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Rasi chart

Sagittarius  lagna  18:30:20;  Rahu  24:33:38  in  Taurus;  Mars 09:40:57 and Venus 06:04:16 in Leo; the Sun 17:53:01; the Moon

02:07:55 and Mercury 00:53:03 in Virgo; Saturn 10:33:23 in Libra and Ketu 24:33:38 and Jupiter 13:45:20 in Scorpio.

Navamsa Chart:

Virgo lagna, Jupiter in Scorpio, the Moon, Saturn and Mercury

in Capricorn, Ketu in Aquarius, Venus in Taurus, the Sun and Mars in Gemini and Rahu in Leo.

The  natives  of  this  horoscope  are  two  sisters  who  are  not identical  twins;  theirs’  was  a  Caesarean-birth.  The  birth  of  twins and  triplets  is  not  uncommon.  But,  it  is  not  possible  to  fix  the exact time of birth or conception for each individual in such cases.

The recorded time in the case of Caesarean-births is generally an approximate time and is certainly not the exact time of birth.

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


No two individuals, including twins, can have their horoscopes

identical in all respects. In the briefest of interval between births of twins the lagna-point advances, the Moon and the rest planets change their positions howsoever minute the shift may be. In such instances  the  use  of  the  various  sub-divisions  of  the  signs  has been recommended. Bhupala has stressed upon the need of the

fixation of Sukshama-lagna or the micro-ascendant; he states that the Sthula-lagna and the Sukshama- lagna must be calculated and simultaneously considered as neither of them alone will give the correct result.

The classic writers have paid due attention to male and female

births and to births of twins and multiple births. Mahadeva states that when the Sun is in a Chatushpada rasi i.e. in a quadruped sign, the rest six planets are in dual signs vested with strength then twins are born which situation obviously signifies birth of identical twins.

The lagna rising at the time of birth in a dual sign and in the navamsa formed by a dual sign, and the Sun and the Moon also occupying

dual signs do indicate birth of twins but who need not be identical twins. Rudrabhatta in his commentary writes that if at the time of conception or at the time of birth or query the Moon situated in a dual sign is aspected or conjoined with Mercury or Venus there will be birth of two girls. Bhattotpala in his commentary on Brihat Jataka states that if at the time of conception the lagna, the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter happen to be in even signs and even navamsa a girl will be born, if they are in Virgo and Pisces navamsas or if the Moon in Virgo navamsa is aspected by Mercury, and Venus is

in  Pisces  navamsa  there  will  be  birth  of  two  girls.  Varahamihira states that if at nuptial time or conception time Venus, Mars and the Moon are in even signs, a female is born but if these planets are in common signs aspected by Mercury there will be birth of twins, males if Gemini and Sagittarius are involved and females if Virgo and Pisces are involved, and that the birth of a child in normal times takes place in the sign occupied by the Moon, which is represented by  the  number,  in  which  Dwadasamsa,  the  Moon  is  fixed  at  the time.

In  the  present  case,  the  Moon  at  the  time  of  birth  was  in Virgo, the Dwadasamsa occupied by it at the time of conception, but in the 10th house from Sagittarius, the sign it had occupied at the time of conception. The fact remains that the birth of these






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

twin sisters was not normal, the birth was by Caesarean section in which instance there is negligible difference in their birth-time. The Shashtiamsa Chart (1/60th division of a sign or 30’’) substituting the Rasi Chart in the case of the younger twin is capable of capturing life-patterns of twins only if they are born at a difference of at least two minutes. Sufficient research has thus far not been conducted for the births of twins by Caesarean section.

These  two  sisters  differ  in  personal  appearance,  one  is  of medium height and the other one is short in stature. One contracted an arranged marriage two years earlier to her sister and is blessed with a son but the other, who chose to marry outside her caste, has yet  to  gain  motherhood.  Both  are  working-women,  whereas  the former is contractually employed and works from home, the latter is a bank manager. They have a different educational pattern and they also have a different life pattern. Therefore, their conception had certainly not occurred at the same time. The learned in astrology suggest that in all such cases the analysis of persons’ characteristics and  surroundings  in  the  light  of  astrological  formulae  which  are warranted  by  the  combinations  of  planets  which  obtain  at  the assumed time of birth should be resorted to, but this exercise has not served the desired purpose.

The  belief  that  the  birth  of  a  child  yet  to  be  born  could  be deliberately  brought  about  through  Caesarean  section  at  the predetermined moment on a day deemed to be auspicious resulting in fortunate birth instead of waiting for normal delivery of the child through natural process is ill-founded and unethical. But, it is a fact that the evolutionary development of the human brain resulting in the gradual increase of its size and the cranial volume might not in the near future permit normal human births possible. Homo sapiens have the largest brain-mass for the body weight, and average about one random mutation per ten gametes to have a new inheritable

change in the genetic instructions that determine the makeup of future  generations.  In  recent  times  the  evolution  of  the  human skull has been more rapid; it has already made childbirth painful.

The orbits of the nine astrological planets and of the earth are also registering perceptible changes, and it is very likely they will take up positions in the horoscopes of the mothers-to-be and the new-borns indicating future human births through Caesarean section or unnaturally as a common event. Our ancient seers did not seem to

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


have anticipated births through artificial means; they spoke about only difficult births. The texts state that if at the moment of birth evil planets happen to tenant the two trikonasthanas and the 7th house or cruel planets occupy the 4th and the 7th from the lagna or  the  Moon,  then  delivery  of  the  child  will  be  very  painful  for mother.

Predictions based on transits of planets with reference to the

horoscope examined are reliable only if the time of birth is reliably known. Horoscopes drawn on the basis of the time of Caesarean

section leading to the extraction of the twins from the womb cannot be  relied  upon.  Therefore,  the  predictions  made  on  the  basis  of query will also go wrong because the query-chart is basically meant to be referred to alongside the birth-chart and not independently.

The  query-chart  works  independently  in  the  rarest  of  rare  cases after  meeting  with  the  prescribed  conditions.  B.V.Raman  defines Horary astrology as the art of perceiving the relation between the thought  as  it  arises  in  the  mind  and  the  pattern  of  the  heavens at  the  moment,  and  elsewhere  states  that  as  in  horoscopy,  very often the time-factor is a hard nut to crack in Horary astrology too.

Predictions based on query-chart depend on the nature of query, and the Tajika system deals with yogas that arise on the basis of applying exact and separating aspects, and this system avoids all subjective factors.


Case study - 7

defunct YogaS