Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Sagittarius  lagna  00:59:31;  Rahu  03:58:21  in  Sagittarius;  the Sun 24:15:54, Venus (R) 03:10:18 and Jupiter 29:28:26 in Capricorn; Mercury 12:08:43 in Aquarius; Mars 25:33:26 in Aries; Saturn (R) 04:41:46 and Ketu 03:58:21 in Gemini and the Moon 23:34:43 in


Navamsa Chart:

Aries lagna, Rahu in Taurus, the Sun in Leo, Jupiter in Virgo,

Mars, Saturn and Ketu in Scorpio, Mercury and Venus in Capricorn and the Moon in Aquarius.

This highly educated lady was born in an ordinary middle-class

family. She is married to highly ranked Engineer and is blessed with a daughter. At the time of her birth Sagittarius sign was rising in the lagna with Rahu situated therein fully aspected by retrograde Saturn from the 7th house. The Vargottama lord of the 9th house

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


situated in the 2nd house from the lagna was in the sign ruled by its bitter enemy; it was in  conjunction  with  Venus, a papa-graha for  Sagittarius  lagna,  and  a  bitter  enemy.  The  lord  of  the  lagna also occupied the same sign which is its sign of debilitation. This conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, which makes one learned, rich and have a weak eye-sight, is aspected by the Full Moon from its own sign falling on the 8th house. The Full Moon situated in the 8th house in its own sign does not cause balarishta; it gives long life.

Mercury in yoga-formation with the lords of the 9th and the 11th and occupying a sign ruled by Saturn does not give bad results.

The  Sun  occupying  an  inimical  sign  does  not  give  much

happiness from father and in this case most of its good indications as  the  lord  of  the  9th  house  are  spoiled  by  Venus  and  Jupiter.

Therefore, her father suffered increasing financial and health crisis as he aged. Jupiter occupying an inimical sign makes one worried about  the  future,  and  situated  in  its  debilitation  sign  makes  evil persons speak ill about the native. Mercury occupying an inimical sign  generally  affects  happiness.  In  this  case,  Mercury  occupying the 3rd house from the lagna is in mutual exchange of signs with the lord of the 3rd which is not a good exchange, it makes elder brothers unfortunate and suffer much because the lord of the 3rd devoid of benefic association is afflicted by Ketu occupying its inimical sign.

Her two elder brothers, not well educated, are poorly employed.

Mars  situated  in  its  own  sign  in  the  5th  house  devoid  of  benefic aspect and in its own 8th navamsa, along with Saturn occupying the same navamsa, makes one long for a son. Mars occupying the 5th 

house makes one always worry about happiness.

Jataka Parijata states that the person born on a Purnima tithi

is good natured, wealthy and highly regarded by family members.

Birth on Purnima tithi is a fortunate birth. This fact is confirmed by the powerful Chandradhi yoga which is evident in this nativity, by the Vargottama lord of the 9th house associated with all three yoga-causing uncombust natural benefics and aspecting the Full Moon, and  the  9th  house  is  additionally  strengthened  by  the  full  aspect of retrograde Saturn strong in digbala which also fully aspects the lagna and the 4th house. Ramanuja tells us that if the lords of the 8th and the 9th are in conjunction or aspect each other then fame and power will be conferred during the dasa of the lord of the 8th house.

This lady completed her education and got married during the dasa






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

of  Venus,  turned  yoga-karaka,  occupying  a  favourable  Kshema nakshatra  during  which  period  her  elder  brothers  continued  to suffer  degradation  but  good  fortune  sided  with  this  native.  She is presently under the influence of the favourable lord of the 9th occupying a Sadhaka nakshatra ruled by Mars, the benefic yoga-karaka for Sagittarius lagna by virtue of ruling the 5th house; its 12th house-lordship does not make it a functional malefic. This lady is destined to experience the good effects of the dasas of the Moon, Mars and Rahu which are to follow. Rahu becomes a yoga-karaka by occupying Sagittarius lagna because the lord of the lagna has gained the benefit of neechabhanga, and associated with the powerful lord of the 9th house is in a very favourable fortunate yoga-formation with the Full Moon occupying its own sign in a nalshatra ruled by the lord of the 10th house also actively participating in the same yoga-formation  by  aspecting  the  9th  house  occupying  the  Vesi-lagna.

The lord of the 7th house occupying the 9th house from the 7th 

in mutual exchange of signs joins the lord of the 11th in a navamsa ruled by the lord of the 9th house, and the lords of the 11th and the 2nd from the 7th house occupy their own signs. The 7th house does not receive the aspect of Mars or the Sun which aspects are detrimental to the affairs of this house but both ruling a trikonabhava each  by  occupying  gainful  bhavas  have  provided  the  needful opening for good events to occur for this native; Mars occupying Aries sign in the 5th house cannot occupy a navamsa ruled by Saturn and the Sun occupying Capricorn sign cannot occupy its neecha-navamsa. Therefore, the 7th house signifying the husband of this native is strong and fruitful; it has given her a highly educated and highly  placed  husband.  Saturn  which  is  in  the  7th  house  signifies employment in the service of others. Saturn in the 7th gave her a late marriage, an older and stubborn husband. But, the 7th house falls in Libra navamsa which is unoccupied, and this has given her a handsome and loving husband.

A woman born in Sagittarius lagna and Aries trimsamsa earns

renown for her good qualities and abilities, and has a large family to  attend  to;  and  if  the  Moon  in  Cancer  sign  is  in  occupation  of Capricion  navamsa  she  can  be  instrumental  in  the  death  of  her husband  which  adversity  here  is  checked  by  the  Sun  occupying the  same  trimsamsa  as  the  Moon.  A  woman  born  in  Cancer  or

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


Sagittarius lagna does not possess wealth but enjoys a long married life in the company of her prosperous husband and son.

If the kendrasthanas and the trikonabhavas counted from the

lagna are not occupied by natural benefics but by the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu then in addition to their bhava-lordship it is essential to examine the vargas gained by them because planets

situated in the kendras or the trikonas or the 2nd or the 11th bhava tend  to  give  their  full  good  results  depending  on  the  favourable associations established by them with other karakas. It is for this very reason that the texts have distinctly described the results for the occupation of own sign, own moolatrikona-rasi, exaltation sign, friendly sign, a kendra, a trikona, the 2nd or the 11th or vargottama-navamsa by the nine planets. The simultaneous occupation of own sign, own drekkena and own navamsa confers the Uttam sangya to

a planet. Sarvartha Chintamani tells us that the good effects of the favourable vargas gained are generally destroyed by the concerned planets occupying evil bhavas. In the present case, Mars is situated in the 5th house and Saturn is situated in the 7th house from the lagna. Mars in its own sign does not occupy its own drekkena but occupies  its  own  navamsa  whereas  Saturn  strong  in  directional strength  does  not  occupy  its  own  sign  or  own  drekkena  or  own navamsa. Mars is a yoga-karaka for Sagittarius lagna, and Saturn rules the Dhana-bhava. Cruel planets even if occupying their own vargas do not give yoga or wealth in case they are not aspected by the friendly lord of the lagna.


Case study - 26

a tale of  

diScontented life