his heydays this native trained many renowned singers but failed in his attempt to find for himself a foothold in the Film industry as a music composer.

During the dasa of Jupiter which was in a Vadha nakshatra the

four sons of this native revolted and forced part sale of the house property that he had gained from his father. Thereafter, this native enjoyed neither domestic peace nor good health, and good fortune altogether deserted him. He had already retired from service in the dasa of Rahu. Jupiter was in the Shastiamsa ruled by Saturn, it being a friend of the Sun; therefore, this native lived long. Jataka Tattva states that if there is Lagnadhi yoga and malefic planets are in the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th house a person lives long. This native died in the antra-dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Saturn. The lord of the sign of occupied by Saturn was in the 8th house from the lagna in mutual exchange of signs with the lord of the 8th who is also the lord of the lagna. Mars situated in the 6th gives a painful death. Saturn was in the navamsa ruled by its bitter enemy, Mars, and therefore, its dasa was the Anishta dasa during which period one’s health generally suffers and deteriorates. Jataka Tattva clarifies that if the lord of the lagna also rules the 8th house death does not occur during the course of its dasa, death occurs during the dasa of Saturn or during the dasa of the lord of the 22nd drekkena or of the 64th navamsa.

The lord of the 6th situated in the 8th house from the lagna gives rise to the favourable Harsha yoga which makes one fortunate, enjoy good health, remain happy and subdue his foes. The lord of the 8th occupying the 6th house gives rise to the favourable Sarala yoga, the person blessed with learning and comforts of life, fearless and full of determination lives long. Here, there is the mutual exchange of signs between the lords of the 6th house and the 8th house. A cruel malefic occupying the 8th house when the lord of the 8th is in the 6th causes yogabhanga and creates many problems. The lords of the 6th and the 8th in mutual exchange of signs give rise to an unfavourable Dainya yoga which makes one abusive, bad in conduct, a back-biter and of unsteady mind and resolve; such a person does not gain his objective through honest means. Planets ruling favourable houses associating with either the lord of the 6th in the 8th or with the lord

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


of  the  8th  in  the  6th  do  not  generally  produce  their  good  results during the course of their own dasas or in their antra-dasas in the dasas of other benefic yoga-causing planets. In the present case, the favourable lords of the 9th, the 10th and the 11th conjoin with the lord of the 8th in the 6th house and the favourable lord of the 5th house conjoins with the lord of the 6th occupying the 8th house; the  auspicious  indications  of  these  stated  bhavas  were  not  fully experienced  by  this  native  in  as  much  as  good  fortune  deserted him during the course of the dasa of the 9th, he did not rise high in his career, most of his well-intended efforts failed to yield the expected good results, and he derived no happiness from his four sons. Lagnadhi yoga is equal to a Rajayoga. Rajayoga results did not accrue to this native because good luck did not side with him when required.

The lord of the 2nd is situated in the 6th from the 2nd house. Even though occupying its other own sign it has the lords of the lagna, the 9th, the 10th and the 12th occupying the 12th house from the sign it occupies, and the 2nd house is aspected by the evil lord of the 6th and the spoiled lords of the two trikonas. No planet aspects the lord of the 2nd which occupies a navamsa ruled by a papa-graha for Aries lagna. This native was not a wealthy person. The lord of the 4th occupying the 6th house from the 4th having its dispositor relegated to a trika-bhava made this native lead a very ordinary kind of life.

This native had to supplement his meagre salary with tuition-fees he  charged  for  teaching  music.  Many  of  his  pupils  earned  more name and fame than this native, their teacher. The 10th house from the lagna is vacant but the lord of the 10th house from the navamsa lagna  is  occupied  by  Rahu.  The  lord  of  the  10th  house  from  the navamsa lagna, the Sun, occupies the navamsa lagna and the lord of the navamsa lagna joins an exalted Jupiter, and also Mercury in the 9th there from. This assembly of planets, which neutralised  the adverse situation of the 5th lord seen in the rasi-chart, made this native a very competent teacher who could ably make most of his dedicated pupils to effectively understand, grasp and master the basic fundamentals of music and their advanced applications, and also improvise. The Moon gaining in pakshabala joins Venus, the Atmakaraka, in Gemini navamsa; this gave the native the ability to gain proficiency in music and the ability to teach music.


Case study - 6

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