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Rasi chart

Scorpio lagna 08:46:48; the Moon 06:36:48 in Scorpio; Jupiter

09:13:05  and  Saturn  02:53:52  in  Capricorn;  Ketu  03:56:32  in Aquarius; Venus 24:08:19 in Taurus; Mercury 17:20:01 in Gemini; the Sun 06:58:29 in Cancer; Rahu 05:15:22 and Mars 21:20:51 in


Navamsa Chart:

Virgo lagna with the Sun, Mars in Libra, Ketu in Scorpio, Saturn in Capricorn, Mercury and Jupiter in Pisces, Rahu in Taurus, the Moon and Venus in Leo.

Mantreswara in his Phaladeepika has described the constitution

of  the  Neechabhanga  Rajayoga  in  five  slokas.  He  states  that  this yoga arises if the lord of the sign of debilitation of the planet in debilitation and the lord of the sign in which the planet in debilitation






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

becomes exalted both occupy a kendra from the Moon or if the lord of the sign of debilitation and the lord of the sign of exaltation of the planet in debilitation both occupy the kendras from the lagna or if the lord of the sign of debilitation occupying an auspicious bhava fully aspects its own sign occupied by the planet in debilitation or if the lord of the sign of debilitation of the debilitated planet and the lord of the sign of exaltation of the debilitated planet both or any one of them occupies a kendra from the lagna or the Moon or if the lord of the sign of exaltation of the lord of the sign of debilitation of the debilitated planet or the planet which would become exalted in the sign occupied by the planet in debilitation occupies a kendra from the lagna. With this yoga obtaining one becomes a powerful ruler or heads an institution. Queen Victoria was born with Jupiter occupying Capricorn sign in the 9th house. Thus, Jupiter was in its sign of debilitation but the lord of the sign of its exaltation was situated in the lagna-kendra giving rise to the Neechabhanga Rajayoga. She ruled the British empire for a very long time.

On the basis of the afore-cited chart which was consulted more

than twenty years ago this native was told that he was destined to  become  a  Regional  Manager  in  a  Public  Sector  Undertaking and much more, he had then put in a few years of service as an

officer having been directly recruited. The reason was the powerful Neechabhanga Rajayoga caused by the debilitated Moon, the lord

of the 9th house, involving the lagna, the lord of the lagna and the most powerful kendra, the 10th house. Both, Venus, the lord of the exaltation sign for the Moon, and Mars, the lord of the debilitation sign for the Moon, occupying the kendras from the lagna aspect the lagna and the Moon. He was told that he would be promoted in the Vimshottari dasa of Ketu and then become a Regional Manager in

the dasa of Venus.

Here, the causation of Neechabhanga Rajayoga is attributed to

two lords, the dispositor or the lord of the sign of debilitation of the planet in debilitation and the lord of the sign of exaltation of the planet in debilitation. The primary role of this yoga is to counter-balance the neecha status i.e. debilitation, results and not to confer kingship etc; to the native. The planet which is in its debilitation sign found occupying its exaltation navamsa is also deemed to have attained Neechbhanga status, but a study has revealed that in most cases  of  Neechabhangas  of  this  nature  neither  Raja  yoga  results

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


nor favourable results had accrued. Venus situated in its own sign in  a  kendrasthana  also  gives  rise  to  the  famed  Malvaya  yoga,  a Raja yoga, and in this case, Venus aspects the lagna and the Moon.

The  presence  of  Malavya  yoga  has  its  own  drawback  inasmuch as it renders one, as B.V.Raman states, more inclined towards all indications of Venus with the result his spiritual advancement and outlook will be in inverse proportion to his material comforts and pleasures. This negative inclination is not seen in cases where the Sun has conjoined with Venus.

This  native  was  born  when  Virgo  navamsa  in  Anuradha

nakshatra of Scorpio sign was rising in the lagna. The Moon was situated in Anuradha nakshatra ruled by Vargottama Saturn. Saturn avoiding an association with the Moon is strongly entrenched in its own sign in the 3rd house from the lagna albeit in conjunction with a debilitated Jupiter in the 2nd house from its moolatrikona-rasi and in the 11th from its own sign but occupies its own navamsa. Jupiter also  attains  Neechabhanga  on  account  of  the  Moon,  the  lord  of its exaltation sign, occupying the lagna-kendra which cancellation of debilitation is not as strong as that gained by the Moon. Three significant  planets  occupied  their  own  signs  at  the  time  of  the birth of this native. There is no planet on either side of the Moon tenanting the lagna, which means that this native did not hail from a wealthy family and he will also not be very rich or he may squander away his wealth. The lord of the lagna and the lord of the Chandra-lagna occupying a kendra and aspecting these lagnas as the lord of these two lagnas has lifted this native to the level far above the ordinary. If at the time of birth the lord of the lagna or the lord of the Chandra-lagna does not occupy a kendra from the lagna then

the shubha-yogas and the Rajayogas obtaining fail to deliver their ordained results and one is seen to lead an ordinary life.

Power and fame are associated with the lagna, the 9th house

and the 10th house; these named bhavas should remain strong and unafflicted. For Scorpio lagna, the Moon alone is the yoga-karaka; Venus and Mercury do not act as benefics. The Sun by virtue of ruling the  10th  house  can  assume  the  role  of  yoga-karaka  or  Rajayoga-karaka. The lord of the 9th and the 9th house vested with strength invariably confer prosperity and make one fortunate but the lord of the 10th and the 10th house both vested with strength confer power and position only. In this case, the lord of the 10th is situated in the






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

9th house in opposition to Saturn and Jupiter. Parashara insists that the lord of the 10th house should occupy benefic signs and bhavas, and that it should be associated with benefic planets alone. The bhava occupied by the Sun is a benefic bhava, Cancer sign occupied by the Sun is a mild and a benefic sign, and the Sun is associated with Mercury and Jupiter, both natural benefics, and with Saturn, a temporal benefic. A cruel planet influencing the 10th house makes one commit unethical acts, and a malefic planet, evil acts. Leo sign falling on the 10th house is a fiery sign for any planet to occupy; it makes one cruel and heartless, stubborn, not easily amenable to reason, unforgiving and vengeful. And, Scorpio being a Keeta-rasi, a person born in this lagna does not hesitate in striking back and  when  he  strikes  he  strikes  un-noticed  and  venomously.  The survival instincts of a Scorpio lagna-born are very sharp and strong, which quality is needed to gain, retain and wield power. Saturn in its own sign in the 3rd house in mutual aspect with the Sun does not confer yoga results, the person remains mostly unhappy even while holding an exalted position in life surrounded by many pleasure-giving things. The Moon in Scorpio lagna ordinarily curtails longevity but not so if its dispositor is either in the lagna or in the 10th house; such a Moon should not be weak in pakshabala. But, it takes more than the debilitation of the Moon to make one really unfortunate.

One certainly becomes unfortunate and a great loser if the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 9th are not strong and are afflicted, and the 9th house is also occupied by more than one malefic planet without their evil traits kept under check.

Planets occupying their own signs if not otherwise afflicted tend to produce far better results than when they are in their exaltation signs. In this case, three planets are in their own signs, owing to Saturn occupying its own sign this native is blessed with brothers, owing to Venus occupying its own sign he has a good-looking good-natured wife, and owing to Mercury occupying its own sign he has attained a high official position, wields power and authority, and will live long. All four kendras are occupied by planets; planets disposed in  kendras  add  great  strength  to  the  nativity.  Strong  planets  in occupation  of  four  kendras  causing  Chatussagra  yoga  make  one earn a good reputation, equal to a ruler, wealthy, prosperous and long-lived. Since the lords of the two trikonabhavas from the lagna and the Moon are strong and favourably effective there will be no

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


Rajayoga-bhanga which is otherwise indicated by the lord of the 10th occupying the 12th house from the 10th hemmed between the

lord of the 6th house and the lord of the 8th.


Case study - 13

imPeRmanent effect  

of RajaYoga