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Rasi chart

Virgo  lagna  00:51:42;  Ketu  13:04:49  and  Mars  01:41:39  in Scorpio;  Jupiter  19:20:56  in  Sagittarius;  the  Moon  04:23:47  in Pisces; the Sun 13:54:09, Mercury 05:03:39 and Venus 00:44:52 in Aries and Rahu 13:04:49 in Taurus.

Navamsa Chart:

Capricorn  lagna,  Saturn  in  Pisces,  Venus  and  Rahu  in  Aries, Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Cancer, the Sun and the Moon in Leo, Jupiter in Virgo and Ketu in Libra.

This native was born at the very beginning of Virgo sign ruled

by Mercury that was then rising in the lagna. He was born when the rising-point of the lagna was in the Capricorn navamsa sub-division of Virgo in Uttara Phalguni, a Pratyari nakshatra ruled by the Sun.

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


The Sun was in its exaltation sign in the 8th house in conjunction with Venus and the lord of the lagna, both, placed behind the Sun but in an inimical sign and outside the range of their combustion. The Moon was then transiting Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra, ruled by

Saturn, situated in its friendly Pisces sign, and aspecting the lagna.

Both, Mercury and Saturn, were then in retrograde motion, and the latter was situated in Libra, its sign of exaltation. The Moon, in the mutual- kendra situation with Jupiter occupying its own sign in the 4th house from the lagna, gave rise to the favourable Kesari yoga and the Amla yoga which kind of yogas generally do not operate up to their full potential if the birth is in Lagna-sandhi.

In this nativity, four planets, the Sun, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, are in their respective signs of exaltation, and Mars and Jupiter are in their own signs. Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury are in retrograde motion. Saturn casts its aspect on Jupiter situated in the 4th house, and also on the Sun-Mercury-Venus conjunction occurring in the

8th house, Jupiter aspects the 8th house and the Moon aspects the lagna. This native is handsome, tall and of very fair complexion. The three-planet conjunction occurring in the 8th house is that of the lord of the lagna and the 10th with the lord of the 2nd and the 9th with the lord of the 12th house; occurring in the 8th house from the lagna this conjunction does not give rise to any noteworthy yoga or Rajayoga; moreover Mercury and Venus are placed behind the Sun.

A retrograde Saturn situated in the 2nd house from the lagna does not make one wealthy, and here, the Gajakesari yoga and the Amla yoga caused by Jupiter suffer on account of Jupiter’s retrogression.

Three or more planets in retrograde motion give only misery.

This native was born in the antra-dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Saturn occupying Swati, a Mitra nakshatra ruled by Rahu. Saturn is retrograde in its exaltation sign. A cruel planet ruling the 5th house and occupying the 2nd house deprives wealth. No Dhana yoga of

note is caused by Saturn occupying Libra sign falling on the 2nd house if  it  does  not  possess  adequate  shadabala,  and  if  Venus  equally strong  does  not  occupy  a  kendra  or  a  trikona  from  Virgo  lagna.

An  exalted  Saturn  situated  in  the  10th  house  from  the  5th  house it rules generally does not deprive wealth or happiness though it makes one otherwise brimming with confidence, very skilful and

renowned, harsh or rude in behaviour. An exalted Saturn situated in the 9th house from the 6th house it rules for Virgo lagna usually






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

makes one excel in debates and a controversial figure, and also gives the ability and resources to subdue powerful enemies. And, there is the dictum that Venus conjoining with exalted Saturn occupying the 2nd house from the lagna or even aspecting it makes one learned, rich  and  famous,  courageous  in  moments  of  crisis,  an  effective speaker, possess a sharp intellect and an able ruler or administrator provided  Mercury  is  strong  and  well-placed  and  Saturn  is  not retrograde. Then, the person is likely to acquire wealth through a son or sons or through service or at the cost of one’s opponents.

Saturn as the lord of the 6th house situated in the 2nd house causes family misunderstanding and irreconcilable differences, it does not permit continuous retention of cordial relations with or amongst family members.

No  planet  is  deemed  to  be  a  benefic  for  Virgo  lagna.  In the  present  case,  the  lagna  is  aspected  by  the  Moon  that  rules the 11th house, and by Rahu from the 9th house that is aspected by  the  lord  of  the  3rd  and  the  8th,  Mars,  a  papa-graha  for  Virgo lagna. The dispositor of the Moon occupies its own sign in the 4th house. The Moon situated in the 7th house makes one intelligent, attached to appearance and jealous. Here, it is the dark-half Moon weak in pakshabala which will not give many gains to this native even during the course of favourable transits and dasas; more so because it occupies a nakshatra ruled by a natural malefic which is not a yoga-karaka for Virgo lagna, and it aspects the lagna which rises  in  an  unfavourable  nakshatra  ruled  by  the  lord  of  the  12th house  relegated  to  the  8th  house  afflicting  the  lord  of  the  lagna and the lord of the 9th house. The lord of any bhava residing in the 8th house from the lagna or from its own bhava does not produce good results in respect of the bhava it rules. Therefore, in this case, the  conjunction  of  the  Sun,  Mercury  and  Venus  occurring  in  the 8th house has adversely affected the good indications of the lagna and the 10th house, of the 2nd and the 9th house, and of the 12th house from the lagna which adversity is further compounded by

no natural benefic planet apecting either the lagna-kendra or the Moon. Mercury, the simultaneous lord of the lagna and the 10th 

house, situated in the 8th house generally gives yoga and a long life but by tenanting a cruel inimical sign it gives indifferent health and an unsteady career. The good significations of Venus occupying the 8th house also suffer for while situated in an inimical sign it occupies

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a Vipata nakshatra ruled by Ketu. For a person born in Virgo lagna the  Sun  conjoining  with  Venus  in  an  auspicious  house  does  give wealth etc., but elsewhere it makes one suffer loss of wealth and experience many troubles and pains. Aquarius sign falling on the 6th house from the lagna generally makes persons born in Virgo lagna easily earn the enmity of the low and the mighty.

Too many planets in retrograde motion spoil the good effects of auspicious planets; they even bring to a sudden halt the operation of  yogas  and  Rajayoga  as  was  in  the  case  of  Mujib  ur  Rehman, the founder of Bangladesh. In the present case, amongst the four retrograde planets Saturn is the most advanced in a sign and the most affective one, and because retrograde planets gain the fourth aspect its aspect on the 8th house is of full strength (as is of Mars on the 9th house and of Jupiter on the 10th). The good signification of Saturn is reduced to the minimum by the opposite aspect of the Sun which has resulted in the native not holding any goodwill towards his own father, the exalted Saturn is not in a kendrasthana and is not aspected by Jupiter; moreover, it returns the friendly aspects of Mercury and Venus which is not good because retrograde planets

tend to give unexpected results and make other good planets also to  give  unexpected  contrary  results.  Here,  Saturn  has  become more malevolent. Mercury and Jupiter too ruling the kendras and retrograde become more adverse and spoil the houses they own,

occupy and aspect. Venus, which is the sole yoga-karaka for Virgo lagna and the significator of Bhagya, by joining retrograde Mercury, has got its strength reduced by half.

Retrograde  Saturn  is  said  to  produce  results  of  its  8th  house occupation. Saturn situated in the 8th house confers a long span of life and makes one sincere and persevering. Normally retrograde planets  only  gain  exceptional  or  superior  strength,  they  do  not produce results identical to their occupation of exaltation signs and the results they produce are not uniform or they confer unexpected results,  but  they  do  not  always  produce  bad  results.  The  three natural benefics if ruling the kendras other than the lagna if also retrograde tend to spoil the indications of the bhavas they happen to  represent  or  influence;  natural  malefics  in  retrograde  motion tend to improve those indications. All retrograde planets are also said to give the effects of the bhava previous to the one occupied, and superior planets when retrograde gain the fourth aspect i.e. the






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

full-strength aspect to the 7th house. Exalted planets in retrograde motion lose their power to give good results and remain an enigma.

Kalidasa  in his Uttarakalamrita tells us that the exalted planet in retrograde motion produces its debilitation results. Saturn becomes debilitated  in  Aries  sign.  Saturn  in  Aries  makes  one  cruel,  sharp tempered,  disrespectful,  conceited,  damaging  and  poor.  Here,  it is in mutual opposition to three planets including the lord of the lagna; planets that are in mutual opposition if they are recipients of the special aspects of Saturn or Mars possess more power to

cause  destruction  of  good  things.  The  Sun  and  Saturn  in  mutual opposition or in mutual kendras tend to promote political career but devoid of benefic aspect or support of Mars they indicate a fall from position or power or no professional career or social position to speak about. In the present case, retrograde Saturn, even though ruling a trine and occupying the gainful 2nd house in its exaltation sign,  no  longer  acts  as  a  yoga-karaka  and  adversely  affects  the bhavas it rules, occupies and aspects.

Retrograde Saturn casts its full-strength aspect to the 8th house.

Aries sign forming the 8th house makes one clever but remain mostly unhappy. The Sun situated in the 8th house makes one prone to fits of anger, physically weak, corrupt and earn enmity of undesirable persons, whereas Mercury and Venus occupying the 8th house from the lagna give yoga results if they do not occupy inimical signs. The aspect of Saturn on the 8th house adversely affects one’s health, and the Sun situated in Aries sign, not in deep its exaltation, gives little wealth and makes one a wanderer. This native experienced the dasa of retrograde exalted Saturn during his childhood. It affected him because there was domestic disharmony to contend with which affected  his  upbringing  and  development,  and  his  father  at  that time did not have a steady source of income. The mutual aspect

between the Sun and the retrograde Saturn, both occupying their exaltation  sign  in  inauspicious  bhavas,  adversely  affects  father’s career and earning capacity.

Jataka Parijata states that if the lords of the 4th, the 9th, the 11th and the 2nd situated in a kendra or a trikona vested with full strength associate with the lagna then during the course of their dasas one gains  ruling  power,  becomes  fortunate  and  very  wealthy,  but  in case they are weak or devoid of strength one suffers rejection and poverty. In the present case, the lord of the navamsa occupied by

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the lord of the lagna and the lord of the lagna are mutual friends; the former rules the 2nd house but is not situated in a kendra or a trikona from the lagna which means the earnings of this native will always be meagre and difficult to come by. He is likely to bank on his father’s wealth which he will inherit; mark the conjunction of the lord of the lagna and the 10th with the lord of the 2nd and the 9th in the 8th house from the lagna in combination with the Sun. But then, there is the possibility of this native incurring loss through the agency of his father because the lord of the 12th joins the lord of the 10th house. Moreover, the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun in Leo navamsa which situation also indicates poverty. Neither the lord of the lagna nor any natural or functional benefic occupies an upachayasthana from the lagna, the retrograde Jupiter situated in the 10th house from the Moon indicates a late rise in life possibly in the dasa of Venus which is placed in a trine from Jupiter and in the 2nd house from the Moon. The lord of the 2nd house situated in the 8th house in conjunction with the lord of the 8th and aspected by the lord of the 6th house indicates this native will incur huge debts.

This  native  is  presently  experiencing  the  effects  of  the Vimshottari  dasa  of  Mercury,  the  lord  of  the  lagna  and  the  lord of the 10th house. Normally because it is in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd who is also the lord of the 9th house Mercury should have during the course of its dasa ensured proper completion of education and gain of employment for the native but Mercury is in the 8th house from the lagna situated in an inimical sign and a Vipata nakshatra ruled by Ketu occupying a neutral sign. It is aspected by Jupiter which though occupying its own sign is not in a favourable nakshatra. Mercury’s dasa has not proved helpful; it has failed to establish this native. The dasa of Mercury in conjunction with the Sun generally creates many obstacles, gives no amount of physical and mental peace and the person is bothered by opposition and

fear even though Sarvartha Chintamani states that during the dasa of  retrograde  Mercury  one  earns  repute  and  increase  in  wealth, marries  and  begets  a  son.  For  retrograde  Mercury  to  give  good results it should occupy an auspicious bhava from the lagna and be not overshadowed by the Sun. Here at, the Sunapha yoga occurring in the 8th house is marred by the presence of the lord of the 12th.  

Mercury occupies an inimical sign in the 8th house. Its ability to confer good results in the dasas of other benefics is not impaired






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

by  either  the  Sun  or  Venus,  but  in  the  present  case,  the  lord  of the 8th though occupying its other own sign in the 8th from the 8th and in the 3rd from the lagna by its aspect afflicts the 9th house.

Therefore, the dasas of planets occupying the 9th house or ruling the 9th or associating with the lord of the 9th house will produce ordinary results for this native; and only bad results in the antra-dasas of planets not situated in favourable houses counted from the dasa-lords. Mercury is in conjunction with the lord of the 9th house also occupying an inimical sign. During the course of its dasa, Mercury, if it is weak or afflicted, makes one indecisive, inexpressive and wayward, and the person is not able to discriminate between good and bad, he does not complete his education. Accordingly,

this native gave up his studies and lacking in confidence leads an insecure life dependent on his parents. The Moon in the 7th house, gaining  only  four  benefic  bindus  in  the  Ashtakavarga,  occupies  a sign  which  has  gained  only  nineteen  benefic  bindus.  The  lagna-kendra has gained thirty-two benefic bindus far more than gained by the 9th and the 10th house.

The lord of the 4th occupying the 4th house does not on its own accord confer yoga, here it associates with the karaka of the 4th house and also with the lagna by occupying a kendra from the lagna and a navamsa ruled by the lord of the lagna. This native is dependent on his mother and because the Moon rules the 11th house and aspects the lagna the intense influence of mother has not helped the native in the way it should. The aspect of retrograde exalted Saturn on the 4th house and on Jupiter affects happiness, education and domestic peace; it compels the person to stay far away from the house or place where he was born and brought up. Jupiter’s mutual trikona relationship with the lords of the lagna and the bhagyasthana is not mutually productive of good results owing to latter’s inauspicious placement and weaknesses. The 3rd house and the retrograde lord of the 3rd who is also the karaka of brothers, hemmed between two major planets also in retrograde motion have not given this native a younger brother. The retrograde lord of the 7th house does not give a happy marriage, and the Moon losing its lustre situated in the 7th house in a fiery navamsa indicates unproductive associations with men and women of low status and upbringing.

The Moon whether occupying a benefic sign, its own sign or

exaltation sign or not, if it is situated alone should be aspected by at

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least one benefic planet. The full aspect of a benefic on such a Moon lends strength to the lagna and all other planets, if the Moon stays unaspected the yogas caused by it and by other planets become

defunct, and the planetary dasas do not give their expected good results. The Vargottama Moon is no exception. Jupiter does aspect the  exalted  Sun  occupying  its  own  navamsa  and  it  also  aspects Mercury,  but  both  the  Sun  and  Mercury  are  not  situated  in  a kendra or a trikona either from the lagna or the Chandra-lagna, and therefore, they do not confer the prescribed yoga and Rajayoga.

The kendras are dominated by Jupiter occupying its own sign in

the 4th house from the lagna as the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon. Here at, Jupiter provides some protection to the lagna, to the lord of the lagna and to the lord of the 9th house, but this native is unlikely to experience its dasa. Its aspect to the 10th house is of full strength, and Mercury and Jupiter are in the cruel and malefic Aquarius  shashtiamsa.  Since  Jupiter  is  situated  in  the  10th  house from the Chandra-lagna as the lord of the Chandra-lagna and the 10th house, and since the lord of the 9th house from the Chandra-lagna is a friend of the lord of the Chandra-lagna and occupies the 9th house, there will be bhagya-udaya during the course of the dasa of Ketu conjoining with Mars and acting on behalf of Mars.


Case study - 9

a life without maRRiage