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Rasi chart

Taurus lagna 12:09:43; Mars 10:27:00 and Jupiter 07:21:59 in

Taurus; the Moon 17:41:51 in Cancer; Ketu 11:06:06 in Leo; Saturn 19:11:35  in  Sagittarius;  Rahu  11:06:06,  Venus  (C)  29:21:35  and Mercury 18:22:37 in Aquarius and the Sun 03:51:49 in Pisces

Navamsa Chart:

Aries  lagna,  Mars  in  Aries,  Venus  in  Gemini,  Ketu  in  Cancer, the Sun in Leo, Saturn in Virgo, the Moon in Sagittarius, Rahu in Capricorn, Mercury and Jupiter in Pisces.

This child was born in Aries navamsa portion of Taurus lagna, its rising point was in Rohini nakshatra ruled by the Moon. The Moon was then transiting the first pada of Ashlesha nakshatra ruled by Mercury in the Sagittarius navamsa portion of Cancer sign that it rules. Thus, he was under the influence of the dasa of Mercury at the time of his birth. The Sun occupying its intimate friend’s sign

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


was in Uttarabhadrapada, a Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by Saturn; Mars occupying a friendly sign was in Rohini, a Pratyari nakshatra ruled  by  the  Moon;  Mercury  occupying  its  friendly  sign  was  in Shatabhisa, a Vadha nakshtra ruled by Rahu; Jupiter in a neutral sign was in Kritika, a Kshema nakshatra ruled by the Sun; a combust Venus  in  its  intimate  friend’s  sign  was  in  Poorvabhadrapada,  a Mitra  nakshatra  ruled  by  Jupiter;  Saturn  in  an  inimical  sign  was in Poorvashada, a Vipata nakshatra ruled by Venus; Rahu was in

its  own  Shatabhisa,  a  Vadha  nakshatra,  and  Ketu  was  in  its  own Magha  nakshatra,  a  Sampata  nakshatra.  All  planets  had  gained adequate shadabala, the strongest being Jupiter followed by Mars.

In the Sarva Ashtakavarga the 8th house from the lagna had gained thirty-six benefic bindus followed by the 11th house with thirty-four benefic bindus.

Taurus  is  a  benefic  sign.  According  to  Hindu  astrology  even bereft of superior yogas or even devoid of merits Taurus lagna is a good lagna to be born in. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are the three benefics for this lagna. The lagna-lord simultaneously rules the 6th house and Jupiter ruling the 8th and the 12th is a papa-graha and a maraka. Capricorn sign falling on the 9th house indicates that the person will be fortunate because of his past good deeds; he will remain unprincipled and face many obstacles in life more so if the sign-lord, Saturn, is in a trika-bhava or with a trika-lord, on which score alone Saturn is unable to act as a full benefic for Taurus lagna.

In the case of Taurus lagna, Saturn in any association with either Venus or Jupiter will be associating with a trika-lord.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in the lagna has not been

assigned bad results by the texts, it makes one enterprising, able, engage  in  noble  works,  rise  to  be  a  chief  or  a  minister;  Jupiter situated in the lagna protects life and body which cannot be said about Mars if it is in the lagna unaspected by Jupiter or by the lord of the lagna. Natural benefics occupying the 10th house from the lagna  give  rise  to  the  favourable  Amla  yoga  which  is  equivalent to Raja yoga. The lord of the lagna, a natural benefic, occupying a kendra or a trikona in strength and in conjunction with another benefic planet confers good health, in case it is in Vargottama then the person is blessed with good fortune, good reputation, wealth etc.  These  stated  good  results  materialise  only  if  the  concerned planets are not afflicted and there is no ava-yoga cancelling their






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

good effects.

The Sun in the 11th bhava and in a benefic sign ensured the

birth of this native in a well-to-do educated family. In the present case, the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in Taurus lagna is that of the lord of the 8th and the 11th, a papa-graha and a maraka, with the lord of the 7th and the 12th, also a functional malefic and a maraka, even though situated in their own navamsas they are not aspected by  any  planet.  This  conjunction  affects  the  lagna  and  longevity.

Moreover, the situation of the lord of the 9th house in the 8th house in shadashtaka-position with the lord of the 8th and aspected by a maraka does not indicate a long span of life. The Moon occupying its own sign has no planet occupying the adjoining signs and the kendrasthanas from itself, such a Moon does not prove auspicious; moreover, it aspects a vacant 9th house which aspect makes one

restless  and  wavering.  The  lord  of  the  lagna  situated  in  the  10th house is combust, eclipsed by Rahu, in conjunction with the lord of a marakasthana occupying its neecha-navamsa, and in Rasi-sandhi; this situation of the lord of the lagna too does not guarantee a long lease of life. Rahu occupying its own nakshatra but a Vadha nakshatra becomes more evil. There are several methods recommended for

calculating one’s span of life but Parashara suggests that the life span of a person need not be calculated till one has attained the age of twenty-four years because an early death can occur for other reasons including planetary dura-yogas.

Jatakalankara states that if a malefic occupies the lagna and the lord of the lagna is weak the person will suffer from acute mental or physical ailments or hardships. The Moon occupying a neutral and an odd shashtiamsa becomes afflicted by the lord of that shashtiamsa if  that  lord  has  acquired  evil  propensity.  The  Moon  signifies  the mind,  and  in  the  present  case,  it  is  in  Gemini  shashtiamsa  of Mercury which on its part occupies an inimical navamsa. Whether one’s childhood and the period of adolescence are good or bad is judged from Mercury. A bad Moon and Mercury give a disturbed

childhood and adolescence; they make one not amenable to reason and even induce suicidal tendencies. This native was born when the dasa of Mercury was current. Mercury receiving the third house

aspect of Saturn occupied a Vadha nakshatra ruled by Rahu which also occupied the same nakshatra. This native committed suicide by hanging much before the dasa of Mercury had run its full course.

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


Mercury signifies the neck or the throat. Saturn situated in the 8th house gives a bad manner of death. Mahadeva states that papa-grahas occupying the kendras unaspected by a benefic planet, and with the lord of the lagna also weak in strength, confer a short span of life.


Case study - 15

imPact of  

Yoga-giving daSaS