Planets and their Yoga Formations by Ravinder Kumar Soni - HTML preview

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6 about: CanCeR (KaRaKa) lagna

“All existences in this world - the five great elements, all the beings that are born from the egg or embryo or owe their existence to preparation or germination from the earth, all horses and cattle and men, and finally everything that breathes or moves or is stationary - all these are known by intellect and are based in intellect.”

- Aitariya Upanishad III.3

As the fourth sign of the Zodiac, Cancer covers the last quarter of Punarvasu nakshatra ruled by Jupiter, the entire Pushya nakshatra ruled by Saturn, and the entire Aslesha nakshatra ruled by Mercury. Cancer is a moveable, watery, even, feminine, benefic sign of medium ascension rising with the hind-part first. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are the malefic planets for Cancer lagna; Mars and Jupiter are the two benefics, Mercury and also Venus assume the role of the marakas. Mars is the Rajayogakaraka for this lagna wherein situated it finds its debilitation and Jupiter its exaltation. The last navamsa of this sign is known as the Rikshasandhi. Those persons who are born with Cancer sign rising in the lagna at the time of birth enjoy many comforts in life, they are dutiful and disciplined, popular, fond of sweet-tasting food and also of good company, handsome, possess an aristocratic personality, are the one who dispense favours to all, very intelligent, blessed with good fortune, religious, sometimes evil-minded, knowers of secrets and


who prefer watery places.

The Janam-lagna and its lord influenced by benefic planets makes one fortunate and prosper. Chamara yoga arises if the lagna is occupied by benefic planets or is aspected by benefic planets and the lord of the lagna not being eclipsed or combust occupies its own or a friendly sign in a benefic bhava. It is a very favourable yoga which can make a person progress like the half-bright progressive Moon, possess attractive features and excellent qualities, wealthy, long-lived and a leader who is renowned. Everything depends upon the lagna and its lord and on their acquired status, and on the influence exerted by all other planets on these two determines the course of fate. An avayoga is certainly caused if the lagna and/ or its lord are weak and also afflicted by malefic planets, or if the lagna-lord occupies an evil bhava devoid of benefic association, in which event the person will not be of good appearance, have a weak physical constitution, be prone to ailments, possess an evil mind and temperament, be poor, unpopular etc. The lord of the lagna gives the results of the bhava it occupies in consonance with the results of its own dispositor; if the bhava occupied by the lagna-lord is strong and the lord of the bhava is also strong the benefic results of that bhava will be derived to the fullest extent. In fact the lagnalord by occupation or aspect initiates the release of the free-flow of the particular goodness as is represented by the bhava it occupies and aspects.

The results of the various yogas and avayogas are better ascertained if they are also viewed with reference to the Chandralagna. Equal importance has been attached to the rasi and the bhava occupied by the Moon. Kalidasa tells us that all benefic planets cast their sight towards the East when the Moon is in the bright-half, and the malefic planets do so when the Moon is in the dark-half. This particular statement emphasises the fact that benefic planets are strong when the Moon is vested with pakshabala, and malefic planets are strong when the Moon is weak in pakshabala. This also means that benefics even though strong Shadbala-wise are no longer that very effective in aspect when the Moon is not gaining its brightness and is moving towards the Sun. These are note-worthy observations.

Our ancient seers repeatedly remind us that in case the lagna, the lord of the lagna and the Moon are not aspected by benefics the presence of good yogas and Raja yogas are of no avail; the benefics casting their aspect must be strong and effective. In the case of Cancer lagna the lagna has been entrusted with a dual role and a dual responsibility, and for this lagna it is more essential that the Moon occupies benefic signs and benefic bhavas, that it is conjoined with and aspected by benefics, that it possesses adequate pakshabala along with all other kinds of required strength and is beneficially placed with reference to the lagna of which it happens to be the lord.

The Moon is said to produce very good results when it is in occupation of Cancer, Taurus or Aries sign, in the rest signs it gives ordinary or bad results; Cancer happens to be its own sign, Taurus is its exaltation sign and Aries is its friendly sign that does not have a navamsa owned by Saturn for which sign rising in the lagna it owns the 4th bhava of which it is the karaka. In respect of all other signs rising in the lagna the Moon gives results primarily depending upon the bhava it owns and upon the relationship it establishes with the lord of the lagna. The bright-half Moon situated in the lagnakendra makes one fearless, physically strong, prosperous and longlived; results to the contrary will ensue if it is the dark-half Moon occupying the lagna. It is also the case that the Moon even if strong in pakshabala cannot confer good and favourable results if the lord of the lagna happens to be weak or occupies a trikabhava. Therefore, whosoever has at the time of birth the lord of the lagna and the lord of the Chandra-lagna residing in strength in the kendras from the lagna then he or she born in the humblest of circumstances will certainly enjoy all good things in life and also rise in status provided at least one natural benefic tenants any one of the adjoining signs to the sign occupied by the Moon.

A strong Moon occupying a kendra from the lagna generally gives Government service but the Moon situated in Cancer lagna forms the basis for several Raja yogas mainly because the Moon is a mutual friend of Mars who owns the all-important 10th house i.e. the Rajyabhava, and the auspicious 5th house for this lagna. As the lord of the 10th house Mars confers auspicious results but Mars also simultaneously owning a trikona bhava becomes all the more auspicious in its effect. Then it becomes a superior yogakaraka and the Rajayogakaraka. Therefore, for Cancer lagna if the Moon is in the lagna aspected by Mars from the 10th or from the 7th house then there arises an excellent Raja yoga. Mars aspecting from the 7th house will be in its sign of exaltation but there will be no Raja yoga if Mars aspects the Moon situated in Cancer lagna from the 6th house. Kalidasa reminds us that if the aspecting planet is itself exalted the result of the yoga formed by the aspected planet will be superior to that when the aspecting planet is in its own sign.

This is the reason why Ramanuja has attached more importance to the exaltation of Mars in the 10th house from Aries lagna than to Mars occupying the 10th house as the lord of the 10th house for Cancer lagna or for Aquarius lagna. No doubt Mars situated in the 10th house from lagna gives executive power and authority and gives absolute ruling powers by occupying the 10th as the lord of the 10th provided it is also aspecting the lord of the lagna occupying the lagna, but a long lasting Raja yoga certainly arises if the exalted Mars is aspected by the friendly lord of the lagna occupying its own sign.

With regard to the aspect of Mars on the Moon, Chandrakala Nadi tells us that the person will be virtuous, bear a good conduct and attain a position of authority and power. Jatakabharana tells us that if the Moon in Cancer is aspected by Mars then the person will be clever and skillful, though brave will be physically weak and inimical towards own mother. Mars situated in the 10th house from the Moon makes one very rich and courted by other wealthy people. Saravali tells us that the person will covet wealth and reside abroad. The results of aspects also depend upon the navamsas occupied by the aspecting and the aspected planets. Therefore, we are told by Varahamihira that the person will be fond of killing if the Moon aspected by Mars is in a navamsa owned by Mars, he will be a thief if the Moon is in a navamsa owned by Mercury, a protégé of a king if the navamsa is owned by the Sun, miserly or poor when in own navamsa, and clever in arranging armies if in a navamsa owned by Jupiter. If the Moon in Cancer sign and lagna is not aspected by Mars and particularly if Mars is also in the 8th house in its inimical sign then there will be no Raja yoga and the person may even be a criminal. The Moon conjoining with the exalted lord of the 9th house in Cancer lagna simply lays the foundation for the formation of a powerful Raja yoga. Any association of the Moon and Mars confers wealth but if these two happen to conjoin in Aries sign in the 10th house then they will give rise to a powerful Raja yoga provided they also occupy favourable navamsas and vargas.

Again said that the 5th house from the lagna is not the proper place for Mars to occupy, generally one does not derive happiness from issues, will not be fortunate and intelligent, will be evil and cruel. Mars, basically a cruel malefic, usually confers good results when it is in occupation of the 6th, 10th, or the 11th house. Cruel and fiery planets situated in the trikonas do not confer all-round favourable results. But in the case of Cancer lagna Mars situated in the 5th house will be in Scorpio sign which is a feminine sign. The lord of the 5th bhava occupying its own bhava makes one very intelligent, respected, blessed with good sons and famous. Since Mars does not own benefic signs, therefore, if it is in the 5th house it should receive the aspect of Jupiter so as to have its good indications protected, a strong malefic planet situated in the 5th house not aspected by a benefic planet does not bless a person with a son; if Mars is in the 6th house then the sons born will not survive but if it is aspected by Jupiter only the first-born son will not survive. It is also seen that if the lord of the 5th house is strong and occupies a male navamsa then one becomes blessed with good sons. If the 5th house is either occupied or aspected by a benefic and the lord of the 5th occupying its own sign or exaltation sign is in an auspicious bhava then the person enjoys the favourable results of Chhatra yoga. A strong lord of the 5th house occupying a kendra or a trikona gives good education and makes a person very learned.

Any association of the lord of the lagna with the lords of the kendras or the trikonas in a kendra or a trikona from the lagna gives rise to a yoga or even a Raja yoga. Thus, if the lords of the 5th and the 9th occupy the kendras other than the 7th and are conjoined with the lord of the lagna then it is said that a king of kings is born. This yoga obtaining for Cancer lagna can have the Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjoining in the 10th house to be more effective but avoiding the aspect of Saturn. Otherwise the conjunction of these three planets does not produce any exceptional results. The lord of a trikona bhava conjoining with the lords of the 4th, the 10th and the lagna gives rise to a Raja yoga but in the case of Cancer lagna there will be the direct involvement of Venus, whose association as the lord of the 11th with the lord of the 10th generally causes yogabhanga and also Rajayogabhanga.

Mars occupying the 5th house in Scorpio sign and aspected by the Moon from the 11th does not confer any special yoga. In fact the Moon situated in Taurus sign and aspected by Mars can make one experience the pangs of poverty even though the Moon occupying the 11th house from the lagna usually makes one fortunate. The reason is that an exalted planet in paraspara drishtisambandha with the lord of its own sign of debilitation cannot confer good results in respect of the bhava the exalted planet occupies, owns and aspects. Also, on this score alone, the yoga results owing to the lord of the 10th house occupying its own sign in a trikonabhava aspected by the exalted lord of the lagna is unlikely to be felt. The conjunction of Mars and the Moon occurring in the 5th house for Cancer lagna will also not confer any noteworthy yoga results because of the lagnalord occupying its sign of debilitation.

Rahu and Ketu are basically malefics in character and generally confer bad results. These Chayagrahas by themselves are incapable of giving any good results even though it is held that Rahu gives rise to Raja yoga in its own dasa or antra-dasa if it is in the 4th, the 5th, the 10th or the 11th house from the lagna. These Chayagrahas generally spoil yoga results. Rahu causes eclipses and therefore, Rahu does not go well with either the Sun or the Moon, yet it is said that the conjunction of Rahu, Mars and the Moon occuring in the 5th house from the lagna gives rise to a Raja yoga which is possible only if the Moon and Mars do not own a trikabhava and are the yogakarakas. But then, Kalidasa tells us that Rahu situated in a fixed or in a moveable sign in conjunction with a planet who simultaneously owns a kendra and a trikona and occupying a benefic bhava makes one very fortunate during the course of its own dasa on which score if Rahu, Mars and the Moon were to conjoin in the 5th house from Cancer lagna they should give good results because in that event Rahu, while cancelling the deficiencies and weaknesses of the lord of the lagna occupying its sign of debilitation and by gaining from its association with Mars that situated in its own sign in a trikona simultaneously owns a kendra and a trikona, will act as a yogakaraka.

In occupation of its friendly sign Mars makes one rich, own a good residence and be very popular amongst friends, situated in a sign owned by Jupiter it confers success and much happiness, wield authority, be affluent and happy, though not dutiful, generous and also famous for good qualities. Pisces sign forms the 9th house for Cancer lagna. Mars situated in Pisces sign owned by Jupiter makes one suffer from various ailments, have few or short-lived sons, a residence abroad, discarded by own people, corrupt, unfaithful and disrespectful; in other words, Mars situated in Pisces spoils most of the the good indications for which Jupiter is known. And also, Mars in occupation of the 9th house from the lagna confers mixed results, the person even though favoured or honoured by his superiors or those in power will not be clever or adept in his work, not liked by others, rebellious, unscrupulous and evil, will derive no benefit from father but will derive pleasure by causing pain to others. The lord of the 5th situated in the 9th house does make one learned and religious, and the lord of the 10th situated in the 9th gives competence, good conduct and cordial relations with every one, the person may be a spiritual stalwart. These good results are experienced only if the planet occupying the 9th house is a natural benefic which Mars is not. In Pisces sign that does not contain Aries navamsa Mars will be in the 12th from its moolatrikona rasi and if in vargottama, will be in Rikshasandhi. Therefore, placed alone in the 9th house in Pisces Mars does not cause any exceptional yoga unless it happens to be associated with Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter combining in the 9th house from Cancer lagna make one fortunate, prosperous, much respected and enjoy Raja yoga.

Parasara tells us that if the lord of the 10th house is combined with a benefic or is hemmed between benefics or occupies benefic vargas then it will confer fame and a place of pride. Any association formed by the lord of the 9th house with the lagna and the 10th house and their lords involving these bhavas produces auspicious results. Therefore, the Moon and Mars combining in Cancer lagna aspected by Jupiter from the 9th, or the Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjoining in the 9th or the 10th, or if the Moon is in Virgo in the 3rd house and Mars is in Leo with both aspecting Jupiter in Pisces can give rise to yoga and Raja yoga. Since a natural malefic occupying its debilitation sign in the lagna or in the 10th house can cause yogabhanga or Rajayogabhanga, Mars occupying Cancer lagna does not cause yoga unless it has attained neechabhanga and is not aspected by either Mercury or Venus. The lord of the lagna situated in the 3rd house influences the 9th house and in the case of Cancer lagna the Moon situated in Virgo sign promotes the significations of both these bhavas quite effectively, confers yoga and placed in paraspara drishtisambandha with Jupiter, the lord of the 9th in the 9th, it makes one very fortunate and draws out all inhering good qualities.

The lord of the 10th house occupying the lagna-kendra makes one self-reliant, and be successful because of sustained perseverance and independent actions. The lord of the lagna conjoining with the lord of the 10th in the lagna invariably gives recognition and fame, and the exchange of signs between these two lords or their conjunction in the 10th house gives Raja yoga. But, in the case of Cancer lagna no yoga will arise if the lord of the 10th is in the lagna and the lord of the lagna is in the 9th house unless Mars, Saturn and Mercury are vested with requisite strength and a Full Moon is in occupation of the 9th house.

The lord of the lagna occupying a friendly sign in the 2nd house from the lagna gives many gains, a good character and a generous heart. But, the lord of the 10th house situated in the 2nd house afflicts a person with greed. As it is, Mars situated in Leo while giving rise to yoga makes a person foeless. The lord of the 2nd house situated in the 10th house confers yoga and also Raja yoga, in the case of Cancer lagna it will be the exalted Sun occupying a friendly sign in the 10th house. Of course, the Sun is not a maraka for Cancer lagna but it is also not a functional benefic; its aspect on Mars occupying the said lagna gives mixed results. The Sun situated in Capricorn, an inimical sign, aspecting Mars situated in Cancer sign makes one brave and daring and a commander of an army but causes loss of wealth through strifes with foes that will be a constant source of worry; the aspect of a debilitated Mars on the Sun in Capricorn brings ill-fame and also humiliation. Even though Saturn owns the 8th house and is not a functional benefic its aspect on Mars occupying Cancer lagna does not seem to produce bad results, if Saturn is in the 7th in Capricorn then there will be the benefit of neechabhanga for Mars, Saturn can cause yoga when it is in its own sign equipped with maximum digbala in which situation the debilitated Mars should additionally be aspected by Jupiter from a trikonabhava so as to protect all of its good indications. A planet occupying its sign of debilitation in the 10th house does not produce favourable results it affects karmas. No doubt for Cancer lagna Saturn can give good results when occupying an upachyasthana or even the 8th but in the 10th house it cannot be expected to confer good results in respect of the 10th house affairs even though Janardhan Harji tells us that Saturn situated in its debilitation sign gives a strong physique, an impressive personality, success and victory, many honours and a position of authority. If Saturn is situated in the 10th house in Aries and Mars is exalted in the 7th house then Saturn in particular should be aspected by Jupiter and the Moon should also remain strong, if not, there will be ucchabhanga for Mars and there will be no yoga or Raja yoga. If the 10th house is occupied by a malefic planet or a malefic planet casts its aspect on the lord of the 10th house then one fails to reap the rewards of one’s own efforts and faces humiliation. A yogakaraka aspected by a planet in debilitation or by a papagraha causes cancellation of Raja yogas and all lords of trikabhavas are capable of causing yogabhanga when they are in association with the lords of the kendras or the trikonas. In the case of Cancer lagna there will indeed be a break in yoga if the lagna-lord is not stronger than the lord of the 8th house. Parasara states that the lords of the trikabhavas spoil or destroy the significances of the bhavas whatever sign they may happen to occupy even if they are combust. Mutual rasiparivartanas between the lords of the kendras or the trikonas and the trika-lords are generally productive of evil results.

In case the trika-lords mutually exchange signs then they become Rajayogakarakas and confer Raja yoga provided they are in no way influenced by the other bhava-lords. Therefore, if for Cancer lagna Jupiter and Saturn mutually exchange their signs as the lords of the 6th and the 8th and no other planet joins or aspects them then the Viparita Raja yoga that will arise will also be a combination of the very favourable Harsha yoga and Sarala yoga. Of course, there is also the observation that whenever trika-lords mutually exchange their signs they give rise to the very unfavourable Dainya yoga when both planets involved in that exchange become Dinakarakas. The lord of the 8th house occupying the 12th house from Cancer lagna does give rise to Sarala yoga but also gives rise to Bandhana yoga, the person is likely to be imprisoned. When Cancer or Sagittarius or Capricorn sign is rising in the lagna and if evil planets occupy the 2nd, the 5th, the 12th or the 9th then the person runs the risk of being kept confined in a fortress without being bound. Bandhana yoga results are experienced even when other yogas and Raja yogas are in operation and are not solely responsible for yogabhanga. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn does not produce any yoga for Cancer lagna. Generally, these two natural malefics when in conjunction or in mutual aspect tend to give more and more of their evil results, they force a person to commit evil deeds and also make one experience a great deal of suffering. Mars and Saturn combining in Aries in the 10th house do not give rise to any yoga of note because thus situated both tend to afflict each other. If the lagna is vested with strength and the lagna-lord is stronger than Saturn, then both becoming co-workers give rise to yoga and Raja yoga. Thus, if Jupiter and the Moon conjoin in Cancer lagna, Saturn is in Libra and Mars along with the Sun occupies the 10th house, all five named planets become mutual karakas and yogakarakas. An exalted Sun aspecting Saturn situated in Libra compels the person to engage in the pursuit of higher knowledge and thus seek peace within and without. Then the exalted but retrograde Saturn in the invisible half cannot be stronger than the Moon and Mars. The 12th house from the lagna, a trikasthana, is not as evil as are the 6th and 8th. Natural malefics situated in the 12th house have not been assigned good results simply because they tend to spoil the bhavas adjacent to the bhava they occupy; herein they afflict the lagna and the Labhasthana. Saturn situated in the 12th house from Cancer lagna will be in a friendly sign but still it will produce bad results and make the native shameless, poor, of low intelligence who will be discarded or ignored even by his own enemies. Mars in the 12th from Cancer lagna will be in an inimical sign, it will give poverty. The 12th house from Cancer lagna is owned by Mercury who is a papagraha for this lagna. From the 12th house and occupying Gemini sign Saturn cannot aspect any one of its own signs and therefore it does not become a yogakaraka as it does when it is in the 12th from Leo lagna in the case of which lagna it is also able to favourably occupy its own 6th house so as to cause Harsha yoga. Cruel planets occupying the 12th house from the lagna become instrumental in the destruction of wealth, prosperity, comforts, health, peace etc; and activate the 6th house indications by their 7th house aspect. The 7th house aspect of Saturn may not be as strong as its other two special aspects but the fact remains that the aspect of any planet on its own sign and bhava seldom proves ineffective. The aspect of Saturn on the Moon occupying its own sign does not normally produce good results, the person devoid of truth harbours ill-will towards mother, is fickle-minded, who wanders or strays, engages in evil deeds and is devoid of wealth. Since Saturn occupying its exaltation sign confers position, power, renown, and a generous attitude, its aspect from Libra sign on the Moon in Cancer cannot be bad in effect. As a rule, an exalted planet promotes the indications of the bhava it aspects except the 6th house. Moreover, an exalted lord of a trikasthana occupying a kendra or a trikona from the lagna does not cause a Durayoga; an exalted planet aspecting the lagna or the Moon certainly confers yoga. Therefore, in the case of Cancer lagna the Moon in lagna and Saturn in the 4th give rise to a Raja yoga but the person will be cruel, untruthful and behave as a dictator if Saturn is not aspected by Jupiter or is not joined by Venus. Whereas the exalted lord of the 7th house from Cancer lagna in mutual association with a yogakaraka makes one fortunate, educated and lead a happy married life blessed with all comforts, the exalted lord of the 8th house similarly placed does not destroy domestic peace or create financial strains or crisis and set-back in one’s career. Parasara tells us that malefic planets owning the kendras give good results and that the lords of the kendras and the trikonas even if tainted by defect become yogakarakas by establishing mutual sambandhas. Therefore, if not occupying an evil navamsa in the lagna and otherwise remaining unafflicted the Moon by virtue of being the lagna-lord and not owning any other sign becomes a yogakaraka. Saturn causing the Sasa yoga by occupying its exaltation sign in the 4th house from Cancer lagna and also from the Moon by being in the 10th from its own sign and in the 9th from its own moolatrikona rasi tends to produce more of its good results.

The lord of the lagna occupying the lagna makes one born in most ordinary circumstances to rise very high in life reaping the best results of yogas and Raja yogas present and operating. The Moon aspected by Jupiter and by no other planet becomes an unsullied benefic yogakaraka. Even Mars, Saturn and Venus behave well when they are conjoined with or aspected by Jupiter. Of course, Jupiter on its own part should preferably own atleast one favourable bhava and also occupy more and more favourable vargas. Therefore, if Mars and Venus are in the 3rd house from the Moon, and Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th from the Moon then a person enjoys the good results of Indra yoga and becomes a famous, wealthy and mighty ruler. This yoga can obtain very favourably for Cancer lagna with the Moon occupying the lagna.

Natural malefics owning a trikonabhava even if they also happen to own a trikasthana tend to produce good results; their malefic tendencies remain under check. Natural benefics owning a trikonabhava confer more of their good results though they become tainted if they also own a trikabhava. Jupiter, the best of natural benefics, owns the 9th house for Cancer lagna it is not treated as an absolute benefic because its moolatrikona rasi forms the 6th house from this lagna. The general opinion is that Jupiter and Mars conjoining in the 10th house from the lagna irrespective of the sign they occupy give rise to a Raja yoga. This is not the case with Cancer sign rising in the lagna for which lagna Jupiter does not produce a special yoga, if Jupiter and Mars are in conjunction or aspect each other the dasa of Mars will be fortunate but the dasa of Jupiter will prove ordinary. Since Kalidasa insists that not only the lords of the 9th and the 10th from the lagna are the Rajayogakarakas but also those counted from the 9th and the 10th bhavas, Jupiter becomes a yogakaraka if it is exalted or occupies the lagna, the 10th, the 2nd, the 11th or the 9th house. For Cancer lagna Jupiter on this count qualifies as the Rajayogakaraka because it owns the 9th house from the 10th and is the lord of the 10th from the 9th. Ramunaja tells us that if the lord of the 6th house is favourably situated in a kendra or a trikona from the lagna it gives power and much fame. The mere presence of Jupiter in Cancer lagna makes one a learned ruler and if Jupiter is exalted in the lagna, the Sun occupies Aries, and the Moon conjoins with Mercury and Venus is in the 11th house then the person gains a kingdom through own efforts. In this particular yoga Mars does not find a mention but then the signs and bhavas owned by Mars become fairly activated and therefore, it is to be assumed that Mars is neither afflicted by Saturn nor does it occupy a trikasthana. In the aforesaid situation a friendly lord of the Dhanabhava will be in its exaltation sign in the 10th bhava in the moolatrikona rasi of Mars and the exalted lagna-lord conjoining with its own dispositor will be aspecting the 5th house owned by Mars. The exalted lord of the lagna gaining in brightness and in the company of Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house from a powerful Sun certainly makes one wealthy, famous, long lived and a ruler of men. The strong unafflicted lord of the 6th situated in the lagnakendra confers prowess, strength, conquest and subjugation of one’s enemies. Because the exalted lord of the 9th will be simultaneously aspecting the 5th and the 9th bhavas, the evil results owing to the lord of the 3rd and the 12th i.e. Mercury, occupying the 11th house in the company of the lagna-lord will not come to pass and set-backs and reverses of the irreparable kind will not be witnessed. Jataka Tattwam states that a person born with Jupiter and the Sun in Aries, Mars in the 10th house, and the Moon, Mercury and Venus conjoining in the 9th house from the lagna will be an Emperor. With this yoga obtaining for Cancer lagna, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter will be in Aries in the 10th house, and the lord of the lagna occupying a friendly and a benefic sign in the 9th house will be in the company of an exalted Venus and also Mercury with the latter having gained the advantage of neechabhanga. The lagna will be aspected by a powerful Mars, the Rajayogakaraka for Cancer lagna. A planet in its sign of exaltation in the 9th house, if not combust or in occupation of an inimical navamsa, becomes an exceptional Bhagyakaraka and yogakaraka even if it happens to own evil bhavas. Hereat Venus will be causing the very auspicious Suparijata yoga and the equally favourable Ambu