Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Libra  lagna  05:10:01;  Saturn  (R)  15:33:01  in  Libra;  Mars 24:36:24 in Scorpio; Rahu 28:46:31 in Sagittarius; Mercury 08:32:35

in Aquarius; the Sun 01:18:20 and Venus 12:11:41 in Pisces; Jupiter 24:36:24 in Taurus; Ketu 28:46:31 in Gemini and the Moon 17:51:34

in Cancer.

Navamsa Chart:

Scorpio lagna, Mercury, the Moon and Rahu in Sagittarius, Mars

and Saturn in Aquarius, Ketu in Gemini, the Sun in Cancer, Jupiter in Leo and Venus in Libra.

This lady of fair-complexion and exceptional beauty was born

in  Chitra,  a  Sadhaka  makshatra  ruled  by  Mars,  when  the  Moon was in Ashlesha nakshatra ruled by Mercury. There was no planet, benefic or malefic, occupying the 7th house from the lagna and the

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


Moon. The Moon was then gaining pakshabala. Girls born in Taurus, Cancer or Libra lagna are blessed with beauty. Here, the lagna was Libra and the Moon was in Cancer sign, but neither the lagna nor the Moon receives the full aspect of any planet. Libra lagna falls in  Aquarius  trimsamsa  in  which  regard  Varahamihira  states  that the woman will be a Punarbhu i.e. she marries a second husband

while the first is living, and the Moon in Cancer in Pisces trimsamsa makes  a  woman  blessed  with  many  admirable  qualities.  The  7th navamsa from the lagna is ruled by Venus which situation gives a handsome  and  loving  husband.  There  are  no  benefics  occupying the lagna but an exalted Saturn occupies the lagna for which lagna it is a functional benefic. All planets occupying their exaltation signs or own signs or benefic vargas in the lagna-kendra confer more and more of their good results, they do not give bad results provided they  are  associated  with  benefic  planets.  Exalted  Saturn  gaining five benefic bindus in its Ashtakavarga aspects the Moon situated in the 10th house in its own sign. This nativity has two exalted planets and two occupying their own signs, out of which two occupy the

two important kendras, the lagna and the 10th house. In this case, Saturn occupying its exaltation sign is retrograde.

Saturn occupying the lagna does not confer beautiful looks to

a girl. In the present case, Saturn is exalted and in its own navamsa along with Mars; the navamsa rising in the lagna is ruled by Mars.

The  Moon  situated  in  Ashlesha  nakshatra  also  does  not  bestow good looks but the Moon is with Venus in Pisces trimsamsa. At the time of her birth the Moon occupied its own sign which is mild, even and feminine, and the Chandra-lagna was stronger than the lagna.

B.Suryanarain  Rao  writes  that  if  the  Moon  is  in  Cancer  sign  the woman will be sickly, respected among relations, dignified, devoted to gods and priests. The dispositor of the lord of the lagna situated in the 8th house gives a person weak or light and slim physique.  The Sun also occupies an even trimsamsa ruled by Venus. The Sun by

virtue of ruling the 11th house is a Badhaka for Libra lagna. Saravali states that the person born in the first Hora of Libra lagna will have an oval face, a raised nose, big black beautiful eyes, be tall, rich and a favourite of all.

Exalted  Saturn  occupying  a  kendra  not  aspected  by  either Venus  or  Jupiter  does  not  cause  any  exceptional  yoga.  The  Sasa yoga generated by it remains in name only. During the course of






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

its dasa an exalted Saturn in retrograde motion gives the results of its occupation of debilitation sign which are basically evil. Even otherwise,  the  dasa  of  Saturn  occupying  its  exaltation  sign  but not in its deep exaltation is a period of great unease and undue pressure on the mind, loss in business and conflict with authorities.

Here, Saturn occupies its own navamsa; planets situated in their own  navamsas  become  greatly  improved  and  give  more  of  their good results but this situation does not annul the evil caused by its fourth full strength aspect on the 7th house. This lady was not destined to experience the dasa of Saturn.

The Moon situated in its own sign in the 10th house and aspected by the lord of a kendra and a trikona does give rise to a yoga, the person  becomes  gainfully  employed  who  progresses  through  his or her own efforts and abilities, and gains a good social position, is truthful and fond of meritorious deeds. This lady, possessing all these traits, was a school-teacher. The Moon had joined Mercury, the lord of the 9th, in Sagittarius navamsa whose lord occupied the 10th house from the Navamsa-lagna. The Moon signifies learning, Mercury  signifies  Vidya  and  study  and  mastery  of  the  texts,  and Jupiter  is  the  karaka  of  intelligence  and  exceptional  study  and knowledge. Mahadeva states that if the lord of the 5th house from the lagna occupies its exaltation sign (in a kendra or a trikona) or is  hemmed  between  benefics  it  makes  one  very  intelligent,  and that Mars situated in the 2nd house aspected by Jupiter or Venus or Mercury makes one adept in mathematics. The exalted lord of the lagna situated in the 6th house in a benefic sign uncombust generally gives a life of ease and comfort.

Mars is the lord of the 7th house; it is situated in its own sign in the 2nd house from the lagna aspected by Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter are functional  malefics for Libra lagna.  Both  afflict the 2nd house from the 7th, which bhava signifies Kutumba and the well-being

and longevity of husband. This situation of Mars combined with the aspect of Saturn on the 7th house invariably results in late marriage or no marriage if the aspecting planets are not favourably disposed; here it joins Saturn in Aquarius navamsa. Mars situated in the 2nd house from Libra lagna hinders marriage, and Mars in the 8th house from Aries lagna breaks marriage.

This  lady  did  not  marry  even  when  the  Vimshottari  dasa  of

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


Venus was running its due course. Venus was in Uttara Bhadrapada, a Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by Saturn, and Saturn was in Swati, one of the three Vadha nakshatras ruled by Rahu situated in the 3rd house from the lagna. Therefore, an afflicted Saturn aspected the 7th house whose lord though in its own sign was in the 8th from the 7th house. Moreover, the evil Dainya yoga caused by the mutual exchange of signs by the lords of the 6th and the 8th on either side of  the  7th  house  afflicted  the  7th  house  and  destroyed  marriage prospects. This lady voluntarily declined all marriage proposals and chose to remain unmarried. Venus, the lord of the lagna, exalted in the 6th house ahead of the Sun and in conjunction with the Sun indicates a failed romance; its dispositor occupying the 8th house from the lagna and situated in the sign ruled by Venus indicates that the disappointment caused by the failed romance could not

be overcome. Venus is in mutual trikona relationship with the lord of the 7th house but the lord of the 7th occupying a Keeta-rasi and a functional malefic for Libra lagna is hemmed between two natural malefics, Saturn and Rahu, whose dispositors are relegated to the trikasthanas and afflicting the 7th house. Varahamihira states that if the 7th house is powerless, unoccupied and unaspected by benefics, the husband will be mean.

The Sun, that combines with Venus in Pisces sign, is a papa-

graha for Libra lagna, and Venus also ruling the 8th house is not an absolute benefic for this lagna. Venus in Pisces sign gives excellent results in its dasa only when it is in its parama-uccha state otherwise Sarvartha  Chintamani  states  that  the  person  is  bound  to  suffer separation and disappointments in matters concerning relationship with the members of the opposite sex which could result in loss or  destruction  of  wealth  and  violation  of  good  principles.  Venus occupying the 6th house from the lagna does give yoga-results but the dasa of Venus occupying the 6th house and the 12th house from the Navamsa lagna does not give the desired expected favourable results.  No  benefic  planet  occupies  a  kendra  or  a  trikona  from Venus; the two chaya-grahas occupying the kendras in the present case were of no help. Matters did not improve in the next dasa of the Sun for obvious reasons.

Strijataka considers the time of the first appearance of menses in  a  girl,  and  the  nakshatra  etc;  when  she  attains  puberty  to  be of utmost importance. Most girls are not aware of the important






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

significations  of  this  event  and  therefore,  do  not  keep  a  note  of it. Because it is not considered prudent to obtain this information directly  from  any  woman  of  whatever  age  she  may  be,  no astrologer  enquires  about  it,  and  thus  fails  to  correlate  a  factor equal in importance to the lagna, which failure results in errors in predictions pertaining to women. The responsiblities and priorities of women are different from those of men; they are by nature more instinctive and intuitive and therefore, they have a different sense of self-reliance and a different sense of reality.


Case study - 10

comBuSt loRd of the  

10th houSe