Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Virgo  lagna  17:00:36;  the  Moon  18:27:32  and  Mercury

11:14:17 in Virgo; Venus 01:59:01 in Libra; Saturn (R) 12:30:39 and Ketu 15:21:25 in Capricorn; Jupiter (R) 14:13:14 in Aquarius; Mars 13:25:23 in Gemini; Rahu 15:21:25 in Cancer and the Sun 15:50:31

in Leo.

Navamsa Chart:

Gemini lagna, the Moon in Gemini, the Sun in Leo, Venus in

Libra, Rahu in Scorpio, Mars and Jupiter in Aquarius, Mercury and Saturn in Aries and Ketu in Taurus.

Planets opposite the Sun possess bright rays and they exercise

their influence to the maximum extent. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn then acquire retrograde motion and exceptional strength. Whereas

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


natural  benefics  in  retrograde  motion  give  power  and  authority though not on a permanent basis, retrograde malefics give worries, futile  wanderings  and  cause  immense  loss  or  harm;  in  practice, they are seen to cause yoga-bhanga and Rajayoga-bhanga. Kalidasa states that a retrograde planet is as strong as in its sign of exaltation, a planet associated with a retrograde planet is of medium strength and a planet which is retrograde in its sign of debilitation sign gives the results  of  its  exaltation.  Sanketa Nidhi  states that retrograde planets give results according to the bhava of which they are the principal  karakas.  This  native  has  retrograde  Saturn  situated  in its  own  sign  in  the  5th  house  and  retrograde  Jupiter  is  in  the  6th house from the lagna in Aquarius sign ruled by Saturn. Saturn is in its debilitation navamsa and Jupiter is in Vargottama navamsa, both  possessing  bright  rays  cast  their  full  strength  aspect  on Venus occupying its own sign in the 2nd house. Venus situated in the 2nd house gives good food to eat, good clothes and ornaments to wear, good manner of speech and good education, as the lord

of the 2nd occupying the 2nd house it makes one rich, reap many benefits, enjoy different kinds of material gains and comforts, earn well  through  self-efforts,  well-dressed  etc.  Saturn  occupying  the 5th house as the lord of the 5th gives intelligence, effective speech, and  a  place  of  pride.  Jupiter  situated  in  the  6th  house  from  the lagna gives proficiency in fine arts and in initiating good works or commencing new projects, eagerness to earn fame, and ability to overcome opposition or destroy foes.

Even though no planet is deemed to be a benefic for Virgo lagna but Venus, ruling the 9th house from the lagna, is treated as a yoga-karaka, and Libra falling on the 2nd house is a benefic sign. A benefic planet enhances the indications of a benefic sign or own sign and the auspiciousness of the benefic bhava it occupies or aspects. The 2nd house is a gainful bhava. Kalyanvarma tells us that Venus in its own sign aspected by Jupiter makes one gain, possess and enjoy

all desired things and objects of enjoyment and comforts but has assigned some very bad results to the aspect of Saturn on Venus as affecting happiness, health and wealth. In the present case, Saturn is in its debilitation navamsa and Venus is in Vargottama navamsa, Saturn has gained only one benefic bindu in the Sarva Ashtakavarga but Venus has gained six benefic bindus, Venus has gained far more benefic  vargas  than  Saturn  even  though  both  occupy  favourable






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

nakshtras  i.e.  Venus  is  in  Chitra,  a  Sampata  nakshatra,  ruled  by Mars,  and  Saturn  is  in  Sravana,  a  Janma  nakshatra  ruled  by  the Moon. Thus, Venus is stronger than Saturn, also on account of the aspect of Jupiter that it receives. This native, never very wealthy, has enjoyed good living and good health, and has had most of his desires fulfilled.

Mars  situated  in  the  10th  house  from  the  lagna  makes  one learned,  famous  and  a  leader,  and  also  occupy  a  good  position in  life  provided  it  is  a  functional  benefic  and  is  in  a  favourable relationship with the lord of the lagna, the lord of the 10th house and the lord of the 9th. In this case, Mars occupies the 10th house not as functional benefic but as the evil lord of the 3rd and the 8th. 

The lord of the 3rd or the lord of the 8th situated in the 10th house does not give permanent yoga or Raja yoga. Mars is a papa-graha for  this  lagna.  Situated  in  the  10th  house  from  the  lagna  it  does give a high executive position but only on a temporary basis which position is lost during the dasa of a malefic planet placed in an evil bhava with reference to the 10th house. Mars, which is in Gemini, its neutral sign and conjoining with vargottama Jupiter in inimical Aquarius navamsa, casts its fourth house friendly full aspect on the lagna, the lord of the lagna and the Moon, and is in mutual trikona-relationship with Venus and Jupiter, which relationship but for the lordship of evil bhavas by Mars would have resulted in a powerful yoga or Raja yoga.

Saturn situated in the 5th house, even if in its own sign but not aspected by Jupiter, makes one long for a son. The lord of the 5th house in adverse relationship with the karaka of the 5th does not give a son, moreover, by occupying the 6th house from the lagna and  the  Moon,  Jupiter  does  not  protect  the  5th  house  and  the planet situated in the 5th. Therefore, this native is not blessed with a son. In its own antra-dasa in its own dasa Saturn made this native quit his job and seek his fortune abroad. A weak retrograde planet in the course of its dasa invariably brings about a radical change in one’s life and outlook; it even makes the person give up all previous gains including residence and the country of birth. Here, Saturn is afflicted by Ketu. Rahu situated in the 11th house is not considered badly placed but Ketu situated in the 5th house in the sign ruled by its bitter enemy and in the company of its bitter enemy certainly compels  a  person  to  act  in  an  unreasonable  manner  and  invite

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


troubles and worries. Mars situated in a friendly sign in the 10th house  made  this  native  handsome,  agreeable,  sincere,  hard-working, a leader and successful, but it does not own a quadrant or a trine either from the lagna or the Moon, therefore, the success gained was limited and frustrating. This native excelled in sports, captained the State side with distinction but did not make it to the top  grade;  during  his  service  period  his  work-performance  drew much praise from all quarters but he was never suitably rewarded.

During the course of Rahu dasa this native had made a name by

playing cricket for his school, college and state and in the dasa of Jupiter gained recognition and promotions in service but the dasa of Saturn made him give up all these gains by occupying its neecha-navamsa ruled by Mars occupying the 10th house. For Virgo lagna, Saturn situated in Cancer in the 11th house gives yoga-results during the course of its own dasa but not when occupying its own sign in the 5th house. Moreover, retrograde Saturn ruling the 5th or the 9th house even if it is aspected by Jupiter causes reversals, humiliation and loss of position during the course of its own dasa.


Case study - 14
