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Rasi chart

Sagittarius lagna 21:55:53; Saturn 26:47:35 in Sagittarius; Rahu 07:24:40 in Capricorn, Mars (R) 17:44:49 in Taurus; Ketu 07:24:40

and Jupiter 19:10:49 in Cancer; the Moon 02:18:35 in Leo; the Sun 23:50:15  and  Venus  26:00:33  in  Libra  and  Mercury  05:06:26  in Scorpio.

Navamsa Chart:

Libra lagna, Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius, Rahu in Pisces, the Moon in Aries, the Sun and Venus in Taurus, Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Leo and Ketu in Virgo.

This is the chart drawn for the time of swearing-in of Chandra

Shekhar  as  India’s  Prime  Minister.  At  that  moment  Saturn,  the designated maraka for Sagittarius lagna, occupied the lagna-kendra






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

and in Vargottama-amsa in its inimical sign and navamsa, aspecting the 10th house. The 10th house was also aspected by Rahu occupying a sign ruled by its intimate friend but an inimical navamsa. Saturn was  aspected  by  the  5th  house-lord,  Mars,  its  bitter  enemy,  and Mars itself was in an inimical sign and navamsa. Since Mars was retrograde it cast its full strength aspect on Mercury, the lord of the 10th, occupying the 12th house though in an inimical sign but in a very friendly navamsa. Sagittarius lagna fell in the 8th house of the India’s Independence chart, and the lord of the lagna exalted in the 8th house in a friendly sign was conjoined with Saturn in Sagittarius navamsa. From the 8th house the end of any existing government

can be predicted. The Moon was in the 9th house in its intimate friends sign; it was transiting Magha nakshatra whose ruler Ketu was afflicting the lagna-lord situated in the 8th house from the lagna and in the 12th from the Moon. The lord of the 9th house situated in its sign of debilitation occupied the 11th house along with the lord  of  the  11th;  the  sign  occupied  by  it  was  ruled  by  its  bitter enemy, Venus. Therefore, Chandra Shekhar was sworn-in as Prime

Minister of India at a very inauspicious moment. His ministry was not destined to last for a long time

The 5th house rules intentions. The lord of the 5th house from

Sagittarius lagna retrograde and situated in the 6th house aspecting the lagna occupied by a papa-graha and a maraka, and the lord of the 5th house from the 7th occupied by the lord of the 5th from the 7th in conjunction with the Sun in its sign of debilitation, indicated that Chandra Shekhar had become Prime Minister agreeing to serve a nefarious design plotted by his insincere colleagues, that he was surrounded by many members of the Parliament who harboured

malafide and evil intentions towards him, and that his days as Prime Minister would soon end after the transit of the Sun, the lord of the 9th, and of Mercury, over the position  occupied  by Saturn  in  the lagna-kendra, which Saturn would thereafter conjoin with Rahu in Capricorn sign for a short while and aspect the position held by the Sun at the moment of his swearing-in.

The  process  of  disintegration  of  Chandra  Shekhar’s  ministry commenced when the retrograde Mercury assuming direct motion

transited the position held by Saturn. Mercury situated in the 12th house and hemmed between two malefics had indicated that the

support  extended  to  Chandra  Shekhar  by  Rajiv  Gandhi  was  not

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


sincere  and  honest,  and  that  it  would  be  withdrawn  very  soon.

Mercury is the lord of the 7th and the 10th house, the 7th house signifies transactions and agreements and the 10th house signifies authority, virtue and position; any arrangement made to gain a position of authority when the common lord of these two bhavas is retrograde will not last after it has gained direct motion. Independent India was then under the influence of the antra-dasa of Venus in the dasa of Venus, and the Sade Sati of Saturn was on since 15th December 1987. In the Independence Chart, Venus is afflicted by its occupation of an inimical sign in conjunction with a maraka in the proximity of the Sun in conjunction with Saturn. The association of the Sun with Saturn does not support Parliamentary Democracy and cultivates

people  devoted  to  authoritarian  personalities  professing  centrist policies and to be governed by them. The Moon in conjunction with these two in the 3rd house from the lagna has made the masses of this country servile to the interests of those in power. An adverse Venus does not encourage co-operation at home and outside, and

brings a bad name.

Chandra Shekhar resigned on 6th March 1991after the Congress

Party  withdrew  support  accusing  him  of  spying  on  Rajiv  Gandhi.

At that moment Mars, the lord of the 5th and the 12th house from Sagittarius lagna, then in direct motion was transiting Taurus sign in the 6th house in a trine from Saturn, the lord of the 2nd and the 3rd, and Rahu occupying Capricorn sign that falls on the 9th house of India’s Independence chart was a bad omen. He remained Prime

Minister till 21st June 1991during which period the next elections to the Lok Sabha were held and Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on 21st May 1991. Rajiv Gandhi was born with Mars occupying Virgo lagna, Ketu was in the 5th, Saturn in the 10th, Rahu in the 11th and the rest in the 12th house giving rise to powerful Rajayogas. Saturn in the 10th house and the weak lord of the 10th conjoining with the lord of the 12th in the 12th and afflicted by malefics in politically-oriented horoscopes indicates sudden fall from position or loss of position  and  power.  This  happening  to  occur  during  the  adverse transit of Saturn in Capricorn was predicted in an article titled – Will Rajiv Gandhi win? - published in the 26th February 1989 issue of The Daily Excelsior Sunday Magazine. Mars occupying the lagna not aspected by any friendly natural benefic indicates a violent manner of death  At the moment when Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated Mars






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

was in conjunction with Jupiter in Cancer sign, the Chandra-lagna of Independent India, in opposition to retrograde Saturn transiting Capricorn  sign.  In  the  case  of  Rajiv  Gandhi,  retrograde  Saturn transiting  a  trikonabhava  from  radical  Mars  was  fully  aspecting Mars, the lord of the 8th and also Jupiter which ruled a marakasthana with the aspect returned.

After  the  fall  of  Chandra  Shekhar-led  ministry  the  Congress Party returned to power to rule this nation under a new leader.


Case study - 23

a KRiShnaPaKSha  

amavaSYa BiRth