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Rasi chart

Capricorn lagna 11:13:59; Jupiter 16:07:02 and Venus 22:19:06

in Aquarius; Mercury (C) 24:11:59 in Pisces; the Moon 00:25:38 and the Sun 07:50:13 in Aries; Ketu 26:47:48 in Taurus; Saturn 06:45:45: and Mars 07:23:24 in Gemini and Rahu 26:47:48 in Scorpio.

Navamsa Chart:

Aries lagna, the Moon and Venus in Aries, the Sun in Gemini,

Ketu in Virgo, Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter and Mercury in Aquarius and Rahu in Pisces.

This  native  was  born  when  the  rising-point  of  the  lagna  in Capricorn  sign  aspected  by  Mars  was  in  Aries  navamsa  and  in Sravana, a Kshema nakshatra ruled by the Moon. At the moment

of his birth the Vargottama Moon, as the lord of the 7th house, was






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

transiting the first pada of Ashwini nakshatra ruled by Ketu; it was in conjunction with the exalted Sun, the lord of the 8th, occupying the  same  nakshatra  but  in  Gemini  navamsa.  The  tithi  at  birth was Krishna Amavasya. Excepting Jupiter and Venus, which were

in Moon’s Hora, the rest seven were in Sun’s Hora. All cruel and malefic planets situated in the Surya-Hora give happiness, wealth and good health and mind. According to Parashara birth in Aries navamsa makes the person a thief.

Parashara tells us that the lords of the lagna, the 5th house and the 9th house from the lagna are temporal benefics, and the lords of the 3rd house, the 6th house and the 11th house from the lagna are  temporal  friends.  Planets  situated  in  their  own  sign,  in  their sign of exaltation or in friendly sign or in their own navamsa but aspected by benefics are deemed vested with required strength;

the Moon and Venus in even signs and the rest in odd signs are

strong. Therefore, for Capricorn lagna Saturn, Mercury and Venus are  functional  benefics,  and  Jupiter  and  Mars  are  functional malefics.  In  the  present  case,  Saturn  is  situated  in  the  6th  house in the sign ruled by its intimate friend but in an inimical navamsa.

Mercury, which also rules the 6th house, is in its sign of debilitation without the benefit of neechabhanga but in a friendly navamsa and a benefic nakshatra that it rules. Venus is in a neutral sign, in an inimical navamsa, in an evil Vadha nakshatra ruled by Jupiter and in conjunction with inimical Jupiter. The Vargottama Jupiter is in its inimical sign and inimical navamsa but in a favourable nakshatra ruled by Mercury which is neither a friend nor a foe of Jupiter. The lord of the lagna is in conjunction with its bitter enemy, Mars, and aspects a combust Mercury. An inimical Mars casts its unfavourable aspect on the 9th house and on the lagna-kendra.

Birth in the fourth navamsa of a sign makes one who serves

supported  by  influential  and  powerful  persons  and  is  rich  and religious, and those born in Ashwini nakshatra are gentle, truthful, possessed of wealth and comforts, and contented. Neither Saturn nor  Mars  occupying  Gemini  sign  aspected  by  Jupiter  confer  bad results, the former gives the support of those occupying high offices wielding  power  and  authority;  the  latter,  makes  one  progress  in life  and  grants  an  important  social  standing.  Their  conjunction occurring in the 6th house aspected by Jupiter creates obstacles and also destroys them. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus occurring

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


in  the  2nd  house  from  Capricorn  lagna  confers  a  good  source  of earning  and  wealth  particularly  when  aspected  by  Saturn  and more so as the lord of the lagna, but the earnings will not be easily gained because here, the dispositor of Saturn, a combust Mercury is aspecting its own 9th house.

Jatakabharanam states that the person born in Krishnapaksha,

though weak and restless but industrious, adopts the path which is different to the one followed by his family, and that the one born on  Amavasya  tithi  possesses  a  calm  temperament,  is  devoted  to his  parents,  desirous  of  possessing  wealth  acquires  wealth  but not without struggle and strife, and is respected in his own circle, and Mansagari tells us that the person will be lazy, envious, short-tempered, unintelligent, brave and well-informed. Amavasya-births are not unfortunate births because the Moon in the close proximity of the Sun does not become combust; it only loses its brightness which  is  rapidly  regained.  Sarvartha  Chintamani  states  that  the dasa of the Moon devoid of brightness gives bad results only if the Moon has not gained Uttamakalas. Janardan Harji reminds us that benefic  planets  are  strong  in  Shuklapaksha,  and  malefic  planets are strong in Krishnapaksha. Jataka Parijata tells us that the person born on Amavasya is ever hopeful. Pakshabala is merely a source of strength. Saravali states that the Moon is Alpabali i.e. not strong, from the Krishnapaksha Shasti tithi up to Amavasya tithi which is the 15th tithi.

Birth  on  Amavasya  tithi  means,  that  then  the  Moon  in

conjunction with the Sun in the latter’s very close proximity is not bright; the Ksheena-Chandra is classed as a malefic. In this case, both, the Sun and the Moon are each other’s temporal foes. The

Moon is not a functional benefic for Capricorn lagna for which lagna the Sun, though not classed as a maraka, is capable of wreaking havoc.  The  conjunction  of  the  lords  of  the  8th  and  the  7th  house generally spoils the indications of the bhava occupied and aspected by them. The 4th house also signifies education. This conjunction did not allow this native to complete his education. But, here, the Moon is ucchabhilashi and occupies a friendly sign, and the lord of the sign occupied by the exalted Sun conjoining with the Moon is  the  lord  of  the  Chandra-lagna  and  the  Surya-lagna,  and  is  in conjunction with the lord of the 10th and the 11th from those lagnas and  aspecting  its  exaltation  sign  forming  the  4th  house  from  the






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

lagna and the 10th house from the Moon, which is a favourable yoga conferring all good things in life. Moreover, the Sun and the Moon occupy a benefic Sadhaka nakshatra ruled by Ketu which nakshatra is not spoiled by planets ruling or occupying evil nakshatras. And, Ketu is situated in the 5th house from the lagna in the sign ruled by its intimate friend.

This  native  was  born  in  a  wealthy  family  engaged  in  the manufacturing  of  motor-parts;  at  the  time  of  his  birth  the  dasa of  Ketu  had  just  commenced.  In  the  succeeding  dasa  of  Venus occupying an inimical sign and an unfavourable Vadha nakshatra he did not pursue higher studies after completing his school-studies. In the antra-dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of Venus he joined his father’s business, and later got married. In the dasa of the exalted Sun which aspects the 10th house he started and established his own business, earned well and bought his own house. He is presently under the influence of the dasa of Moon which also aspects the 10th house from the lagna. Here, the Moon is in yoga with the exalted lord of the 5th house from the Chandra-lagna as the lord of the 4th house counted from that lagna for which lagna the Moon is a functional benefic  and  the  Sun  is  a  yoga-karaka.  This  conjunction  does  not cause a Rajayoga. But the Moon is strong in Digbala; it has given this native good earning and many material comforts, conveyances etc.

The Moon and the Sun are also strong in shadbala and therefore, the  Anapha  yoga  and  the  Vashi  yoga  caused  by  Mercury  have benefited this native. The conjunction of the Moon with the Sun makes one adept in handling machines. The Vargottama Moon and

the Vargottama Jupiter generally give favourable results.

The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon dominates the kendras

counted from the lagna and the Chandra-lagna. This conjunction is not considered auspicious if no natural benefic occupies a kendra or aspects this conjunction. But, here the exalted Sun is also exalted in the drekkena and in a friendly navamsa, and the Moon occupying a friendly sign, Aries, is also in Aries drekkena and Aries navamsa.

Therefore, these two planets having turned into yoga-karakas are aspecting the all important 10th house which is a friendly sign for both and confer yoga-results.

The 7th house from the lagna and the 7th house from the Moon

are not occupied by any planet. The 7th house from the navamsa-

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


lagna occupied by the Moon and Venus is Libra which is a benefic navamsa.  This  native  married  a  beautiful  and  a  highly  educated girl who is devoted to him and the family. Mansagari tells us that Taurus sign falling on the 5th house gives one a beautiful attractive fortunate daughter who remains faithful to her husband but will be childless. This native is blessed with two daughters but with no son.

Ketu situated in the 5th house does not give many sons but in this nativity, the 5th house counted from the sign occupied by Jupiter is occupied by two cruel planets, and the lord of the 5th house counted from the lagna occupies the 7th navamsa of its sign of occupation, which placements do not bless a person with the birth of a son.


Case study - 24

a tale of  

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