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Rasi chart

Aquarius  lagna  29:26:56;  Ketu  03:40:39  in  Taurus;  Mars

26:24:39  and  Jupiter  17:46:51  in  Cancer;  Venus  21:13:02  (R), Saturn 12:25:54 and the Moon 16:04:16 in Leo; The Sun 05:42:46

and Mercury 01:38:32 in Virgo and Rahu 03:40:39 in Scorpio.

Navamsa Chart:

Gemini  lagna;  Saturn  in  Cancer;  the  Moon  and  Rahu  in  Leo; Venus in Libra; Jupiter in Sagittarius, Mercury in Capricorn; the Sun, Mars and Ketu in Aquarius.

This native was born when the Vargottama Moon in Leo sign

was in the first pada or quarter of Poorva Phalguni nakshatra ruled by Venus. At the time of his birth the Vimshottari dasa of Venus situated  in  Leo,  a  neutral  sign,  and  in  a  Janma  nakshatra,  was running its due course; Venus had gained only three benefic bindus in  the  Sarva  Ashtakavarga.  The  Aquarius  lagna  rising  in  Gemini

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


navamsa in the Poorva Bhadrapada nakshatra ruled by Jupiter, a

papa-graha for this lagna, is aspected by Venus which is the lord of the 4th and the 9th, and a yoga-karaka and Rajayoga-karaka for this lagna; it is also aspected by Saturn, the lord of the lagna, who also rules the 12th bhava. Jupiter and Saturn occupying neutral signs aspecting the lagna here indicates that birth of this native was in a well-to-do noble family. The Moon, which is in conjunction with Venus and Saturn, is in the sign ruled by its intimate friend and in its own navamsa, it is hemmed between two natural benefics, Jupiter and Mercury, and also casts its aspect on the lagna. This native was a favourite of his mother and of all female members of the house-hold. Mars in conjunction with exalted Jupiter in the 11th from the Sun  made  even  his  father  and  elder  brother  favour  him.  Saturn, Venus, Mars, and the Sun are functional benefics for this lagna.

Those born in Aquarius lagna are generally steady, composed,

capable  of  exercising  self-restraint  but  slow  to  act.  Satyacharya has declared Aquarius lagna to be evil which view is supported by Vishnugupta. It is in the case of Aquarius lagna alone that the lord of the lagna also happens to own the adjoining 12th house. Aquarius lagna or any other bhava counted from Aquarius lagna if occupied by Saturn or aspected by Saturn is believed to become more tainted than the lagnas which have their lords simultaneously ruling the 6th or the 8th house. The lord of the 12th situated in the lagna generally gives birth in an affluent family. But, the lord of the lagna situated in the 12th house makes one mean in character and gives no success in business enterprises. Saturn is a natural malefic, and a natural malefic situated in the 12th house makes one exceedingly evil who uses his wealth and other resources for evil purposes. Therefore, it is believed that persons born in Aquarius lagna have greater ability to self-destruct and act as their own worst enemies.

Mantreswara  tells  us  that  when  benefics  are  situated  in  the 6th, 7th and 8th from the lagna then the Lagnadhi yoga arises which yoga gives the same results as the Adhi yoga caused with reference to the Moon and in which context Varahamihira clarifies that the benefics mean the three natural benefics, viz., Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.  This  is  a  rare  and  an  important  combination  that  makes one polite, trustworthy, healthy, wealthy, successful and long-lived; it is equivalent to a Rajayoga; with all named bhavas occupied by benefics  the  person  usually  occupies  an  eminent  position  in  life






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

and has his or her words obeyed. According to Srutakirti benefics in these bhavas cause the Shubhadhi yoga and malefic cause the

Ashubhadhi yoga. All planets exert their influence to the maximum extent  when  they  are  placed  in  signs  opposite  the  sign  rising  in the lagna or occupied by the Moon or the Sun. Planets possessing bright rays and aspecting the lagna from the 7th house can become effective yoga-karakas if they do not happen to occupy debilitated or  inimical  sign  or  navamsa  or  evil  nakshatra  as  the  lords  of auspicious bhavas. Benefic planets aspected by or conjoined with other benefics produce excellent results. Malefic planets in benefic signs and aspected by benefics do not prove so evil. Malefic planets in  malefic  signs  aspected  by  other  malefics  produce  disastrous results. Benefic planets in malefic signs aspected by malefics have their goodness curtailed. The planets in the 6th, the 7th or the 8th house  may  be  good  or  evil  by  sign  position  but  all  three  cannot be good by house position. Therefore, the results caused by the permutation and combination effected by the three natural benefics amongst themselves or with natural malefic in these stated bhavas are bound to differ in each case.

This native was blessed with the Lagnadhi yoga but he did not

succeed in his life, lacked initiative, did not complete his education, hardly  earned  a  living  for  himself,  remained  dependent  on  his father  and  brothers,  and  wandered  aimlessly  in  the  company  of undesirable  people  of  low  status,  and  had  no  family  of  his  own for he had not married. The Shubhadhi yoga was marred by the

presence of malefic and cruel planets in the concerned bhavas, and also the lagna was not vested with the required strength. He died in the dasa of Jupiter at around the age of sixty nine years having tasted no comfort or success in the middle and the last portion of his life. The Sun ruling a kendra or a trikona and occupying the 8th house from the lagna makes life difficult, and if the lagna or the 9th or the 10th house is also weak or afflicted by papa-grahas, it makes one unfortunate unable to succeed in any chosen enterprise. The Sun ruling a kendra or a trikona in conjunction with the lord of the 8th house in the 8th destroys all yogas involving the bhava it rules.

Here at, the bhavas represented by the three planets that are in conjunction in the 7th house ruled by the Sun and by the lord of the  sign  of  its  exaltation  and  by  Mercury,  have  all  suffered  and failed to produce good results.  This evil caused by such a Sun is

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


not mitigated even if it were to be in its own or friendly or exalted navamsa, strong in shadabala.

Varahamihira  insists  that  for  the  Adhi  yoga  or  the  Lagnadhi yoga to act up to their full potential the benefics giving rise to these yogas should be strong; they should not be afflicted by malefics.

In  the  present  case,  Jupiter  is  situated  in  the  6th  in  its  friendly exaltation sign and in its own navamsa, Venus occupying a neutral sign in the 7th is also in its own navamsa, and Mercury in the 8th occupying its own sign and exaltation sign is in a friendly navamsa.

Jupiter  ruling  the  11th  house  from  the  lagna  is  not  a  functional benefic for Aquarius lagna, in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd and the 10th in the 6th house from the lagna it does not cause yoga.

Moreover, Jupiter occupying its exaltation sign suffers ucchabhanga in the company of debilitated Mars. Venus occupying the 7th house conjoins with the lord of the lagna which is burdened by the 12th house lordship, in conjunction with the lords of the 12th and the 6th house it does not give yoga results, and Mercury situated in the 8th house in conjunction with the Sun, who rules a marakasthana occupying an inimical sign, also does not act as a true benefic.  The aspect of Venus on the lagna is not always a benefic aspect. The two signs ruled by Venus are in the 6th and the 8th from each other whereas those ruled by Mercury and Jupiter are in mutual kendras.

In this case, the Moon was losing its lustre, and the Sun was moving towards its sign of debilitation that falls on the 9th house. The Sun in the 8th as the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the lagna gave this native a fairly long span of life but a weak and very slim physique. Here at, the lord of the 3rd and the 10th, the lord of the 2nd and the 11th, the lord of the 5th and the 8th and the lord of the 7th, all occupy evil bhavas as counted from the lagna, therefore, these named bhavas are weak, whenever any bhava is weak or afflicted it does not produce good results.

Birth in lagna-sandhi i.e. at the very beginning or at the very fag-end  of  the  lagna-rasi,  is  not  considered  auspicious  and  the rising-point of the lagna situated in an evil nakshatra or the navamsa ruled  by  an  evil  planet  is  also  not  considered  auspicious.  In  the present case, the rising-point of the lagna was in the last navamsa of  Aquarius  sign  in  a  Sadhaka  nakshatra  aspected  by  the  lord  of the lagna who is also the Ayushkaraka. The dasa of Venus gave this native a comfortable childhood, the succeeding dasas of the Sun






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

and the Moon, because of both being weak and not yoga-giving,

ruined him. The lords of the 4th and the 5th afflicted, made him give up studies, and Rahu situated in the 10th house in the sign ruled by its bitter enemy did not make him complete his education or seek employment or settle in business even during the course of the dasa of Mars. Rahu was in a Vadha nakshatra ruled by Saturn. Saturn

ruling Vadha nakshatras was not a functional benefic even when

occupying  a  Param-mitra  nakshatra;  Saturn  situated  in  a  kendra even as the lord of the lagna must receive the aspect of Jupiter. Here, Saturn also occupies an inimical sign; the planet occupying the sign ruled by its bitter enemy soon destroys the good significations of the bhava it occupies. This native remained unmarried throughout life. The Anapha yoga caused by Mars and Jupiter was of no avail because  these  two  were  not  yoga-giving  planets.  The  Vasi  yoga caused by Venus and Saturn did not fructify on account of these two planets not occupying their friendly signs even though Saturn aspected the 9th house. Neither the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the lagna nor the lord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of the lagna was in a kendra in own or exaltation sign. If the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the lagna and/or the Moon does not occupy a kendra from the lagna then all favourable yogas that may be obtaining fail to operate. All planets other than Rahu and Ketu were in three signs giving rise to the unfavourable Sula yoga in which regard B.V. Raman states the person will be devoid of wealth and cruel. The Moon, Venus and Saturn combining in

one sign which is not their own, friendly or exaltation sign is not a yoga-giving conjunction. No planet casts its full aspect on any other planet.

The lord of the 6th situated in the 7th house weak in lustre and afflicted, and the lord of the 7th situated in an inimical sign in the 8th house in conjunction with the lord of the 8th did not permit this native to marry. Saravali does state that Venus, Mercury or Jupiter combining with the Moon in the 7th house makes one wealthy but

the Moon should then own a favourable house and remain strong

in pakshabala; here, the Moon had gained only two benefic bindus in its Ashtakavarga. The Moon was in Poorva Phalguni nakshatra

which  is  not  a  happy  nakshatra  to  be  born  in.  The  Vargottama Moon in Leo sign does give a strong Rajayoga but not so when it is weak and its dispositor, also afflicted, happens to occupy the 8th 

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house from the lagna. Jataka Parijata states that the Krishna-paksha Moon gaining three or less benefic bindus in the Sarva Ashtakavarga destroys the good significations of the bhava it occupies. This native though unfortunate in most respects was intelligent and courteous; he  seldom  behaved  rudely  or  displayed  fits  of  anger  which  was because  of  the  Moon  occupying  the  12th  house  from  the  Sun.  If the Moon and Venus are in the kendras and papa-grahas tenant

the 8th or the 9th house one suffers from epilepsy. This native was not afflicted by epilepsy because of the lord of the lagna joining the Moon and Venus in the 7th house.

Ketu  situated  alone  in  the  4th  house  from  the  lagna  devoid of  benefic  aspects  or  conjunction  gradually  destroys  all  good indications of the 4th house, the person intelligent and persevering, does  not  succeed  in  his  attempts  to  improve  his  own  lot,  which attempts  he  soon  gives  up  surrendering  himself  to  his  fate,  and thereafter  remains  unhappy  and  much  worried.  Rahu  situated alone in the 10th house from the lagna devoid of benefic aspects or conjunction does not give a regular source of earning or wealth, the person remains constantly worried having powerful enemies

or unsurpassable obstructions and impediments to contend with.

In the present case, these two chaya-grahas actually dominate the kendras because the rest seven tara-grahas are locked within Ketu-Rahu axis; the chaya-grahas then render inoperative all yogas or Rajayogas that are formed by the tara-grahas. Here, all seven tara-grahas are moving towards Rahu and therefore, this native was born with Apasavya Kalasarpa Dosha. Kalasarpa Dosha or yoga does not find a mention in the classical texts; and as is seen the effects of the two chaya-grahas are only briefly dealt with by certain texts, but it is believed that Karmic effects come through Rahu and Ketu. Rahu shows more evil effects when occupying Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn sign.  Rahu  and  Ketu  situated  in  the  kendras  should  conjoin  with the  lord  of  a  trikonabhava,  and  then  their  evil  propensity  gets reduced.


Case study - 8

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