Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Libra lagna 24:40:24; Jupiter (R) 08:39:41 in Sagittarius; Rahu 02:33:03 in Capricorn; the Moon 06:39:34 in Aries; Saturn 20:56:14

and  Venus  (R)  25:02:18  in  Taurus;  the  Sun  19:58:49  in  Gemini; Mercury 15:37:40, Mars 10:47:26 and Ketu 02:33:03 in Cancer.

Navamsa Chart:

Taurus  lagna,  the  Moon  in  Taurus,  Jupiter  in  Gemini,  Saturn and Ketu in Cancer, Venus in Leo, Mars in Libra, Mercury in Scorpio, Rahu in Capricorn and the Sun in Pisces.

This nativity belongs to a wealthy businessman hailing from a

family of businessmen but he is not engaged in any of his family businesses. At the time of his birth, the rising lagna-point was in the Taurus navamsa sub-division of Libra sign ruled by Venus, and in






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

Vishakha, a Vadha nakshatra, ruled by Jupiter. The Moon occupying the  7th  house  from  the  lagna  and  aspecting  the  lagna  was  in  its exaltation navamsa of Aries sign ruled by Mars and was transiting Ashwini nakshatra ruled by Ketu. The lagna was aspected by Mars occupying the 10th house from the lagna. This native of medium

height is very fair and very good-looking, and looks younger than his actual age.

The  Sun,  which  is  the  lord  of  the  11th  house,  is  a  functional malefic for Libra lagna; it is situated in the 9th house from the lagna hemmed  between  Mars,  occupying  its  sign  of  debilitation  in  the 10th house, and Saturn, which is in conjunction with Venus in the 8th house. This situation of the Sun harmed the father of this native.

The Sun is the karaka of father. Soon after the birth of this native his father’s business started dwindling and he become dependent on the support of others which latter happening was owing to the aspect  of  retrograde  Jupiter,  the  prime  benefic  but  a  functional malefic, on the 9th house from its own sign. The karaka of the 9th house  occupying  the  9th  house,  and  cruel  and  fiery  planets  also occupying the 9th and the 10th house make one’s father unfortunate.

Jupiter situated in Sagittarius sign and aspecting the 9th house makes one fortunate, intelligent, wealthy and hold a good position in life.

Planets  occupying  their  respective  signs  of  debilitation

generally  do  not  give  good  results;  during  the  dasa  of  a  planet in  debilitation  there  will  be  fall  in  position  or  power,  the  person resorts  to  unethical,  low  and  evil  deeds,  experiences  poverty, becomes burdened with debts, consorts with undesirable people,

undertakes  needless  and  fruitless  difficult  and  painful  journeys and is compelled by circumstances to seek the service of others or support from others. In the present case, Mars, the lord of the 2nd and the 7th house, is in its debilitation sign in the 10th house from the lagna; Mars has gained the benefit of neechabhanga and is in mutual exchange with the lord of the sign of its occupation both occupying mutual kendras in the kendras from the lagna. This is a Maha yoga. The conjunction of Mars with either Mercury or with

Ketu is generally deplored, which conjunction occurring in the 10th house while giving impetus to the professional or business activity of a person time and again creates hurdles and causes uncertainty and  needless  worries;  it  makes  a  person  secretly  cunning  and dishonest.  Here,  whereas  Mercury  has  gained  six  benefic  bindus

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


in its Ashtakavarga occupying a neutral sign in the 10th house, Mars gaining only two benefic bindus occupies a sign ruled by its intimate friend. Mars does not cause Neechabhanga Rajayoga to arise when it is situated in a kendra identical with Cancer sign even if equipped with  four  or  more  benefic  bindus.  Mercury  equipped  with  six benefic bindus  generally confers success in all undertakings, and the bhavas occupied and aspected by it prosper.

Mars situated in the 10th house in a kendra from the lord of the 10th house has made this native succeed in his business enterprise and earn huge sums of money but it has also afflicted the good

indications of the 7th house which it rules. The bhava whose lord is in its sign of debilitation, the bhava whose lord conjoins with a planet in debilitation, the bhava occupied by a planet in debilitation and the bhava which is aspected by the planet in debilitation all suffer degradation and do not produce good results, the neechabhanga

status gained by the planet in debilitation notwithstanding. Here, Mars situated in its sign of debilitation occupies its own shashtiamsa which is cruel and evil. Ketu, the lord of the nakshatra occupied by the Moon, situated in the same sign as debilitated Mars, is in a neutral sign but in a Vadha nakshatra. Jupiter ruling the set of three evil  Vadha  nakshatras  has  become  more  malefic  and  therefore, its aspect on the 7th house and the Moon situated therein is not a benefic aspect. The Moon is a yoga-karaka for Libra lagna but it is losing pakshabala, and in this case two afflicted or weak luminaries are found to enclose the 8th house tenanted by the lord of the lagna conjoined with the yoga-karaka which is a functional benefic for this lagna. This situation adversely affects the auspicious indications of the lagna, of the 4th house and of the 5th house from the lagna. Mars occupies the 6th house from the Navamsa-lagna.

Venus is the karaka of wife. Jataka Tattva states that if Venus conjoins with the Sun in the 5th, the 7th or the 9th from the lagna, or if Venus is with Mars or Saturn in the 7th house from the Moon, or if Venus and Mercury combine in the 7th house from the lagna, or if there is a malefic in the 7th house from Venus, or if a malefic planet conjoins with Venus, one does not get a wife. This native should have got married before he had turned thirty years of age but then the dasa of the Sun was not kind to him, it did not allow finalisation of any marriage proposal because he had not yet established his business  and  his  parents  sought  a  wealthy  relation.  During  the






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

entire dasa of Moon the few marriage proposals that came his way were either rejected by either party or were not found suitable. His father expired during the dasa of Moon, and till date all attempts of  his  mother  and  elder  sisters  to  get  him  married  have  failed.

He is presently under the influence of the dasa of the lord of the 7th  house,  which  is  in  its  sign  of  debilitation.  Mahadeva  reminds us that “jaaesh dasaa shokdaa” i.e. the dasa of the lord of the 7th gives grief and many troublesome and painful moments to contend with, separation from near and dear ones, vain travels and various physical hardships and ailments, all this because the 7th house is a marakasthana.

Generally the Moon situated in the 7th house gives marriage

but the person, narrow-minded but sociable and successful, does not  give  up  seeking  other  women.  The  waning  Moon  in  the  7th house creates problems in his relationship with those who oppose him. The lord of the 7th house situated in the 10th house weak and afflicted does not give an agreeable and sincere wife. The lord of the 7th in its sign of debilitation gives a wicked wife. If Saturn and Venus are in the 8th house not aspected by any benefic planet the entire exercise of marriage goes waste. The marriage of this native is a very remote possibility.


Case study - 21

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