Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Libra  lagna  17:04:14;  Ketu  29:27:04  in  Sagittarius;  Saturn 29:07:49  in  Capricorn;  Jupiter  14:06:13  and  Venus  21:34:21  in Pisces;  the  Sun  21:57:07  in  Aries;  Mercury  07:16:11  in  Taurus; Rahu 29:27:04 in Gemini; Mars 24:02:06 in Cancer and the Moon

28:08:04 in Virgo.

Navamsa Chart:

Pisces lagna, Rahu in Gemini, Saturn and the Moon in Virgo,

the  Sun  in  Libra,  Jupiter  in  Scorpio,  Ketu  in  Sagittarius,  Venus  in Capricorn and Mars in Aquarius.

This native was born in a well-to-do educated and wealthy family.

He was a tall, slim, handsome, intelligent and learned person who held great promise when he was studying in the school and college.

He was born in Pisces navamsa of Libra lagna when the Moon was

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


in  Chitra  nakshatra  portion  of  Virgo  sign.  Libra  sign  is  moveable, dry, odd, airy, cruel, masculine, benefic sign of long ascension rising with the head first. The Libra lagna-born are learned and intelligent who earn their living through righteous means, they are adept in fine arts, rich and respected, truthful, possess attractive eyes and many splendid qualities, fickle in love, become a chief or a leader.

The lord of the lagna, a natural benefic, who also rules the 8th house from the lagna, attains its exaltation in the 6th house; exalted planets are capable of conferring yoga and Rajayoga results provided they own  an  auspicious  bhava,  and  also  strong  in  shadabala  occupy an auspicious bhava preferably aspected by an unsullied friendly benefic who also rules an auspicious bhava and sign. Parashara tells us that an exalted planet always acts as a benefic.

The  6th  house  is  certainly  an  evil  house  to  occupy  wherein situated the lords of auspicious bhavas become defective and do not give good results. However, the exalted lord of the lagna in the 6th avoiding association with a malefic or papa-graha tends to make one enjoy good health, be strong, own lands, be wealthy and good in  conduct.  Venus  exalted  in  the  6th  as  the  lord  of  the  8th  house also  gives  rise  to  the  favourable  Sarala  yoga  which  yoga  confers long life and destroys all opposition. In this case, Venus and Jupiter combining in the 6th house from the lagna with Mercury occupying the 8th house, and both situated in the 12th and the 2nd from the Sun give rise to two auspicious yogas - the Lagnadhi yoga and the Ubhayachari  yoga,  which  yogas  are  equal  to  Rajayoga.  Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that out of the 6th, the 7th and the 8th if two bhavas are variously occupied by natural benefics one becomes a minister and not a king. If beneficially inclined Jupiter is stronger than the lord of the lagna then one remains happy and becomes

the best amongst equals. Situated in the 4th house from its own moolatrikona sign and aspecting the friendly sign falling on the 2nd house and its exaltation sign in the 10th Jupiter generally confers much  wealth,  a  high  position  in  life  and  fame.  The  exalted  Sun aspecting the lagna indicates  an influential  father holding a very high  rank  in  the  government  service.  Here,  the  exalted  Sun  is  in Shubhakartari yoga with all three natural benefics which yoga made the father of this native happy, healthy, wealthy and long-lived.

The  most  striking  feature  of  this  nativity  is  the  occupation of all three kendrasthanas from the lagna i.e. the 4th, the 7th and






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

the 10th, by cruel natural malefic i.e. by Saturn, the Sun and Mars, respectively; cruel planets thus situated cause the evil Ahi yoga or Sarpa  yoga  which  make  a  person  an  evil-doer  and  grief-stricken, and  Vajra  yoga  which  gives  happiness  only  in  the  first  third-part of  life  or  in  old-age.  Saturn  situated  in  its  own  sign  gives  rise  to the Sasa yoga, which is one of the five famed Panchamahapurusha yogas. Phaladeepika states that a person born with Sasa yoga may be immoral and crave for others’ wives but will be highly influential and hold an eminent position; he will be powerful and have good people serving him or supporting him, and he will also earn much praise for his actions. The Sun exalted in Aries in the 7th house from the lagna is an enigma. The Sun is a papa-graha for Libra lagna. If the lagna is aspected by a malefic planet but not by a benefic and the 7th house is occupied by a papa-graha and there are malefics situated in the 3rd and the 9th house one develops bad habits and commits evil deeds.

Mars  occupying  its  debilitation  sign  in  the  10th  house  has its debilitation cancelled. The lord of the exaltation sign of Mars occupies a kendra counted from the lagna but it does not cause

a powerful Neechabhanga Rajayoga to arise. Both, the lagna and

the  Chandra-lagna  are  aspected  by  exalted  planets,  and  planets, that aspect the lagna or the Moon, generally confer benefic results.

But,  Saturn  occupying  its  own  sign  in  the  4th  house  harms  the good indications of the 4th house, of the lagna and also of the 10th house which is owing to the partial-strength aspect of Mars that it receives from the sign opposite to its own sign of occupation. Mars is a natural enemy of Saturn. Mars occupying Cancer sign makes

one a favourite of the superiors and a rich person, and occupying the  10th  house  from  the  lagna  it  gives  power  and  fame.  Saturn occupying  its  own  sign  aspected  by  Mars  gives  courage,  mental and  physical  prowess  and  makes  one  brave  and  renowned.  The aspect of Saturn on Mars situated in Cancer sign makes one equal to a king and happy. Mars occupying Aquarius navamsa is more evil than Saturn occupying Virgo navamsa, both cast their full-strength aspects on the lagna. Mars is not a karaka of the 10th house which Saturn is. All three malefics aspect the lagna but the aspect of the Sun which occupies its debilitation navamsa has caused a powerful yoga-bhanga.

This  native  after  completing  his  education  joined  a  multi-

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


national company of repute and soon rose to be an Area Manager

and later, it’s Divisional Manager. Gopesh Kumar Ojha writes that Mars in Cancer sign makes one restless and worried due to some

chronic ailment and that there is a cycle of wealth and lack of luck; good  health  and  ailments  alternate.  Here,  Mars  casts  its  aspect on the lagna and the 5th house and is itself aspected by a strong lord of the 6th house. Due to habitual chronic over-consumption of alcoholic liquor this native damaged his health, could not perform his duties and subsequently lost his job. He could not re-establish himself and died of liver failure in the dasa of Saturn leaving behind his  wife  and  three  children  without  any  support.  A  Vargottama Rahu occupies the 10th house from the Moon. Basically, Rahu is like Saturn in effect, situated in the 10th from the lagna or the Moon it gives a sharp and sudden rise and thereafter a fall from position, and also makes one experience poverty in case the lord of the lagna or the lord of the trikonas or the lord of the 10th house is relegated to an adverse house weak and afflicted. Saturn ruling, aspecting or occupying the 10th house from the lagna does not make those who cannot continually apply themselves to given tasks successful and reap the fruits of success on a permanent basis. In the present case, sudden fall from high station in life is also indicated by the Moon occupying the 12th house as the lord of the 10th with its dispositor, Mercury, the lord of the 9th house, relegated to the 8th house.

The lord of the lagna in conjunction with the lord of the 6th in the 6th house causes break in yoga, so also the vargottama lord of the 10th house situated in the 12th. The exalted Sun in its neecha-navamsa and in a Vadha nakshatra, and Jupiter occupying the 6th or the 8th or the 12th house conjoining with either Venus or Mercury gives  poverty.  The  lord  of  the  12th  situated  in  the  8th  in  neecha-navamsa unaspected by a friendly benefic invariably causes wastage or loss of wealth. Both, Venus and Mars are situated in unfavourable nakshatras ruled by the afflicted lord of the 12th house; their affliction is further compounded by the kendras dominated by cruel planets which did not permit good things in the life of this native to last for very long. Mars is a functional malefic for Libra lagna and for which lagna if Venus is exalted in the 6th house then the lord of the 6th should avoid occupying its own bhava, if not, it can adversely affect one’s  health,  cause  yoga-bhanga  and  make  one  lack  dynamism and initiative. The lords of the lagna and the Chandra-lagna, both,






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

relegated  to  the  trikasthanas  curtail  longevity  and  give  a  painful death. The process of self-destruction of this native commenced in the dasa of Vargottama Rahu in rasi-sandhi occupying a Vipata nakshatra,  during  which  period  he  started  consuming  alcoholic drinks in a reckless manner that later made him neglect his duties and damaged his liver. Usually Saturn occupying its exaltation sign in the lagna or in its own sign in the 4th house acts as a functional benefic and a yoga-karaka, but here, though situated in a Janma nakshatra ruled by Mars it is not aspected by any benefic; Saturn aspecting the lagna, the lord of the lagna and also the Deha-karaka, Jupiter, and influenced by two defective cruel planets tortured this native and acted as the principal maraka in its own dasa.


Case study - 12

neechaBhanga RajaYogaS