Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Cancer lagna 05:10:22; Venus 04:35:20 in Cancer; Ketu 21:22:04

in Leo; Saturn 02:23:51 in Virgo; Rahu 21:22:04 in Aquarius; Jupiter 15:38:36 in Pisces; Mercury 29:40:55 in Aries and the Sun 20:28:33, the Moon 25:02:27 and Mars 17:00:15 in Taurus.

Navamsa Chart:

Leo lagna with Venus and the Moon, Ketu in Libra, Jupiter in

Scorpio, Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn, Rahu in Aries, Mars in Gemini and the Sun in Cancer.

This native was born in the Leo navamsa sub-division of Cancer

lagna when the Moon transiting its exaltation sign, Taurus, was in Leo navamsa and in Mrigsira nakshatra ruled by Mars. At the time






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

of his birth two natural benefics were situated in the kendras from Cancer lagna and one natural benefic was in a trikonabhava. He was born a sickly child and suffered from various ailments in his very first year of life. Mars is the benefic yoga-karaka and the Rajayoga-karaka for Cancer lagna but it was combust in the same nakshatra occupied by the Sun. Sarvartha Chintamani states that the dasa of Mars afflicted by the Sun endangers life and gives pain. This native recovered  and  regained  good  health  because  the  exalted  Moon occupying the same sign as the Sun and Mars with both occupying a Param-mitra nakshatra, was ahead of the Sun and Mars and was

gaining pakshabala, and the lord of the sign occupied by them was situated in the lagna aspected by Jupiter from the 9th house. The Moon occupying a fixed sign in the navamsa-chart does not cause balarishta. Even otherwise when the kendras and the trikonas are occupied by natural benefics and the Moon is exalted all arishtas get cancelled. In this case, three out of the four upachyasthanas from the Moon are occupied by natural benefics; this native was a wealthy person.

Shortly  after  he  was  born  it  was  predicted  that  this  native would lead a happy life as a government servant or with the army or  become  a  politician,  and  rise  in  rank  and  wield  power  and authority. Mars, the lord of the 10th house, was in conjunction with the Sun, the lord of the 2nd house. Mars signifies Armed forces and the  Sun,  the  government;  they  also  signify  power  and  authority.

Mars was in conjunction with the exalted lord of the lagna in the 11th house and in the navamsa of Mercury occupying the 10th house from the lagna. Mercury signifies diplomacy and politics. The Sun or  the  Moon  situated  in  the  11th  house  if  unafflicted  makes  one exceptionally fortunate.  The Sun situated in the 11th house vested with strength makes one a principal official in the service of the ruler,  possess  a  pleasing  personality,  several  good  qualities,  self-disciplined and wealthy.

The 2nd house counted from the sign occupied by the Sun is

the Vesi lagna, which means the Sun will always occupy the 12th house from the Vesi lagna. Good planets influencing this lagna and the Sun make one fortunate and reap good results of yogas and

Rajayogas.  Here, the Vesi lagna  is  the 12th  house  from the lagna and is aspected by Saturn, and the Sun conjoining with Venus is also in conjunction with Mars which is combust and which is not a

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


benefic influence. The all important lord of the 10th house from the lagna signifying Rajya i.e. rulership, occupies the 11th house which is formed by Taurus sign. The lord of the 10th house is in conjunction with  the  lord  of  the  2nd  house  and  the  exalted  lord  of  the  lagna in the 11th house which is ruled by Venus. This conjunction is not aspected  by  any  benefic  planet  and  these  three  lords  viz.,  Mars the Sun and the Moon, have not gained sufficient benefic bindus in  their   Ashtakavarga.  But, the  lord  of  the  sign  occupied  by  the lord of the lagna and the Chandra-lagna occupies the lagna-kendra involving the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 11th in a mutual exchange of signs. The mutual exchange of sign between the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 11th house gives rise to a favourable Mahayoga. This mutual exchange of sign adds additional strength to the lagna and to Venus and according to Mahadeva, this yoga

makes one learned, engage in good works blessed with a long lease of life and a renowned ruler. Vriddhayavana states that if the lord of the lagna is in the 11th house one leads a splendid life blessed with sons, fame, influence, power and happiness; the lord of the 11th house situated in the lagna makes one short-lived, powerful, brave, generous, exceedingly popular and fortunate but who dies afflicted by thirst. In the present case, the combust status of the lord of the 10th has weakened the 10th house. This native was not destined to join the Army.  Mars is combust when it is within the arc of seventeen degrees from the Sun; combust status of a planet is a disqualification; it is an obstructing influence which impedes good effects. A combust planet becomes powerless to confer good results, a combust malefic becomes more evil and the combust status of a planet does not get cancelled by any means. Mantreswara reminds us that a combust planet gives the results as though it were in its sign of debilitation.

The Sun and Venus whether influencing the 10th house directly

or indirectly are instrumental in giving Government service. In this case, Mercury occupies the 10th house. Mercury as the Atmakaraka is  situated  in  Sagittarius  navamsa,  the  very  last  navamsa  sub-division of Aries sign and is in Rasi-sandhi. Aries sign and Sagittarius sign do not receive the aspect of either the Sun or of Venus and therefore, this native did not join government service. According to the classical writers the Sun situated in the 11th house makes one more of a manufacturer or a trader than a government servant.






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

Mercury does occupy the 10th house from the lagna but it is

not a functional benefic for Cancer lagna and no benefic aspects it or its dispositor or the lord of the lagna. Mercury placed in Aries sign does not give favourable results, it makes one a thief, given to untruth,  cunning,  quarrelsome  but  diplomatic,  who  loses  wealth or is devoid of wealth, incurs debts and may suffer incarceration.

Mercury’s  situation  in  the  10th  house  from  the  lagna  mitigates the  evil  of  its  sign-occupation  but  not  completely;  with  Mercury occupying the 10th house from the lagna one becomes intelligent, aware, truthful, respected, wealthy and successful. In this case, the lord of the navamsa occupied by Mercury is more the lord of the 9th than of the 6th house which factor did not help much because of the combust status of the lord of the 10th house. Those planets who own or occupy the 11th house from Chara lagnas are Badhakas.

Cancer lagna is a Chara lagna, and accordingly Venus that rules the 11th house and is situated in the lagna, and the Sun, Mars and the Moon occupying the 11th house are all badhaka-grahas. Badhaka-grahas obstruct smooth operation of yogas, and give bad or very bad results in their dasas and antra-dasas.

A  strong  Jupiter  situated  in  the  9th  house  makes  one  attain wide  fame  and  occupy  a  high  position  in  life  as  a  minister  or  a leader, it does not give very good results when it is in the Scorpio navamsa  sub-division  of  Pisces  sign  while  occupying  a  nakshatra ruled by Saturn that rules a marakasthana and the 8th house for Cancer lagna. When Saturn and Jupiter are placed in opposite signs Saturn improves but it invariably afflicts Jupiter, no yoga is caused if Saturn as the lord of the 8th aspects the lord of the 9th situated in the 9th house. Moreover, for this native Jupiter though gaining six benefic bindus in the Sarva Ashtakavarga rules the set of three Vipata  nakshatras  which  are  malevolent  nakshatras.  The  dasa of Rahu situated in the 8th house in Aquarius sign and occupying Poorva  Bhadrapada  naksahatra  ruled  by  Jupiter  could  not  have prepared this native for any kind of leadership. Rahu and Ketu if not conjoined with any planet take up the qualities and attributes of the lord of the bhava they tenant. Rahu in the 8th affects one’s mental attitude and physical health, this location of Rahu is adverse for a long life and makes one oppressed by enemies. This situation of Rahu does not give a following; it does not make one a public figure or a political leader. An unafflicted lord of the 10th house situated in

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


the 11th house makes one popular. The person born with the lord of the 11th or the lord of the 9th or the lord of the 2nd house from the lagna occupying a kendra from the Chandra-lagna becomes the ruler of a mighty empire. Here, the lord of the 2nd house occupies the  Chandra-lagna  which  is  not  the  same  as  occupying  a  kendra from the Chandra-lagna, and the lord of the 9th occupies its own sign in the 10th from the Chandra-lagna but in a navamsa ruled by the combust lord of the 10th house, which is a negative factor. A strong Sun associating with the lord of the lagna and with the lord of the 9th house occupying either the 10th house from the lagna or aspecting the 10th makes one a popular leader and an able ruler or administrator.

The 3rd house occupied by Saturn, the lord of the 3rd situated in the 8th from the 3rd house and the karaka of the 3rd house combust did not give this native a younger brother.

Jupiter  occupying  the  9th  house  from  the  lagna  confers  yoga results;  it  makes  one  learned,  wealthy  and  blessed  with  sons.  If Jupiter in the 9th house participates in a Rajayoga formation or if there is a Rajayoga one becomes a minister or a leader. The lord of the 9th occupying the 9th house gives a long-lived and prosperous father. Here, Jupiter occupies the 5th navamsa of Pisces sign which makes  it  a  strong  benefic  but  it  also  rules  the  6th  house  which rulership is a blemish and spoils the yoga-giving ability of Jupiter.


Case study - 11

a caSe of Self-deStRuction