Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Gemini  lagna  22:50:37;  Mars  25:58:47  in  Gemini;  Rahu

14:55:36, Mercury 16:00:05, the Sun 21:02:11, Venus (C) 24:40:32, Jupiter 01:57:42 and Saturn (C) 23:21:45 in Leo, Ketu 14:55:36 in Aquarius and the Moon 10:33:45 in Pisces.

Navamsa Chart:

Aries Lagna, Jupiter in Aries, Mars in Taurus, Mercury and Rahu in Leo, the Sun and the Moon in Libra, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio and Ketu in Aquarius.

At  the  time  of  the  birth  of  this  native  Gemini  sign  ruled  by Mercury was rising in the lagna in the first pada of Punarvasu, a Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by Jupiter, and Mars was occupying

the  lagna  in  the  same  nakshatra  portion  of  Gemini.  The  Moon was then transiting Pisces sign ruled by Jupiter, in the third pada






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

of Uttara Bhadrapada, a nakshatra ruled by Saturn. Ketu occupied Aquarius sign ruled by Saturn, in Satabhisha, a Mitra nakshatra ruled by Rahu. The most striking feature of this nativity is the six-planet combination occurring in the 3rd house from the lagna in Leo sign ruled by the Sun, the six planets in conjunction in that sign are the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu varied nature and qualities. The Sun, Mercury, a combust Venus, a combust Saturn

and Rahu occupied Poorva Phalguni, a Kshema nakshatra ruled by

Venus, and Jupiter occupied Magha, a Vipata nakshatra ruled by

Ketu. The lagna did not receive the aspect of any planet but the Moon was aspected by Rahu. Neither the lord of the lagna nor the lord of the Chandra-lagna occupied a kendra from the lagna.

The bright and radiant Moon occupying the 10th house in Pisces, a  benefic  sign,  makes  one  intelligent,  virtuous,  learned,  wealthy, bold, short-tempered, optimistic, generous and religious; it gives a  handsome  body,  attachment  to  many  women  and  unexpected wealth or inheritance. If its dispositor is in the 3rd from the lagna in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd house or in the 6th house from the Moon, then in the former event, during the dasa of the lord of the 10th the person becomes fortunate and prosperous, and in the latter event, one becomes an able healer or surgeon. But, Jupiter and the Sun are not auspicious planets for Gemini lagna, and the Moon occupying Leo sign had become vested with evil propensity.

Mars is malefic planet for Gemini lagna; its occupation of the

lagna devoid of benefic influences is not a happy situation, it curtails longevity. Mars occupying Gemini gives an attractive appearance, physical strength, perseverance, fearlessness, miserliness and many sons but occupying the lagna gives a troublesome childhood and

makes one hard-hearted. The aspect of the lord of the 6th house on the 4th, on the 7th and the 8th house does not confer happy results. If the lord of the 8th from the lagna or from Saturn is combust it makes one a beggar throughout life. Whereas the situation of the lord of the 6th house in the lagna is not evil, the occupation of the lagna by the lord of the 11th unrelieved is certainly evil; it makes one short-lived and suffer a difficult period leading to death.

The conjunction of the Sun with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and

Saturn  makes  one  very  learned,  devoted  to  his  Guru  and  God, religious, well-versed in the Shastras, and a noble soul. Here, this

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


conjunction occurred in the sign ruled by the Sun which signifies the Atman. While describing the results of the varying conjunctions of planets the ancient writers have ignored Rahu and Ketu. Planets conjoining  with  Rahu  become  defective,  planets  conjoining  with combust  planets  become  defective,  planets  occupying  their neecha-navamsa  or  inimical  navamsa  also  become  defective, planets placed behind the Sun in the same sign have their power to confer favourable results much reduced and planets occupying evil nakshatras restrict the yogas or the Rajayogas that the combining planets happen to form. In the present case, Rahu which was not favourably placed in Leo sign afflicted the five-planet conjunction in the 3rd house from the lagna, Venus and Saturn were combust, the  Sun  was  relegated  to  its  neecha-navamsa  along  with  the Moon, the Sun was ahead of all planets that were in Leo sign and Jupiter occupied an evil nakshatra whose lord was in the 9th in an unfavourable sign ruled by its bitter enemy. An unfavourable Ketu situated in the 9th house makes one a religious hypocrite and gives no  happiness  from  brothers.  Such  a  Ketu  ruling  the  set  of  three Vipata  nakshatras  and  aspected  by  papa-grahas  and  a  maraka weakens the 9th house and makes one unfortunate. The 9th house

had gained the least number of benefic bindus in the Ashtakavarga i.e.  only  nineteen  benefic  bindus,  and  after  reduction  only  one bindu. The total bindus from Gemini to Leo i.e. from the lagna to the sign occupied by Saturn, before reduction, add up to thirteen which number represented the age when a calamity in the form of disease or misfortune could strike this native.

At the time of the birth of this native the dasa of Saturn was

operating. Saturn occupied an inimical sign and navamsa and being combust was completely overshadowed by the Sun, its bitter enemy, and it therefore, did not produce good results.  Saturn rules the 8th and  the  9th  house  from  Gemini  lagna;  it  is  not  a  maraka  for  this lagna but here, was associated with Jupiter, a designated maraka.

Sarvartha  Chintamani  states  that  the  dasa  of  planets  occupying inimical signs or debilitation signs or combust cause death in the course of their dasa or antra-dasa if associated with papa-grahas or if they also occupy or own a Vipata or Pratiyari nakshatra. This native did survive the antra-dasa of Jupiter occupying a Vipata nakshatra in the dasa of Saturn but he could not survive the antra-dasa of combust Venus in the dasa of Mercury which was situated in an






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

Ayurbhava afflicted by a papa-graha, and by two combust planets and a maraka. The antra-dasa of planet in conjunction with the lord of the dasa gives bad results; the antra-dasa of Venus occupying the 3rd house from the lagna is usually a painful period. Jataka Tattva states that if the lord of the lagna or the lord of the Chandra-lagna is in conjunction with the Sun or Saturn then the child is not likely to live beyond the age of twelve years. In this nativity there was no yoga that cancelled Balarishta.


Case study - 22

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