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Rasi chart

Libra  lagna  13:29:13;  the  Sun  16:14:04  in  Libra;  Mercury 09:09:51  in  Scorpio;  Jupiter  11:40:55  and  Rahu  26:03:13  in Sagittarius; Saturn 26:17:40 in Taurus; Ketu 26:03:13 and the Moon 01:37:07, Venus 09:05:51 and Mars 27:23:20 in Virgo.

Navamsa Chart:

Aquarius lagna, the Sun in Aquarius, Venus in Pisces, Ketu in

Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Leo, Mercury and Mars in Virgo, Rahu in Scorpio and the Moon in Capricorn.

This  native  was  born  in  Libra  lagna  which  was  occupied  by the Sun, the lord of the 11th house. The rising-point of the lagna and  the  Sun  were  in  Aquarius  navamsa  ruled  by  Saturn  and  in

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


Swati, a Kshema nakshatra ruled by Rahu. The lord of the lagna, Venus, was in its sign of debilitation but in its exaltation navamsa in Uttara Phalguni, a Janma nakshatra ruled by the Sun. Venus was in conjunction with the Moon, the lord of the 10th house, and with Mars, the lord of the 2nd house and the 7th; the Moon in Capricorn navamsa was in Uttara Phalguni and Mars was in Virgo navamsa in its own Chitra nakshatra, a Vipata nakshatra. Mercury, here more the lord of the 12th than of the 9th, was in its own Virgo navamsa sub-division  of  Scorpio  sign  in  the  2nd  house  from  the  lagna  and in Anuradha, a Sadhaka nakshatra ruled by Saturn. Jupiter was in the 3rd house in its own sign and exaltation navamsa in Moola, a Mitra nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Jupiter was in conjunction with Rahu occupying  Scorpio  and  Poorva  Ashada,  a  Param-mitra  nakshatra ruled  by  Venus.  Saturn  was  in  Taurus  sign,  Leo  navamsa  and  in Mrigsira, a Vipata nakshatra ruled by Mars. Ketu occupying the 9th house from the lagna was in an inimical sign but in Taurus navamsa and Poorva Ashada, a Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by its intimate friend, Venus. Kalidasa states that the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are inauspicious  planets  for  Libra  lagna,  Mercury  and  Saturn  are auspicious planets, Mercury and the Moon in mutual association

give rise to Rajayoga, Mars is the principal maraka but the Sun and Jupiter are not the marakas for this lagna.

The  lord  of  the  lagna  situated  in  its  sign  of  debilitation  and particularly in conjunction with a maraka, the lagna occupied by a papa-graha situated in its sign of debilitation, the 9th house afflicted by malefics, the lord of the 9th occupying a marakasthana hemmed between functional malefics in the 6th house from the 9th, the lord of the 10th house relegated to the 12th and conjoining with a maraka and the afflicted lord of the lagna, the yoga-karaka and the Rajayoga-karaka  retrograde  in  the  8th  house  aspected  by  the  afflicted  lord of the 9th, the lagna hemmed between the lords of the 12th and

the 2nd involved in mutual exchange of signs, there being no planet occupying the kendras other than the debilitated Sun in the lagna and no benefic planet aspecting the kendras or the trikonas, is the apt prescription for experiencing poverty and bad luck. Vaidyanatha reminds us that the bhava whose lord is relegated to the 8th house or is combust or in its inimical sign or debilitation sign devoid of benefic associations suffers, in this case, the 11th house which is the  house  of  gains  has  become  defective  the  aspect  of  Jupiter






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

notwithstanding. Mantreswara tells us that the planet occupying such  a  defective  bhava  fails  to  confer  its  assigned  good  results.

Planets are greatly influenced by the strength and weakness of the bhava occupied and the bhava-lord. Vaidyanatha clarifies that the mere occupation of a bhava by a planet does not confer strength to that bhava. This native born in a well-to-do educated family is not educated, and has yet to find a steady source of income. Though now married and blessed with a son he is still struggling to establish himself.

The  Sun  situated  in  its  sign  of  debilitation  does  not  favour father. This native was born under the influence of the dasa of the Sun and did not prove lucky for his father. The subsequent dasa of weak and afflicted lord of the 10th house did not permit him to study and build the required foundation for a suitable career. The lord of the 5th afflicted in the 8th house having its dispositor afflicted and relegated to the 12th house does not make a person intelligent and fortunate. The dasa of Mars, a maraka, led him astray to the chagrin of his worried parents, and the dasa of Rahu made him wander in search of earning a regular livelihood and fail in his attempts.

This  native  is  presently  under  the  influence  of  the  dasa  of Jupiter afflicted by Rahu. Here, Jupiter is an intimate friend of the Moon,  though  it  is  situated  in  the  3rd  from  the  lagna  it  is  in  the 4th house from the Moon, and not as a functional benefic; it does not cause an effective yoga with the Moon which is also afflicted.

Jataka Parijata reminds us that the dasas of planets which are not on  friendly  terms  with  the  lord  of  the  lagna  make  one  earn  the hostility of many persons and destroy wealth. Here at, according to Panchadha Maitri, Venus considers Jupiter to be its friend but the latter considers the former to be neutral, and Jupiter in addition to being the papa-graha for Libra lagna also rules the set of three Pratyari nakshatras which are unfavourable nakshatras. But, Jupiter occupied a Sadhaka nakshatra at the time of birth and had gained four  benefic  bindus  in  its  Ashtakavarga,  and  because  it  is  in  a prashtodaya  rasi  this  native  will  find  the  second  half  of  Jupiter’s dasa fruitful despite Jupiter’s association with Rahu and the lord of the badhakasthana occupying the lagna in its sign of debilitation without  the  benefit  of  neechabhanga.  No  planet  occupies  a kendrasthana from the lord of the badhakasthana. Planets that are situated in the badhakasthana or conjoining with the badhaka or in

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


a kendra from the badhakasthana or its lord, give much grief and pain.

In the present case, the lord of the 8th house situated in the

12th house is in conjunction with an inimical malefic, Mars, and with the Moon, its bitter enemy, which situation according to Mahadeva makes one suffer humiliation and disgrace because of being poor.

The  lord  of  the  navamsa  occupied  by  the  lord  of  the  2nd  house conjoining  with  the  lord  of  the  2nd  house  in  the  6th  house  from the navamsa-lagna makes one poor and poverty-stricken. The Sun

situated in a kendra in its sign of debilitation as a papa-graha and a badhaka gives the same results. The lord of the 4th occupying the 8th house from the lagna in an inimical navamsa and an evil nakshatra makes one devoid of happiness throughout life. Jupiter occupying its moolatrikona-rasi is in Aries drekkena ruled by its intimate friend and is also in its friendly exaltation navamsa but it does not aspect the lagna or the lord of the lagna or the 4th house or the karaka of the 4th house. Wealth and happiness are not in the destiny of this native.


Case study - 25

a PuRnima BiRth