Pitfalls In Predicting Future Events by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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Rasi chart

Leo lagna 28:07:06; Mercury (R) 20:24:50, Mars 17:52:13 and

Ketu 09:20:58 in Leo; the Sun 04:10:00 in Virgo; Venus 18:24:24

and Jupiter 12:39:44 in Libra; Rahu 09:20:58 in Aquarius; Saturn (R) 29:00:07 in Aries and the Moon 17:42:17 in Taurus.

Navamsa Chart:

Sagittarius  lagna,  Satrurn  and  Rahu  in  Sagittarius,  Jupiter  in Capricorn, the Sun in Aquarius, Venus in Pisces, the Moon and Ketu in Gemini, Mars in Virgo and Mercury in Libra.

This native was born at the time when the rising-point of the

lagna was in the Sagittarius navamsa sub-division of Leo sign and in Uttara Phalguni, a Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by the Sun, the lord of the lagna. Retrograde Mercury in Libra navamsa ruled by its

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


intimate friend and in Poorva Phalguni, a Mitra navamsa ruled by Venus, Mars in Virgo navamsa ruled by its bitter enemy Mercury

and in Poorva Phalguni nakshatra ruled by friendly Venus and Ketu in inimical Gemini navamsa ruled by Mercury and in Magha, a Vadha nakshatra ruled by itself, were in conjunction in the lagna-kendra; Mercury  and  Mars  were  in  intimate  friend’s  sign  and  Ketu  in  a neutral sign. The Sun situated in the 2nd house was in a friendly sign but in Aquarius navamsa ruled by its bitter enemy, and in its own nakshatra, Uttara Phalguni. Venus in its own sign was in its exalted inimical navamsa and in Swati, a Vipata nakshatra ruled by Rahu; it was in conjunction with Jupiter occupying the sign ruled by its bitter enemy, in its inimical neecha-navamsa and in Swati nakshatra.

Rahu situated in the 7th house in a very friendly sign was in inimical Sagittarius navamsa in its own nakshatra. Saturn occupying a sign ruled by its bitter enemy was in inimical Sagittarius navamsa, and in Kritika, a Param-mitra nakshatra ruled by the Sun. the exalted Moon was in a very friendly navamsa and in its own nakshatra, Rohini. No planet aspects the lagna and the Moon. Births in the 9th navamsa of the rising sign in the lagna are considered auspicious. Mansagari states  that  the  person  will  be  an  all-rounder,  sharp,  adept  and learned who surrounded by many servants will lead a comfortable life. This native was born in the dasa of the Moon, the lord of the 12th house from the lagna; it was in its own Rohini nakshatra. The Moon was in an inimical sign but in a friendly navamsa.

Retrograde Saturn occupying its sign of debilitation in the 9th house from the lagna is the bitter enemy of the lord of the lagna; it gains the benefit of neechabhanga but does not give rise to yoga or Rajayoga for it is aspected by Jupiter, its enemy, and by a neutral Venus. The Sun and Mars are the two functional benefics for Leo lagna which does not have a navamsa ruled by Saturn that rules

the 6th and the 7th bhavas. With the exception of Mercury which is a papa-graha and a maraka for this lagna, the rest eight planets occupy  inimical  navamsas, and  neither  the  lord  of  the  lagna  nor the  lord  of  the  Chandra-lagna  occupy  a  kendra  from  Leo  lagna.

A debilitated planet occupying the 9th house as malefic does not promote the auspicious significances of the 9th house; it does not make a person fortunate. The lord of the 10th situated in its own sign in the 3rd house does not give rise to a permanent yoga or Rajayoga even though the exalted lord of the 12th house occupying the 10th 






  Ravinder Kumar Soni

house keeps a person regularly employed in the service of others but without much gain. There is the exchange of signs between the lords of the lagna and the 2nd house, here Mercury does not cause a strong Dhana yoga to arise because it is the bitter enemy of the lord of the 4th and the 9th with which it is in conjunction in the lagna, which conjunction is afflicted by the presence of Ketu situated in the same sign. The adverse aspect of Mars on the 4th house has

not made this native a happy person; it has not yet given him an own house to live in, and his parents and younger brother have not spent a happy contented life. The aspect of Mars on the 4th house does not promote happiness or give comfort to one’s mother. Mars as the lord of the 4th house is in conjunction with Mercury, a papa-graha for Leo lagna, which situation has also spoiled the auspicious significances of the 9th house and made this native unfortunate and unsuccessful in his career and life, such a person is destined to lead a discontented and frustrating life.

Venus  situated  in  the  3rd  house  in  its  own  Libra  sign,  with the Moon exalted in the 10th house still possessing brightness in the  night-sky,  does  confer  yoga  acting  as  a  benefic;  it  has  given this  native  a  good  wife.  Jupiter  situated  in  the  11th  house  from its  own  5th  house  in  conjunction  with  a  benefic  has  blessed  him with  a  son.  Natural  benefics  situated  in  the  3rd  or  the  8th  house confer a long life but they do not make one prosperous if they are mutually inimical and happen to occupy inimical navamsa, and evil nakshatras. In this case, Venus is the bitter enemy of Jupiter and Jupiter is inimical towards Venus, both occupy inimical navamsas and an evil nakshatra. Their combined aspect on depressed Saturn also occupying an inimical sign and navamsa in the 9th house has not  made this  native fortunate, in  fact good  fortune  has  evaded him. For the same reason this native though intelligent is not highly qualified.  Ordinarily  the  conjunction  of  Jupiter  with  the  lord  of the 3rd in the 3rd house makes one very enterprising and learned.

The exalted Moon situated in the 10th house not aspected by any friendly  planet  does  not  give  a  regular  continuous  progressive employment  in  government  or  private  service.  Ketu  situated  in the lagna-kendra in conjunction with the lord of a trikona has not caused any favourable yoga to arise because of the presence of a papa-graha in the same sign and absence of benefic aspects on the lagna.

Pitfalls in Predicting Future Events 


This native was born under the influence of the dasa of the

Moon which favoured his father with a regular employment and

promotions in service. The dasa of Mars, the badhaka-lord of the 9th house, ran its course when he was very young. Rahu occupying a Vipata nakshatra and afflicted by inimical Mercury and Mars made this native discontinue his studies and seek employment in service of others. He is presently under the influence of the dasa of Jupiter who has not been kind to him for reasons stated above. The dasa of Saturn which will follow next will give mixed results. Saturn, the mutual bitter enemy of the lord of the lagna, in a badhakasthana and  occupying  its  debilitation  sign  is  in  rasi-sandhi,  and  the  lord of the navamsa occupied by it is in its debilitation navamsa. The dasas of the lords of the 6th and the 7th house generally give bad results; they make a person fearful, sick and suffer degradation and disgrace; Saturn simultaneously rules these two bhavas. According to Saravali, papa-grahas occupying the lagna, the 3rd and the 9th give rise to Reka yoga, the person born with this evil yoga is generally uneducated, devoid of wealth, poor, short-tempered and unhappy.


Case study - 27

hoRoScoPe of RaShtRiYa 

SwaYamSevaK Sangh